What\'s up with the tire war?
O.K. I have always believed there is a reason for everything. How does a set of Michelin tires that is only made for the Viper on a limited production instantly start selling for 1/2 price? No flame intended, not my style. Seriously, First JonB, then Partsrack, now a Dodge dealer. Sounds like Michelin is on the verge of coming out with a much better tire. Just speculation. Hey, I bought one myself for delivery tomorrow from Partsrack. One guy here posted the tire he just bought was 2 years old. I am no tire guy but is that O.K. I probably bought one that old myself. Please do NOT start a flame. Let's have a little respect.
O.K. I have always believed there is a reason for everything. How does a set of Michelin tires that is only made for the Viper on a limited production instantly start selling for 1/2 price? No flame intended, not my style. Seriously, First JonB, then Partsrack, now a Dodge dealer. Sounds like Michelin is on the verge of coming out with a much better tire. Just speculation. Hey, I bought one myself for delivery tomorrow from Partsrack. One guy here posted the tire he just bought was 2 years old. I am no tire guy but is that O.K. I probably bought one that old myself. Please do NOT start a flame. Let's have a little respect.