This is my concern. If...and lucky I mean only if, I need to sell one of mine , I am then forced to compete with Dodge. As you can see their pricing effects the used car pricing, cuz who in their right mind is going to buy a used version of a car they can buy new for a few grand more. Hence this person must drop their used price to an unbelieveble one. It hurts just to look at.
Some are angry with me because I don't seem to appreciate what I have...on the contrary...I am just notorius for trading vehicles quite often, but with this economy that is likely to cease. A am truly glad I recently changed almost the whole fleet... except for that ancient Cooperhead. Good thing I let my wife take it

. Now she is trying to take the SSG...

Dang sharing marriage crap. As its said from most any wife, "Whats mine is mine and whats his is mine."