FFVIPER -- going 145 is night and day compared to going 180 or faster. At 145, the car is solid and feel fantastic. FOr an adrenaline kick, you should punch that baby up to 170 MPH -- fun fun fun! At about 175, at least in my car, I got hood vibration which made me nervous. Once I passed 180 MPH, the car was accelerating very hard (still throwing me back in my seat) and I let off due to the hood shaking. I have a gap on one side of the front hood that I need to fix before doing that again -- the gap is large enough for me to nearly stick my pinky in it, so no doubt that was creating drag on that side.
At 200+ MPH, logic starts scaring me -- I start thinking of all the things that could go wrong and kill me, like a tire blow out, or my front splitter or rear wing breaking, or one of a dozen other things.
Curious, Paolo, when you did over 200 MPH, were your windows all the way up? Any issues with the pressure wanting to blow out any windows?
Manny, I did the video with the windows open. That's why the camera started to vibrate @ 175 ish.
Depending on how well your doors/windows seal, you could have the windows push out at 165-185. It all depends upon the car and the weather.
From What I hear, Jerry is no longer at autoform.
Don't bother to ask how fast their kit is rated, if they are smart they will not tell you.
Hey, the worst thing that could happen is the [******] will fly off the car. I would not worry about it.
How about the worse thing is maybe the front splitter comes off the car and I run over it at 200 MPH -- could put a little hurt into my life, ya think?