I took a real tght turn the other day kinda fast and the rear broke loose and whiped around on meI was off the throttle before i entered the turn. Never had the rear break before the front before.Does anybody know what caused this? Could have been bad!
EASY: Loss Of Traction Caused This!
OFF THE THROTTLE means all your car's weight was shifted forward, lessening the traction on the rear tires. And hooking-up the fronts. One of the hardest things to learn (and teach) is to STAY ON THE THROTTLE for at least a maintainence of speed, since the very act of turning scrubs off speed, slows you down, shifting even MORE weight forward. "DONT LIFT!!" when cornering at the limits of traction.
And as your TIRES AGE, what happened 'before' will NOT stay a constant, because numerous heat cycles, and age, degrade traction.....
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