I'm not willing to say global warming is fake...
It's pretty much unanimously agreed that global warming is occurring. The great debate is over whether or not industry and automobiles are the cause, or if it's just a natural warming cycle that has occurred several times in Earth's history.
I'm inclined to believe that human activity is influencing the warming trend, however, I don't like the 'solution' that keeps trying to be shoved down our throat, because it simply won't work.
Let's say they get every single person in the developed world to cut their carbon footprint by 50%, which is an ENORMOUS amount. Yay. Go humans.
Now factor in the population of up and coming industrial societies (China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, etc.) and the exponential birthrate of the world at large, and even 50% nets us less than zero in overall impact.
The root problem is that there are simply too many people. While I do agree with efficiency in general, even strictly adhered to lifestyles when all else is factored in will fall well short of anything resembling even a tiny dent in the problem.
Personally, I believe we'll start seeing 'Resource Wars' by 2020. And I don't mean veiled 'Oil Wars', I mean things like outright 'Water Wars' and 'Land Wars'; people fighting for their very survival, not just for cheap gas.
It's going to get very, very ugly.