This afternoon I had the opportunity to take my car over to a friend of a friends house for their 9 yr old son to see. He's a big Viper fan and this is the 1st one he'd seen up close. He suffers from brittle bone disease, so he has to use a walker and is only about the size of a 5 year old. When he 1st came out he walked around the car a couple times and talked a lot about the Viper in his videogame Seeing him smile made my day as much as it made his. He jumped right in and started blowing the horn constantly. He was definitely having a good time. I showed him how the window slid open and closed. He got shy when his mom came out with their camera. He would sink down in the driver seat and close the window so she couldn't get a photo. I smiled and said "I know how to take care of this". I walked over, opened the door and popped the window out. The look on his face was priceless when he saw the window just dropped in and out He finally opened up and let his mom take some photos and then he videotaped it so he can prove to all his friends at school that it really happened. He didn't want to go for a ride (we think he felt self conscious about needing a carseat due to his medical condition) but I told him and his mom that I'd come back anytime if he changed his mind. I gave him a couple Viper model cars before I left and I think that made him smile as big as seeing the actual Viper did. Out of racetracks, ******* or just cruising, I still think the most fun you can have with a Viper is showing it off to kids and letting them enjoy it