Phew we made it to our first overnight stop on the way back... sorry that I have not been posting as many updates as I did during the trip, was just too busy having fun but will make up for it I promise

Got some very beautiful pictures and video coming!
The hills coming out of SLC were quite steep and not as easy to get over as they were driving into Salt Lake.. had a pretty uneventful journey so far except the tools lid on the trailer that decided to fly open, and one nerve racking moment as we watched the DTE number go down without a gas station in sight.
Finally a sign did turn up and we were down to about 10 miles

Turn left after exiting the highway and that turned into 7.. rapidly went down to 5.. 4.. 2.. 1.. thank the Lord there is the gas station!!.. right turn.. yes ladies and gentlemen as we turned left and were about to get on the station's driveway we turned an absolute ZERO

Guess what went into the tank considering it takes 22 gallons according to the owner's manual.. 22.7!
Got to reload the battery in my camera because I emptied both that and the video camera during VOI, pictorial update will follow either tomorrow or when we arrive back home in Connecticut.
Hey Adrian are you guys giving us a Welcome Back party??