Comming back to work on the highway, i'm in the left lane. Black SUV cuts me off (i'm half way to his drivers door by this point). As he starts to come over, I nail the brakes and hold on. He hits my nose a bit with his bumper, sending me into the concrete divider rails. I slide against them for ~30feet untill I can whip the car to the right, avoid 2 water-filled constructions barrels and get stopped!
The SUV RAN.. HE RAN! Floored it and took off. No one stoped to help me.
Police came, filled out my statement. Car has bad wheel damage up front, pretty bad in the back, scraped on the sills, and flat spots on all of the tires (lockup). Minor chips on the hood where the bumper caught me.
As I was headed home, a guy in a Catapiler truck flagged me down. He had seen it all, and chased the SUV down! Said the guy was doing 90mph running. He got me a tag! YES!!!!!!!! We called the police again and he gave a statement.
He is a harley ridder, and he said he gets cut off all the time. He knew the guy ran, and said it was 100% his fault (whihc it was).
I am so pissed! BUT.. I'm am SOOOOOOoooo glad we got a plate number!
I'm ok... frazzled and full of adrenaline. It's a good thing I can drive... because that was a hellova recovery!
You know what really *****? this was the first time i've driven the car to work in a month