Who has the fastest SUpercharged VIper?


Jan 14, 2003
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Auckland, New Zealand
I may, if time permits, attempt to "tweak" roofs shock settings and make a pass in his Viper next weekend. His car has 9 second potential. You two fellas would make for a great race!


With almost 900rwtq - there's little doubt Davids car will run 9's - it's just a matter of time. It'd be great to see that this weekend!

There are several cars from the top tuners that can and will run 9's. I think however that it would be fair to all that any "record" claims were backed up with tech inspections - that puts and end to any arguments that the record is fair and square.


Dec 19, 2001
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Dalton Ga. (Chatt. Tn.)
. Hybrid S/C with nitrous is not going to impress anybody. I could have done that a long time ago and so could Dr. Roof and a bunch of others.

See, I knew you would whine about s/c and nitrous. I just thought you would wait until it actually happened :laugh: I am not crying about your intercooler and boost level. I also disagree with your statement:

"I could have done that a long time ago and so could Dr. Roof and a bunch of others."

It has been tryed, hasn't worked. If someone can't hookup the current gajillion hp then will a nitrous shot help ?

As far as "making it personal" ....I have nothing against you but if anybody comes on here acting like a 13 year old....then yes I will take a few shots at them......so don't feel to special :) cause I still luv ya !!


Oct 15, 2001
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Gary A ....Let me make this abundantly clear. You have never raced at a National Event. You video is a nice video ..... But it meaningless .....NO ONE doesn't know that you are not supplementing your supercharger with a Shot of NITROUS ....so your 10.20 run means NOTHING . You do not make runs were anyone can look for hidden power adders .

So if you are incapable of driving your own car fast, bring your designated driver to a National Event and lets see a 10.20 or faster pass that can be verified as to its authenticity.

As far your car being faster than my mine you have no documentation that it is faster or than that unverified video . The only S/C viper faster than mine documented is DR.Roof at V-10 Nationals. By the way my 10.3 was accomplished with NO INTER COOLER and no designated driver..... I AM CAPABLE OF DRIVING MY CAR FAST . I also had SW set to make a pass at V- 10 National..... he easily could have taken a .2 to .3 off the ET and turned my pass into a 10.1 or 10.0 sec pass.

Cudaman :usa:

FE 065

Nov 3, 2001
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Last week it was the 'hydraulic cams only - no roller cams allowed'(?) challenge, now it's bantering over power adders, what's in the trunk, tech inspections, etc etc..
What ever happened to just who's quickest/fastest without all the whining?
I'd think that once this level of mods is reached it's anything goes, 488ci or bigger, V10, heads up racing. You've either got it or you don't.
Blowers, turbos, nitrous, bolt it on and BRING IT.

...Sounds more like a N/SA rules meeting.

Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
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N. Andover, MA
Jamie Furman (with a Heffner car) was running in the 10's a long time (like 4+ years) ago. I dunno how that compares to Doug's timeline.

One thing I have to say, Cudaman, you remind me of 1BadGTS. Were *all* the cars at the various events tech'ed and thoroughly searched for NOS? I've seen some NOS installations that 99.9% of people would NEVER be able to find... so just because it was a "national event" doesn't make the time more or less legitimate. You kinda sound like you've got a case of sour grapes when you say there is no "proof" that Gary's car runs faster than yours because it wasn't at a national event.

Facts are facts... the only qualifications required to be a tech inspector is to work at an NHRA track and follow the NHRA (or IHRA) rules. If Gary was at an NHRA or IHRA track, his time is perfectly valid. If you want to create a viper drag tech standard you feel is legitimate, create it, get people to be tested and certified by it, and then people will respect it. But this BS of "well it wasn't at a national event" is silly. If Gary was going to run NOS, and was willing to hire a driver, why not just pull the belt off the SC, toss a lot of nitrous in and run a 9 and then claim it was on SC? Why would he lie and say 10.20??

Lame, lame, lame.


Feb 5, 2001
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If Gary was going to run NOS, and was willing to hire a driver, why not just pull the belt off the SC, toss a lot of nitrous in and run a 9 and then claim it was on SC? Why would he lie and say 10.20??
because he's a crybaby and thinks he owns the first and only viper that ran a 10 and makes more power than any tuner ever. Gary needs to get a life and a put credit where credit is due, ELSE WHERE. There are other tuners that have been there and done that Mr. teary eyes :crazy:

Kudos to the cudaman!


Oct 15, 2001
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Mike Burnton.... it is simple to have a video showing a car your car or my car running a fast time. I live 5 miles from Bradenton drag strip I can post a video with my car running a 10.1 or a 9.98.

But I traveled over 1600 miles round trip to V-10 Nationals and 2400 miles round trip to Norwalk ,ran my times in front of 60 Viper owners leaving hood for anyone to see or inspect my car at both events. My car has made low 10 sec passes 30-40 times.

My point is I could travel to my local dragstrip and put on Nitrous and make a tape and claim to be the fastest supercharged Viper with no inspections..... I really thought you and the Viper community would be smarter than that!

Clear the air..... go to a National Viper event, have inspections, run your competition under RACE conditions.

A video to verify ...come on get real!

Cudaman :usa:


Oct 2, 2000
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Near Tampa Bay
I don't have timeslips but I know that Doug has been supercharging vipers for about 6 or 7 years and he's been putting GenI's with S/C's only in the 10's no problem. I don't understand where the "Mine was the first S/C car in the 10's statement" came from.. :confused:

oh well,



Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Near Tampa Bay
I think its funny that the SC boys are getting their ******* in a *** over 10.20's when Gen I's were running 9's over 6 years ago. :smirk:

Sorry, I'd like to respond to this but the laughing gas has got you all messed up at the moment.. Have another hit and pass that bottle....




Mar 24, 2001
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Valparaiso, IN.
My car will be the 2nd SC'd Viper in the 9's, if I am getting pulled behind Paolo's car the next time he heads to the strip! :D :eek:
But I don't want to put pressure on Paolo, as he is not a quarter mile guy. He would much rather hit 250mph than run a 9.99 in the quarter mile.

There are a few SC'd only Vipers out there that are capable of running 9's. I think there will be a few to get there in the next couple months. Gary's, Roof's, Paolo, and others. But it is going to depend on who is hitting the track first and the most often!
Gary has hit 10.2, on video, with the slip. Why would he lie? That's not the way Gary or Jason does business!

Best of luck to all!!


Aug 23, 2001
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Why cann't you guys just give dues to each other rather than my dick is bigger than yours. You guys have Mustang mentality its a shame you never left it behind when you moved up to a Viper. This is not about driver but which car is quicker, your car either ran the number or didn't. You guys should flush the toilet and move on, rather than making the shilt float around the bowl.


Jun 4, 2001
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I've talked to Gary A a couple of times on the phone and he seems like a stand up guy. I would be really surprised if he lied about his time for some silly bragging rights. Besides with a name like Gary he must be a good guy!!


Feb 27, 2001
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Here's a link to the video of the 10.20 pass in my car:

10.20 ET at MIR
Man I love that video, very bada$$ indeed :eek: What's that song in the background??? Gary that 10.20 will be shattered very soon I I promiss you ;)

Thanks, Mike. The song is Jimi Hendrix "Machine Gun". I believe it's the only recorded version (performed liove on 12/31/69 and 1/1/70 at the Fillmore).


Feb 27, 2001
Reaction score
Gary A ....Let me make this abundantly clear. You have never raced at a National Event. You video is a nice video ..... But it meaningless .....NO ONE doesn't know that you are not supplementing your supercharger with a Shot of NITROUS ....so your 10.20 run means NOTHING . You do not make runs were anyone can look for hidden power adders .

So if you are incapable of driving your own car fast, bring your designated driver to a National Event and lets see a 10.20 or faster pass that can be verified as to its authenticity.

As far your car being faster than my mine you have no documentation that it is faster or than that unverified video . The only S/C viper faster than mine documented is DR.Roof at V-10 Nationals. By the way my 10.3 was accomplished with NO INTER COOLER and no designated driver..... I AM CAPABLE OF DRIVING MY CAR FAST . I also had SW set to make a pass at V- 10 National..... he easily could have taken a .2 to .3 off the ET and turned my pass into a 10.1 or 10.0 sec pass.

Cudaman :usa:

Quote from Cudaman:

"I coulda, woulda, shoulda if I shoulda, woulda, coulda!"

You produce a timeslip that shows a faster ET than mine (under any circumstance, national or not), and I'll concede that your car is faster. Since you already admitted that you haven't gone faster and I HAVE produced a timeslip that shows a faster time, then that settles it.

Also, I have no need to prove to you anything about my car. Everybody that knows me knows that I'm a straight shooter and if I had nitrous on my car back in March, we wouldn't have stopped at 10.20 ET. Oh yeah, my car was in the finals at VOI7 before the rain came--I guess that qualifies as a national event.

Please respond because you're posts are cracking me up! hahaha!!


Feb 27, 2001
Reaction score
. Hybrid S/C with nitrous is not going to impress anybody. I could have done that a long time ago and so could Dr. Roof and a bunch of others.

See, I knew you would whine about s/c and nitrous. I just thought you would wait until it actually happened :laugh: I am not crying about your intercooler and boost level. I also disagree with your statement:

"I could have done that a long time ago and so could Dr. Roof and a bunch of others."

It has been tryed, hasn't worked. If someone can't hookup the current gajillion hp then will a nitrous shot help ?

As far as "making it personal" ....I have nothing against you but if anybody comes on here acting like a 13 year old....then yes I will take a few shots at them......so don't feel to special :) cause I still luv ya !!


You'll never hear me whine about anything-ever! My point about S/C-Nitrous hybrids is that Ben Treynor owns that record with a 10.0X pass. If we're talking about a Viper (with any configuration of Nitrous, blower, or turbocharger) then John H e n n e s s e y holds that title with his twin turbo car. I was talking about an SC-only car which is a record that my car currently holds.

For those who don't think that's an interesting distinction, look at the number of views this thread has generated in the past 24 hours or so (over 1100).

As far as the comment about acting like a 13-year old, I don't get it. Someone asked who had the fastest SC car and I responded with a timeslip and you and Cudaman went nuts and started hurling insults and innuendo. Is that where you want to be when Jesus comes back? (Line from Joe Dirt) :)


Oct 3, 2002
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Thanx Gary, I got have that song it's sweet :D I have a few videos that it would go well with, I hope you dont mind if I steal it ;) Man this thread is getting silly everyone, let's all just go out the track and lay down some serious #s and winner buys rounds :D I say that cause I know I wont be the one to crack into the 9s with my driving lol :p


Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
Annapolis, MD
Man I love that video, very bada$$ indeed What's that song in the background??? Gary that 10.20 will be shattered very soon I I promiss you
Thanks, Mike. The song is Jimi Hendrix "Machine Gun". I believe it's the only recorded version (performed liove on 12/31/69 and 1/1/70 at the Fillmore).

There are two recorded versions of the song, both by Jimi. There were two concerts, two nights in a row at Filmore East in NYC where he played that song both nights. One can be found on the Filmore East album (that's the one I like best) and Flmore East DVD. The other is on a compilation two-CD album that has his best studio songs and some great live songs (including Wild Thing and Johnny B. Goode). Not sure where you can get it, because I think it's the only one I've ever seen in stores. But if you're interested in searching Best Buy, or wherever, it's titled "Voodoo Child". It's a paper CD case.


Oct 13, 2000
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Akron, Oh USA
Wouldn't it be nice if there was a big race and class just for these cars to see who is top dog!!!? How many do you think would come?

FE 065

Nov 3, 2001
Reaction score
. Hybrid S/C with nitrous is not going to impress anybody.
"I could have done that a long time ago and so could Dr. Roof and a bunch of others."

It has been tryed, hasn't worked. If someone can't hookup the current gajillion hp then will a nitrous shot help ?

For those who don't think that's an interesting distinction, look at the number of views this thread has generated in the past 24 hours or so (over 1100).

Actually a working hybrid that continually held together and raised the level of development would probably impress everyone. And I'd bet the number of views on this thread isn't just because the core theme is S/C only.
I don't how a distinction can be made, nor who's presumes to be President-elect to do it. Different blower set-ups from Roe, Heffner, DLM etc, different boost levels, different displacement levels, different 'pump gas'/timing levels...the variations are endless.

How can a guy with a 900+hp 'S/C only' dyno sheet in his pocket complain about a guy with a 600hp 'S/C only' dyno sheet who's added some nitrous?

Is a bottle of carbon dioxide in the trunk that chills your inlet tubes going into the TBs and blower a 'power adder'? Should it matter? I say the more innovation the better.
Beats me how to draw the line. Why bother? If you've stopped adding mods to your car, and someone else hasn't and you're left behind, that's life.

Maybe there needs to be an Unlimited 'class' (it's just bragging rights) where other than mandating V10,T56 trans,OEM style rear end, interior etc it's anything goes under the hood and in the trunk and a 'record run' needs to be backed up within .10sec or something on the same day to not be considered a 'popcorn run'.

It's all about devlopment isn't it? Suddenly people with specific combinations are trying to outlaw new ideas.

For as much work, luck, and $$ as it takes to go like 10.50s or better I think everyone in that range who gets there on whatever route they've chosen is a winner.


Jan 14, 2003
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Auckland, New Zealand
ViperGTS2002FE: I agree with you that there should always be room for unlimited cars - the problem is that not everyone is honest enough to acknowledge everything they've done.

Whether the problem is real or imagined - everyone hates a cheat. If we say SC only, then that should be the truth - otherwise we should say - SC plus ....

Honesty is everything in life and that is all I see that should be expected of us all - do whatever we want - but just tell the truth and don't BS to try and get an unfair advantage. If a mod is so secret you don't want people to know about it - just call it a "secret adder" - but don't go BS'g that its only this or that when it is more than that.

No flame to anyone - I have no clue who is cheating or if any are cheating - but that is the issue as I see it - lets all be transparent and honest, tech inspections should be welcome, then the rumours can all die away or at least end up with a small handful that everyone knows are full of BS anyway.

To test the limits is how we grow - but to lie and cheat makes a persons character worthless - for at the end of the day who gives a real crap about who won - no one will remember in 1 or 2 years time - someone else will have gone faster by then. But the cheat will remain one forever, they only hurt themselves in the end. If there are any - find them and expose them - its the one thing they fear - loss of face in front of everyone they hope to impress - but that would be justice.

Here's a good point to live by - TRUTH can ALWAYS withstand scrutiny - so it can afford to be fair.


Nov 8, 2000
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Redwood City, CA
> My point about S/C-Nitrous hybrids is that Ben Treynor owns that record with a 10.0X

For the moment, anyway :laugh: and to be precise, my car's best run was 10.11 @ 151.97. Doug ran a 10.09 @ 150.60 in his personal car with a similar setup (but more spray and less boost than on my car) back in Oct 2000.

I do think healthy competition between the top tuners is a good thing for all of us power-hungry consumers. It keeps R&D moving and prices down. However, the flaming on this board between tuner factions is a negative -- it's easy enough to fall into the trap of "I spent $20K - $50K on my setup, so I must prove to the world that it's the best", but that's a narrow and counterproductive view.


Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Great post Ben. I agree 100% - its wonderful to see good tuners getting great results, but the BS flying over "mine is better than yours" because its cheaper or faster or whatever doesn't impress anyone bright enough to understand every tuner has their fanclub - and that's the way it should be.

Nobody has to be put down in order to make someone else look good - let the tuners cars speak for themselves IMHO, and the owners be happy with what they've got and be happy for those who went elsewhere and are happy with what they've got.

The top cars from all the tuners are so close that a win on any set day comes down to setup and driver. If someone wants an outright power claim - run a 100-200mph shootout on a good surface. Anything less than that won't get traction in an all out brawl. The 1/4 mile is a science and outright power is only a part of the equation.

FE 065

Nov 3, 2001
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I don't know if keeping something you've been working on secret-that few or no one else has done or bothered trying or perfecting is cheating, just because you don't want to give away your speed secrets. Says who? is the question.
There's lots of things to do to these cars that aren't on the Viper tuner's websites.
If a particular class on a particular day, and a particular strip is limited to blowers only for example that's one thing. If you enter, than that's all that should be on your car.
Bragging rights on a board or within this club is another isn't it? Which is all this seems to be. So where did all these rules suddenly come from?
You're either in the mix or your not it'd seem.
In the street scene, you're the quickest or you're somewhere down the ladder. Cars with more mods are Top Dog without people crying foul.
These Vipers are street cars. There's no sanctioning body overseeing individual efforts. Pulling homemade regulations out of your sleeve because someone else's mod direction is different than yours doesn't cut it in an overall sense.
How can the term 'cheat' surface when there's no class and no rules? (that I know of)

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