Wow, this is getting boring

Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Omaha NE.
The climate around here has definitely changed in the last 9 mos. or so, there are probably lots of reasons I know I have my own... I wish it was the old way myself, I loved hanging out all day here in the background feeling useful when people need me. Oh well, maybe it will change when the next Viper debuts.


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
Most Vendors I have chatted with, at least 3 others, feel the EXACT same as Mark.

(So this thread is doomed.)

All Blue ACR

Aug 15, 2007
Reaction score
Rocky View County, Alberta
I wasn't just referring the the website..... can't get a rise out of the "crew" either.....

and the weather has been awesome lately. Guess I'll go out and drive somewhere again this weekend and wind up with a bunch of crotch rockets as my posse like last weekend.....

Fatboy 18

Jan 16, 2008
Reaction score
Surrey, United Kingdom
I have to say i dont think there are as many people around here as there used to be. :( Ive even gone and surfed around on the 'Other' Site!!!!!

We have also lost a couple of owners in the UK (They sold their Vipers) So its pretty dull at the moment :(


Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
Canton, Ohio
I have seen the shift as well and I haven't been around that long.

Gossip points to the poor handling of some circumstances.

I suspect others have had their spirit dampened by the terrible uncertainity created by the political climate in this country.
I know I am more circumspect about driving my viper.

Also it is the end of the Summer and this can be a bit of dampener. Epecially if you live somewhere that is threatened by the latest weather.

If you own or run a business the lack of certainity is defeaning.



I do know this.... life is full of blessings and NOT to enjoy them is a terrible thing. The Viper can be one of those blessings but usually it is the people around us that are the real blessing. There are alot of good people in the club.

Alot of things have a cycle. This place is no different. Hang in there.

I just hope that some of the long time personalities still remain and hangout here.

Marv S

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
May 25, 1998
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
[FONT=&amp]I'm reading this as you not feeling all that much Viper excitement these days. [/FONT][FONT=&amp](Unfortunately, your post in the Western Canada Region forum got hijacked by a vendor and turned the thread in to one focused on his personal opinion on the website policy)[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]It is also undeniable that the current economic conditions are affecting event attendance. As I talk to people around the country there is a tone of concern and uncertainness. In general, many just do not feel like getting out and having fun. Craig held fun events and I believe that Jim does also in your Region. As already well stated, despite this feeling, people need to have some good times and look at each day as a gift. Weather is ideal in many places (no more 100 degree days) so get out and enjoy some Viper driving on your own or with your region before the weather turns cold and the snakes get put away for the winter.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]As for the website - the site is the busiest it has been in quite a while, with more registered users/members (non-bots) on the forums than ever before. I am hoping that your thought of boring is not defined as the absence of drama (drama has been at a low level on the forums lately) but from the lower level of fresh discussions as referenced previously. [/FONT]

It is so revealing to see that when you use the description of "boring", a vendor uses your post as another opportunity to try to lead others to believe that the policy on vendor posting makes the site boring. Tying your statement into his own dislike of the policy hijacks the direction of your post and turns it to his own personal agenda. As for somehow turning this into a vendor thread, there is nobody discouraging anybody from answering questions just as they always have. What few rules that were updated years ago simply tried to slow down the constant barrage of people trying to sell something to somebody 24/7. When somebody asks "Why does my Viper have squeaky brakes?” anybody (including vendors) can give them all the sage advice they want and be the "hero" to all for answering that common question. There is no limitation at all to how much a vendor can answer that question. Even better, the vendor could answer that person by private message (which is and will always be 100% private) and encourage them to buy their products. Pretty straight forward. What the club didn't want to see was a continuing barrage of posts from vendors offering their products and services - even when they were never asked. The answer to the above question might end up, "We have SOS stainless steel brake pads for $20 off, but only if you buy in the next ten minutes!" People complained that it was becoming more of a vendor site than an owner site so the club made a collective decision to try to focus product/service sales to specific forums. Spamming the forums (or paying or encouraging others to do the same) isn’t what these forums are about.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Rest assured that the club has the same challenges for its Viper Parts of America business, which cannot post "ads" in answer to general forum questions. Instead they focus on providing answers when they can, and focus most of their attention in the vendor forum as designated by the club. It really isn't that difficult or controversial.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]It is a vendor's decision to advertise on the site. When someone advertises anywhere they pay a fee, give their consent and acknowledge that they will work within the rules given to them. It may be a website and it may be in a booth at an auto auction. If the fee is too high and not acceptable to them they will not advertise there. Likewise, if the rules are not acceptable to them and they cannot commit to work within them, they should not advertise there. I know of vendors at an auction that no longer have a booth. Some because they do not like the fee and some because they do not like the rules. If they paid their fee but did not like the rules and continually violated the rules they would be asked to remove their booth and leave. For example, the auction rents a booth space to a vendor, and maybe some ads in the auction catalog and website. The vendor gets use of a booth to sell all the product he can. But he is not allowed to walk the auction grounds handing out his stickers, flyers.....or go into another vendor's booth to sell. His defenses of "Why are you so restrictive? I'm helping your auction attendees. You should allow me to help people everywhere on the grounds in any way that I think best" would not be acceptable at the auction and are not valid here.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]But I digress.........[/FONT]

Back to the primary topic - What I can tell you is that Viper is Excitement. And that spirit is alive and well, especially when you drive the car. There are exciting times ahead for the Viper Nation in many varied details.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Keep the Faith.[/FONT]


May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Omaha, NE
Maybe adding a GENV Forum and start releasing some tid bits of data will help spark excitement.



Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
Canton, Ohio
Just got back from NASA nationals at Mid-Ohio. I was only there for one event. It was great to see the vipers out in force and contending.

Awesome !

2001-V10 Power Nut

VCA Venom Member
Jun 30, 2006
Reaction score
I always enjoy checking up on whats going on around the website. I enjoy checking out whats going on in the evening, helps we wind down after a busy day !!:drive:


Jul 9, 2008
Reaction score
In my experience, forums and contributers change but history remains.... Search to find the *** of gold.

I have no notion of what Marv S is going on about but I do miss a certain Western Canada contributor.... Hummm??


Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
so far in this thread:

JonB 2 Marv S 0

(i am insulted by the ham-****** hijack :nono: , sounds like HOA double speak to me, i can't believe you actually hit "post reply".....i guess a beat down is coming my way huh?)


Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
thought about my post above, and thought i owe a short explanation (short b/c of time and limited typing ability)

i remember when i bought my viper and all i knew about vipers is i wanted 1 for a looong time and was so thankful to finally owned 1.

i also knew i knew jack about owning a viper, their issues, costs, where to get parts, advice, etc.

all those "evil" posts from "self-serving" vendors helped me so much with the "what is wrong", "how to prevent problems", "upgrades", etc. and especially "how much" they should cost.

i for 1 am man enough (at least in my own mind :D) to not be svengali-ed into buying what i don't need just b/c a vendor posted he has it for $xx.xx for the next 9 hours......and don't need the hoa telling me to cease and desist from washing my car in the driveway, cut the grass, repaint the front door, close your curtains, use 2ply t/p.......

i, like most viper owners graduated kindergarten many many summers ago and don't like being treated like we are still there while here


Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, FL (Port Orange)
I've also noticed that the quality of postings isn't what it used to be. This used to be a fun place to come and virtually hang out, chat, talk smack and talk Vipers. Now not so much. A lot of the regulars are gone or basically gone for differing reasons and to me its a big loss to the site. Thats why I don't post nearly as much as I used to. Used to I'd post ******* bikini photos and it'd turn into a 2-3 page thread with people's comments, opinions, etc. Now I can post pics and get maybe 1 or 2 replies. Its just not worth my time anymore to spend an hour uploading pics and get 1 person to say "#3 is fat". I definitely miss the "old" days around here when I 1st joined.


Feb 18, 2009
Reaction score
Red Deer
Join Date
Feb 2008
Re: Wow, this is getting boring
thought about my post above, and thought i owe a short explanation (short b/c of time and limited typing ability)

i remember when i bought my viper and all i knew about vipers is i wanted 1 for a looong time and was so thankful to finally owned 1.

i also knew i knew jack about owning a viper, their issues, costs, where to get parts, advice, etc.

all those "evil" posts from "self-serving" vendors helped me so much with the "what is wrong", "how to prevent problems", "upgrades", etc. and especially "how much" they should cost.

i for 1 am man enough (at least in my own mind ) to not be svengali-ed into buying what i don't need just b/c a vendor posted he has it for $xx.xx for the next 9 hours......and don't need the hoa telling me to cease and desist from washing my car in the driveway, cut the grass, repaint the front door, close your curtains, use 2ply t/p.......

i, like most viper owners graduated kindergarten many many summers ago and don't like being treated like we are still there while here

Couldn't agree more

All Blue ACR
VCA Member
Western Canada

Join Date
Aug 2007
Balzac, Alberta
Re: Wow, this is getting boring
I wasn't just referring the the website..... can't get a rise out of the "crew" either.....

and the weather has been awesome lately. Guess I'll go out and drive somewhere again this weekend and wind up with a bunch of crotch rockets as my posse like last weekend.....
1 of 28 2001 Sapphire ACRs w/o stripes
Randomtech High Flo Cats and 3" Corsa Catback
3:55 gear ratio / Dave's Big Brakes

Well i am in for something


Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Central Illinois
sorry Marv, but your chest-thumping response is a great example of one of the major and ongoing problems for this site. notice that your response is the only post in this thread that makes everything that is going on around here sound just rosey and peacy-keen, (oh, and mostly off-topic btw). i think if the membership felt like they could respond freely, Marvs response (or anyone from mgmnt or "stealth mgmnt") would probably still be the only response in this thread that makes everything sound just rosey and peacy-keen. part of mgmnts head attire continues to be rose-covered glasses and horse blinders, and their favorite beverages always sit in glasses that are viewed as half-filled. the problems with this website have very little to nothing to do with 9/11, political affiliation, summer or the economy, and using new membership applications as a gage for website problems is absurd. i have my own opinions as to what has contributed to the websites slow demise, but i wont waste my time because they would likely only be blocked by ears filled with fingers anyway, and mgnt would of course post that i didnt know what i was talking about, and everything around here is still just rosey and peachy-keen. i dont think the website is completely doomed however, but as long as the website stays driven on the same track, the results that alot of people have noticed and a few are mentioning in this thread will remain unchanged. duh.


Mar 10, 2004
Reaction score
I've also noticed that the quality of postings isn't what it used to be. This used to be a fun place to come and virtually hang out, chat, talk smack and talk Vipers. Now not so much. A lot of the regulars are gone or basically gone for differing reasons and to me its a big loss to the site. Thats why I don't post nearly as much as I used to. Used to I'd post ******* bikini photos and it'd turn into a 2-3 page thread with people's comments, opinions, etc. Now I can post pics and get maybe 1 or 2 replies. Its just not worth my time anymore to spend an hour uploading pics and get 1 person to say "#3 is fat". I definitely miss the "old" days around here when I 1st joined.

Same.. I remember the old days when people used to share all the fun stuff going on in their lives on this forum and regularly uploaded videos and pictures. Money is also tight for everyone at the moment and they more than likely have other priorities to secure their future for the long term, especially if they have a business to run.


Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
Ft Worth, Tx
I agree with the long time members that the site has become a bit of a morgue. I used to spend at least an hour a day reading and gettting involved. I've only had my Viper for about a year and a half and this site was the source (originally) for a wealth of knowledge. I learned much, but not near enough to even begin to consider myself knowledgable about the cars. These days, the questions just haven't been as challenging ... heck, sometimes *I* feel like an expert compared to the majority of the replies!

Regardless of what some people think the status of the site is, it is obviously becoming less of a home for many that have been here for years. I end up going to another site (which I won't mention because the post was killed the last time I tried to) for technical information and help with problems. I'm still involved with my local region, but ViperClub.Org has not been high on my list of priorities of things to do for months.


Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
I wasn't just referring the the website..... can't get a rise out of the "crew" either.....

and the weather has been awesome lately. Guess I'll go out and drive somewhere again this weekend and wind up with a bunch of crotch rockets as my posse like last weekend.....

Western Canada region has an event going on this weekend in Nelson, BC, as we speak. Was announced long ago...

Paul Hawker

Oct 1, 2000
Reaction score
San Diego, Calif, USA
Think this is just the natural way of things when Dodge is closed down in the Viper business.

While they are working furious on the new car, little information is sifting out to the membership.

Marv is working hard in the background setting the club up for its future, but little is going on right now to keep our limited attention spans satiated.

For vendors, the lack of new cars coming out will obviously negatively effect their business. New cars means new owners, and new business volume.

Everybody is being beaten over the head with depressing 9-11 rememberances, poor stock market performance, devastion of the housing market, a unpopular government, a piss poor economy, lots of joblessness, bad business climate, higher taxes, more welfare, food stamps, and the recent blackout of 4 million people on the West Coast.

Yes. All those things can get you down, and expecting to get your vigor out of reading and posting on the internet just will not hack (nice pun) it anymore.

My solution. Wash up your Viper, call up a few local Viper buddies, and take your cars out for a spirited run through your local back roads. Stop for a nice lunch somewhere that has a patio under some trees, sip a cool "Arnold Palmer" and catch up on your friends happenings face to face instead of through facebook.

Tell some jokes, talk about happenings at your local racetrack. Share upgrade stories, and talk about how the next Viper may turn out.

Tip your waitress a little extra to brighten her day, and plan for your next get together right on the spot.

Walk slowly back to your Vipers in the parking lot, and notice how their appearance has brightened up the day of people who are still amazed at the cars, and maybe never saw more than one in their lot.

Spend a couple minutes to say thanks to your friends for joining you, and give them a quick hug good by. Take a last look at their unique snakes, and a quick compliment might be in order to let them know you appreciate how special their individual Viper is.

Slide into your leather seat, push the start button, and re-live why you bought your car in the first place.

All of a sudden life does not seem so bad.

Enjoy your ride home, and when you finally arrive to park in your garage, and walk into your home, do not forget to stop for just a moment, look back over your shoulder, and realize just what a fantastic fantacy life you are blessed enough to live.


Jul 9, 2008
Reaction score
The forum is the same. People come and go.... You 'old timer' guys should engage the new members a bit more perhaps.... Just sayin'.

- and there's always the guys in the alley......if you like sitting at the kids table.


Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
Rosharon, TX
Well, I attended the Southwest Zone Rendevous this weekend in Rowlett, TX, had a blast, and put almost 1,000 miles on the car. I joined the VCA in 2007 not even thinking about the events that are put on, now the events are the only thing that might keep me a VCA member for 2012. I finally decided that my main focus is to enjoy my Vipers regardless of any memberships to any groups. I'm not going to get into the politics of everything going on or my issues with the VCA, as mine are the same as others, but hopefully in the future the focus can be put enjoying the cars we have and the people who own them without all the bs attached.

All Blue ACR

Aug 15, 2007
Reaction score
Rocky View County, Alberta
Wasn't on the board all weekend.... went for several drives, killed a LOT of bugs.... never saw another Viper but hey, the Viper is never boring.:drive:

You must be registered for see images attach

and Steve, I'll hunt you down next time. Let me know when you're heading out too.

I posted this in the western forum to reach out to you guys, but it went an interesting direction.......:eater:


Feb 18, 2009
Reaction score
Red Deer
Wasn't on the board all weekend.... went for several drives, killed a LOT of bugs.... never saw another Viper but hey, the Viper is never boring.:drive:

You must be registered for see images attach

and Steve, I'll hunt you down next time. Let me know when you're heading out too.

I posted this in the western forum to reach out to you guys, but it went an interesting direction.......:eater:

Did it ever take an interesting direction.

I could head that way for an appetizer one evening this week.


Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
Canton, Ohio
Very well said.

Think this is just the natural way of things when Dodge is closed down in the Viper business.

While they are working furious on the new car, little information is sifting out to the membership.

Marv is working hard in the background setting the club up for its future, but little is going on right now to keep our limited attention spans satiated.

For vendors, the lack of new cars coming out will obviously negatively effect their business. New cars means new owners, and new business volume.

Everybody is being beaten over the head with depressing 9-11 rememberances, poor stock market performance, devastion of the housing market, a unpopular government, a piss poor economy, lots of joblessness, bad business climate, higher taxes, more welfare, food stamps, and the recent blackout of 4 million people on the West Coast.

Yes. All those things can get you down, and expecting to get your vigor out of reading and posting on the internet just will not hack (nice pun) it anymore.

My solution. Wash up your Viper, call up a few local Viper buddies, and take your cars out for a spirited run through your local back roads. Stop for a nice lunch somewhere that has a patio under some trees, sip a cool "Arnold Palmer" and catch up on your friends happenings face to face instead of through facebook.

Tell some jokes, talk about happenings at your local racetrack. Share upgrade stories, and talk about how the next Viper may turn out.

Tip your waitress a little extra to brighten her day, and plan for your next get together right on the spot.

Walk slowly back to your Vipers in the parking lot, and notice how their appearance has brightened up the day of people who are still amazed at the cars, and maybe never saw more than one in their lot.

Spend a couple minutes to say thanks to your friends for joining you, and give them a quick hug good by. Take a last look at their unique snakes, and a quick compliment might be in order to let them know you appreciate how special their individual Viper is.

Slide into your leather seat, push the start button, and re-live why you bought your car in the first place.

All of a sudden life does not seem so bad.

Enjoy your ride home, and when you finally arrive to park in your garage, and walk into your home, do not forget to stop for just a moment, look back over your shoulder, and realize just what a fantastic fantacy life you are blessed enough to live.


Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
Viper Lane, Arizona
I haven't been around much for the last few months, mostly because I've grown tired of 'How much is my viper worth', 'What's your favorite color viper', and the vendor whining is also getting old...just move on...get over it...the world is changing and not for the better.


Viper Owner
Jan 1, 2011
Reaction score
Spring Hill, FL
I'm still deployed but have less than 2 weeks left. I kinda stopped going to the forums because it was depressing me since I couldn't drive my car.


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
I'm reading this as you not feeling all that much Viper excitement these days. (Unfortunately, your post in the Western Canada Region forum got hijacked by a vendor and turned the thread in to one focused on his personal opinion on the website policy)
....As for somehow turning this into a vendor thread, there is nobody discouraging anybody from answering questions just as they always have. What few rules that were updated years ago simply tried to slow down the constant barrage of people trying to sell something to somebody 24/7. Spamming the forums (or paying or encouraging others to do the same) isn’t what these forums are about.

Rest assured that the club has the same challenges for its Viper Parts of America business, which cannot post "ads" in answer to general forum questions. Instead they focus on providing answers when they can, and focus most of their attention in the vendor forum as designated by the club. It really isn't that difficult or controversial.

It is a vendor's decision to advertise on the site. When someone advertises anywhere they pay a fee, give their consent and acknowledge that they will work within the rules given to them. ....... if the rules are not acceptable to them and they cannot commit to work within them, they should not advertise there.

But I digress.........
Keep the Faith.

Re: Wow, this is getting boring

I wasn't just referring the the website..........

Marv, written with all respect to you, the person, and your club office:

Viper is indeed EXCITING, and the excitement is where you find it. Dodge Viper Cup! NARRA. Club Autocrosses, and Rondy's. [I volunteered and participated at several such in AZ with Marv last decade. I like Marv! ] But the epistle in reply to my 'I agree with Mark and 3 other Vendors' is a bit of a stunner.

Fact: for several, long-time paying vendors, ( I was #2 to reply) this site is now less productive and less fun. One of my favorite things for many years was to outright give away stuf in replies to newbees, military, and even new babies. Newbees felt welcome, and it was fun. The 'new rules' now prohibit that ('marketing myself') so FAR LESS FUN for me, and for the lucky recipients.

This is NOT "One Vendor's Personal Opinion" is the opinion of many site members. If the club cares, ask your Vendors and Members. And even if it was just 'one vendors opinion let the members shoot it down. Do members need WebCom protections from their vendors? Members here are NOT bashful. After a large and active thread on the topic was censored, hints and statements were made that this issue would be re-visited.

Since 1997 I have never seen any posted complaints about 'vendor abuse' of or by any PAID vendor on the site. Unpaid? YES! Certainly no patterns of abuse. Although beginning in late 2009, these "mystery complaints" were mentioned by the bosses who also apparently sit on webcom. No 'outside' opinions seem to be allowed. Why no web discussions ? Is there a member advisory panel? A vendor committee?

The rules were changed carte-blanche in the middle of a paid 12-year game. Vendors here are willing to conform to, and honor reasonable rules. Like "no prices" in threads. But NO PHONE NUMBERS in PAID signatures ? No Email addresses either? One word describes that recent rule change: Ludicrous. "Rest Assured" that new rule is a slow-death penalty for paying sponsors. And mandating *** is an annoyance for many. Some *** are even turned off. I think we Vendors are less intrusive if we dont ping owners via ***. "My phone and email is in my signature: *** ***; YYY@YYY." Other readers and later searchers then benefit as well. With the PM RULE only the OP gets connected. And maybe annoyed.

Per Dodge Marketing, Club Member info is not supposed to be used for commercial purposes anyway. But ONE VENDOR has access to name/address/phone/vin/email data. That vendor can instantly know the personal data of any poster profiled here. Is that fair? Is that allowed? Posting about 'ad challenges' while possessing full insider info that NO other paid vendor has is disingenuous.

Personal Opinion should be allowed here in any case, dont you agree? Even if that is also less fun.



Jon Brobst
IVR NW Region Charter President 93-94
VCA "Founding Fourteen" 1995
VCA Past Nat'l Secty-Treasurer 95-97
VCA Past Nat'l Secretary 98-99
VCA Past Regional President 95-02
VCA National and Regional Sponsor 96-11
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