I'm dating myself here but did any you guys try the "old school" method, Murphy's Saddle Soap cleaner/conditioner and a can of Mink Oil?
These products have been around for 50 plus years and are specifically designed for all types of leather. The bonus is they can be had at any KMart, Walmart, even some grocery stores for very little money. Less than $10 depending on your area.
The saddle soap is pH balanced and very gentle to use. The Mink Oil is designed to replace the natural oils in your leather it is a bit of work to rub it in evenly but the results are fantastic, low sheen, non slippery, and makes the leather soft and supple.
I've been using this combo for a moons age on everything from furniture to coats to shoes cars...etc you get the idea. For what its worth give it a shot you'll be amazed. I'm not a pro detailer just old and set in my ways of doing things.