Why so much difference in S/C prices???


Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
This thread was on the difference in supercharger prices and the only prices I have heard are on Sean's and Dan's kits. In the interest of the thread, could all the owners with other systems post what they paid and how many HP they have?


Aug 23, 2001
Reaction score
Dr. Roof did you forget Michael P. who had nothing but problems with his DLM car that he put it up for sale. All tuners have winners and losers that business, you can not hit a home run every time up. STOP SHILTING ON SEAN'S PARADE, you made your choice good for you. No other supercharger is out there for this price and performance gain right now.


May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Thanks Soen for your help. I just wanna say one thing before addressing your SC. I posted to get some feedback, not to get some JOFFS moaning and complaining about Soens system and that he has been knocking other tuners with comments. I have read so much about tuners.IMOP, I think they are all the same $hit when it comes to making the deal. I asked why are prices different, not who is a better tuner.You guys just jump on the guy and bash him. If you guys don't have any information then stay the fck off my post... I didn't ask for a fight over this, I asked for information on cost. Soen you will be receiving my order in the near future....




Aug 23, 2001
Reaction score
Dr. Roof did you forget about Michael P. he had nothing but problems with his DLM car that he put it up for sale. All tuners have winners and some losers thats business as a hole. You cannot hit a home run every time at bat. WHY ARE YOU SHILTING ON ROE'S PARADE? Right now there is no supercharger out there at the price and performane for the dollar. Please note how many units have been shipped that means not everyone has your money to PISS AWAY.


May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Dr.Roof, sorry to say this..but you seem like a nice guy, especially with the numbers you are getting on your 1/4 mile car.Whats the dileo bro???You seem like a spoiled baby yapping crap.So you have afast car and it was tuned good....No biggie..wanna run my Cuda..Ill put your Viper in the $hit range when it comes to 1/4 mile time..Can you beat 9.2's??? Yeah, i thought so....


Sep 22, 2001
Reaction score
pleasanton,ca 94566
Hey Sean

At least when We drive our supercharged Cars they don;t detonate! Im not sure your in the right position to Dog any other Supercharger system until you get your customers 100% happy. I would rather wait for a fine tuned machine!

I think your product is great but notice how no other Supercharged Tuner will get on here and throw cheap shots! Maybe you can follow that example.


I'm sure your car is awesome, but I personally wouldn't want to wait for my car to get done if it takes a year to get back. I am not rich so while making payments on my viper I'd like to enjoy the car here in my posession . Making payments for a year and not driving the car would kill me. As I said before, I have seen some of these "fine tuned" machines have their share of problems too. I'm not slamming those tuners, but if you are going to bring out the trash on one vendor, then don't act like becauese nothing was said about any other tuner that they didn't have any problems either.
BTW it only stands to reason that the more cars you have out there, the more problems that will exist. If you have done 20 cars in the last 3 years and had 1 problem car, that is only 5%. Another guy who does 100 cars with 5% will have 5 problem cars. The satisfaction rate is the same, but the guy with 100 cars out seems like he has more problems because he has 5 people complaining versus one.
As I said before, a DIY kit is inviting more problems versus a tuner who has your car for a while and can personally dial it in.
You pay a lower price and take a few more risks. Pay a higher price get more power and more likely a sorted car.
I think a lot of other tuners haven't said anything because once they do, someone is bound to chime in and mention a problem they have with their product. It's better to just keep quiet IMHO.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Near Tampa Bay
Dr.Roof, sorry to say this..but you seem like a nice guy, especially with the numbers you are getting on your 1/4 mile car.Whats the dileo bro???You seem like a spoiled baby yapping crap.So you have afast car and it was tuned good....No biggie..wanna run my Cuda..Ill put your Viper in the $hit range when it comes to 1/4 mile time..Can you beat 9.2's??? Yeah, i thought so....

Dude, is your cuda painted *** pink and purple like your ****? errr bike??


Dec 16, 2002
Reaction score
port washington, n.y. usa
Guys I think were losing sight on what this thread was asking. Anyone and everyone here whos had their cars supercharged or worked by a tuner are certainly entitled to their own opinions on their favorite tuner but the writer of this thread simply wants to know..." What did you guys get for what you paid" so he can make an intelligent and informed decision based upon you guys giving him info on price for services rendered.Thanks to all...and enjoy your boost who ever it came from!



Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Near Tampa Bay
*** happened to this thread, you guys need to get your ******* out of a ***. Sounds like lots of jealous ppl to be honest.

King RT10

Oct 29, 2000
Reaction score
I have zero detonation and my car runs great.
I had a few problems (pre vec2) but now that the vec2 is on everything is fine and fast.
Runs like stock unless you you get on it.
Seems like (S/C)people are alway beating the Roe system with either detonation or you get what you payed for sound bites
Sounds like they are not happy with their expensive S/C and are trying to justify their cost, otherwise why would they keep repeating this other than to make themselves feel better. As an owner and friends of other owners I can tell you its not true.This system works great. If it did not I would have been the first to post. DLM makes a great system among others. Gaining Tenths starts to get expensive. I just drive on the street so The Roe system works for me.


Sep 22, 2001
Reaction score
pleasanton,ca 94566
*** happened to this thread, you guys need to get your ******* out of a ***. Sounds like lots of jealous ppl to be honest.

Keep in mind it is a loaded question to ask what is the price difference? Some may take it as why are some tuners unreasonably so much higher than others or why are some tuners so much cheaper (poor quality kit?)

Jealous? Maybe, but if so it is coming from both camps and not just one

matt lankford

Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
im new here but how did a ls1 tuner net 50 rwhp over dlms tune on dr roofs car?

{see his post about ls1motorsports.com)


Now that my Viper Tech has securely attached my fuel injector connectors my Roe Supercharger Viper runs better than perfect (except for the gas guage).

Sean is probably the leader in knowledge of tuning supercharged Vipers from having to deal with so many unforseen issues with so many Viper's different personalities. I can't imagine anyone in the first group of Roe Superchargers not expecting some possibility of issues, and Sean has taken care of each and every issue as they've come up and at the same time improved upon his system as well (VEC2.1, better sparkplugs, etc.). If you added up all the time he has put in getting each Viper to finally run better than perfect, it would have been close to what other Viper tuners take while they tune your Viper. The other Viper tuners should be able to tune their cars better since they can work on the car while it's in their shop. Sean has been able to do a close approximation long distance. I sure am happy with how my Viper runs.

As far as the other tuners charging more, they generally do lots more (internal stuff) to the engine to reliably produce more power - sometimes lots more power. But unless you actually have lots more money and really want or need lots more power, 580 rear wheel horsepower seems more than adequate for a street driven Viper - or maybe just adequate. :D


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Near Tampa Bay
Leader in supercharging technology? LOL!!!! Kenny, you're going out on the deep end here now along with your other "2,000 HP gained"

Please excuse any remarks that may seem like a stab, what I'm writing isn't ANY stab at any one tuner or people.

How can you compare packages and prices? I'm most familiar with my 'package' hehe... But DLM has had S/C vipers pushing 600, 700, 800 RWHP , even back in the GenI days when most people were paying 35,000 for the almighty Venom 650 and if they were lucky they were getting 560 to the wheels.

His (DLM)packages have been daily driven for years vs. a package that has been daily driven for perhaps a couple months, maybe not even in most cases. From what most ppl can gather, there are many bugs and from the sounds of it some are getting frustrated and have voiced certains opinions on this board. Whether you choose a 20k'ish package pushing nearly 700 to 800rwhp or a 7k package pushing mid 500's,(that's an extra 200, sometimes 250 RWHP!!) and add headers, roller rockers, exhaust etc you'll end up in the low to mid teens for price and for something that has had and still has detonation in some cases, bugs,surging, etc, etc. Again, you can't compare some packages...at ALL!

Of my two DLM cars my only maintainence has been replacing a thrown belt on each one after a 1 1/2 of ownership each. Belts DO wear out. If you dont' want to beleive it, then don't get a S/C'd viper. A belt can last 10k miles, 20k miles depending on how you drive your car.....I just recently threw a belt because I overtightened the new belt like an idiot as I didn't know the correct tension, but Doug straightened me out on that...

only my opinion and sorry if I offended anyone in particular :laugh:


Dr Roof

Jan 22, 2002
Reaction score
Louisville, KY usa
I don't talk smack on the internet! I have always complimented seans products. But it seems in the last month he has taken opportunity to take cheap shots at other supercharged tuners! I have some great friends that have the his product.

Cuda ???

I have access to several 8 second mustangs you wanna run your cuda against them?


May 14, 2002
Reaction score
I don't talk smack on the internet! I have always complimented seans products. But it seems in the last month he has taken opportunity to take cheap shots at other supercharged tuners! I have some great friends that have the his product.

Cuda ???

I have access to several 8 second mustangs you wanna run your cuda against them?

You started the smack in this post and continue to hand it up. See above.


Mar 6, 2001
Reaction score
Hey Sean

At least when We drive our supercharged Cars they don;t detonate! Im not sure your in the right position to Dog any other Supercharger system until you get your customers 100% happy. I would rather wait for a fine tuned machine!

I think your product is great but notice how no other Supercharged Tuner will get on here and throw cheap shots! Maybe you can follow that example.


I didn't see what Sean had to say as a cheap shot, but just trying to get truth out of the behind-the-scenes rumors. It seems many do not post their negative experiences with their tuning, due to either (a) embarrassment over the price paid for lack of satisfactory result, (b) pride, (c) loyalty to the tuner, etc. However, I hear things from people (reliable people with no reason to distort truth) about tuned viper problems they have seen friends experiencing or even tuners experiencing. People do seem to have been more forward with their experiences with Sean's system than the others, from what I have seen. It'd be nice for people to swallow their pride, etc. and simply state what their experiences have been, in detail, whether positive or negative, so that fellow viper owners can make decisions based on full details of peoples' experiences, and make informed comparisons between systems.

Dr Roof

Jan 22, 2002
Reaction score
Louisville, KY usa
Let me restate my case! so there is no Misunderstanding!

I THink Sean ROE Has excellent Products! (Not just Superchargers)


Mar 17, 2003
Reaction score

Here is your Q: " Not to knock tuners down, but why so much differece in price from the SR system??The system creates 150 additional ponies and goes for only $7,000..With 9 hours of labor. You are talking about a car which will have 600 ponies for around $7,000....Can someone shed some light on this?? "
Here is my answer.
Be for I start I must say I **** a spelling. So try not to be to ******* me. Thanks

I own the following 1997 GTS.

Sean Roe has a twinn screw DIY kit for 7k. But please note that once you buy the kit you can get more power by doing headers ( belengers $1,699 new ), Corsa $1,395, 70mm throtal bodys ( I think $300 I'm not positive ), Air Intake $150, Instal - if you want some one to do it for you is $500, Injector clips $42, 1996 Computer $400 to $500 new, and Dyno tune say the worst case is $500, and $250 for the tuners time. Oh by the way I paid the Dodge Dealer to put on the headers and Corsa for only $350....I know real cheap but I know the Viper Tech.

Total is $12,636.00

Now keep in mind $12,636.00 is if there are no problems. I would leave another $1,000 or $2,000 on the side for your time and miles of R/D if you do run in to somthing.

I hope I "shed some light" on your $7,000 question


"I think that there is so much differece in price from the SR systems out there for several resons.

You would have to adress this question with the other tuners out there. I am sorry but I can not speculat an answer for you. Maybe some one that ownes a s/c car may answer your question, so far I see only mine.

In closing If you would like my phone # just e-mail me and I may be able to help further is you picking somthing that fits your needs. Heres one for ya. Heads and Cam may be the right thing for you.......ya never know. Eather way I'm glad you want more power............we all do! :cool:

Mike Adams

Sep 20, 2000
Reaction score
guelph, Ontario, Canada
All tuners kits have problems not doubt about it. Sean took a much larger risk making a do it your self kit. Unless you have the right resource some people shouldn't do their own kits. Sean has worked his butt off to make it do it yourself.

I personally would love more horse power but I have a serious problem take my car hundreds of miles away and leaveing it for weeks, month or what ever. Doug Levin and Jason are more than trust worthy. But I like to work on my own car. If they would sell me a system and let me install I would. But I don't think they want me calling all the time


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Near Tampa Bay

Here is your Q: " Not to knock tuners down, but why so much differece in price from the SR system??The system creates 150 additional ponies and goes for only $7,000..With 9 hours of labor. You are talking about a car which will have 600 ponies for around $7,000....Can someone shed some light on this?? "
Here is my answer.
Be for I start I must say I **** a spelling. So try not to be to ******* me. Thanks

I own the following 1997 GTS.

Sean Roe has a twinn screw DIY kit for 7k. But please note that once you buy the kit you can get more power by doing headers ( belengers $1,699 new ), Corsa $1,395, 70mm throtal bodys ( I think $300 I'm not positive ), Air Intake $150, Instal - if you want some one to do it for you is $500, Injector clips $42, 1996 Computer $400 to $500 new, and Dyno tune say the worst case is $500, and $250 for the tuners time. Oh by the way I paid the Dodge Dealer to put on the headers and Corsa for only $350....I know real cheap but I know the Viper Tech.

Total is $12,636.00

Now keep in mind $12,636.00 is if there are no problems. I would leave another $1,000 or $2,000 on the side for your time and miles of R/D if you do run in to somthing.

I hope I "shed some light" on your $7,000 question


"I think that there is so much differece in price from the SR systems out there for several resons.

You would have to adress this question with the other tuners out there. I am sorry but I can not speculat an answer for you. Maybe some one that ownes a s/c car may answer your question, so far I see only mine.

In closing If you would like my phone # just e-mail me and I may be able to help further is you picking somthing that fits your needs. Heres one for ya. Heads and Cam may be the right thing for you.......ya never know. Eather way I'm glad you want more power............we all do! :cool:
Very good list of details. With all the above mods what was your entire net horsepower gain? That sounds like a very complete package to me.

Ps. How well does your car run -- any good road kills?


Larry Macedo

Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
Sanford, FL
Hello All,

If I don't make any sense then please disregard my post since I'm running on very little sleep. I figured I'd try and clarify a few things for people that are open and willing to listen. Sean's S/C kit was based on his personal car, a 96 GTS. BTW, ALL of the 96 Viper's I've modified have ZERO problems. Anyway, I drove the $HIT out of his(sorry Sean)car right after the kit was installed. I didn't do 5k rpm launches, but I did drive it quite hard and quess what? It ran flawlessly. Oh, for those that don't know, this happened during Aswin Suri's party last year when it was like 98 degrees and roughly 90% humidity. I never heard or felt any detonation, only the tires howling and my heart racing. I believe Chuck Babel drove the car right after I parked it and he was very impressed as well. Why was I impressed? The kit at that time was $6500.00 and was capable of what felt like low 11 second runs at he strip. BTW, I'll be on the dyno tomorrow with an 01 GTS that includes the Roe S/C, Corsa Cat-Back with Off Road pipes, T&D Rockers and Smooth Tubes with K&N's. I'm sure John would be more than happy to fill everyone in on the results. Anyhow, like Sean stated, he's not going to hide problems that exist or existed with his system nor should he. Sean isn't the only Tuner having issues with injector connectors and aftermarket fuel injectors, there are others. I guess what I'm trying to convey is this...Every system has it's bugs and every tuners has his problems, we can only hope it makes us stronger and smarter when a solution is found. BTW, did someone mention a TT system in the teens? There already is one that I know of...


Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Is it just me - or is it getting warm in here? :p

It's all interesting - but at the end of the day - when a customer is happy with their purchase - that is customer satisfaction - no matter what they paid.

The fact that some tuners are more forthcoming about tech details and actual dyno results rather than "claims" is only of academic interest - if the customers are happy.

POTENTIAL customers will do their own research and choose what they want based upon subjective but important criteria that will be different for each.

All of the top tuners I'd have confidence in.

Larry Macedo

Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
Sanford, FL
Torque is right, customer satisfaction is the key! It doesn't matter if someone paid 20k or 60k for modifications, what really matters is that all parties involved are happy with the end result.


May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Gerald..Why is it that when I post something that I wanna know, you gotta be a real duesche bag? :rolleyes: Serious?..Give it a rest please.Im fed up with your BS..Do me big favor, either grow up or just don't reply to my post.. About my bike??Well Geraldine..My bike cost a much as your Viper..And not to blow my horn, but have over thirty awards proving that and also a feature on a bike magazine in the near future..Don't be jealous dude that it just looks fckn good..

Dr.Roof..I have no beef with you..I wanted an anwer to my post and it turned out like usual a rank out contest... :smirk:



Leader in supercharging technology? LOL!!!! Kenny, you're going out on the deep end here now along with your other "2,000 HP gained"

Please excuse any remarks that may seem like a stab, what I'm writing isn't ANY stab at any one tuner or people.

How can you compare packages and prices? I'm most familiar with my 'package' hehe... But DLM has had S/C vipers pushing 600, 700, 800 RWHP , even back in the GenI days when most people were paying 35,000 for the almighty Venom 650 and if they were lucky they were getting 560 to the wheels.

only my opinion and sorry if I offended anyone in particular :laugh:


You're excused, Gerald. I never gained 2,000 HP, nor have I claimed to have done so. I went from 436 rwHP to 580 rwHP and from 480 rwTQ to 607 rwTQ. You do the math! I have claimed to have gotten an easily noticable seat-of-my-pants increase in power from the change over from the VEC2 to the VEC2.1. I also asked the board what would be the smallest actual increase that could easily be felt and no one responded. I'm sure it is somewhat less than 2,000 HP. The other tuners are also leaders in supercharging technology, but have they tuned as many Vipers as Sean Roe with over 90 superchargers sold?

I'm greatfull that the current tuners are out there providing the Viper community with several great choices based upon one's wallet and/or sanity. DLM, Heffner, and the other really big gains in power tuners are offering the gains at a very realistic price for what they do and those lucky enough to be able to afford their services know they've made the right choice.

Obviously I didn't get 580 rwHP for only $7,000 - I had headers, hi flow cats, cat back, 70 mm throttle bodies, etc. plus labor done, too. Having a creampuff Viper limits the choices for an "inexpensive" supercharger system (under $15,000 total for everything), but in Viperland any HP that costs less than $100 per HP is somewhat of a "bargain" - I think ended up paying about $80-$85 per HP (guessing I had 420 rwHP in pure stock form).

Going off the deep end again, I would have to say having a supercharger on a Viper makes it a much easier car to drive and much more fun to drive as well.


Jun 19, 2001
Reaction score
Western New York, USA
i have not bought a SC from anyone yet.
and for Sean to get on this board and be up front
"His cards on the table" is just unheard of .
95% of manufactures/service providers dont give a F
about you after you leave.
This guy fields his own tech calls!!
Even on 2nd hand stuff that has his name on it (VEC1).
I say this guy is saint! :eek:

Not to say other tuners dont bend over backwards for there customer too
but to my knowledge not to his level.

He filled a great niche. I can save and get a Roe SC. If i hit the lotto or fall bass backwards
into dough then I can spend big bucks on a super duper SC I will call DLM or Jason
So, needless to say dont give Sean any flack... period!

Yellow vipers are almost as fast as SC vipers of different color anyways :D

Just the way i see it....

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