An interesting observation regarding auto. engineering, there's a great book called "All CORVETTES ARE RED" that is the inside story of the development of the C5 Corvette. GM let a writer inside for 5 years to observe and photo all aspects, they were eventually very unhappy with the book as he told ALL regarding corp. politics, etc. Anyway, one interesting fact is that C5 was originally designed as a convertible for the ultimate rigidity tests etc. In other words, if the car tested and developed well as a convertible everything would fall into place with even more solidity for a coupe. But, they introduced the coupe FIRST, in 1997 and waited a year for the convertible in 1998. Here's my big point. From a marketing perspective with a two model car, you introduce the weaker one first, you still get the big "bump" in sales from the new body style, SRT IS SOLD OUT, increase the demand for the more popular model In our case the coupe, in the C5 case the convertible until you need the next "bump" in a later year. I think the SRT was developed the same way, do the convertible, make sure this all works when there is no top, only difference is they are releasing the convertible FIRST. For the above reasons or for other market driven reasons..they want a piece of the xk8, merc500sl, etc. market. We'll get our coupe, gonna have to be patient though.