VCA Venom Member
If you have ever been stopped for speeding in your snake, indicate the color of the car and, optionally, how many miles over the speed limit you were going. You can participate whether or not you actually received a ticket.
Got one in a viper club cruz 75 in a 45 in the middle of nowhere(speed trap) and got arrested for drifting around medians in a home depot parking lot 12 midnight, thought I couldn't get in trouble being on privet property and no one around I was proven wrong, the whole police department was there being azzes, no talking just pulled me out the car and squeezed the cuffs on! (hatters!)
Im not sure if im proud of this or not but I was driving on a nice stretch of I-355 by my house and I got on it. I think I hit about 130 when i see a cop coming from the other direction so I literally slam on the brakes. After the cop passed me by, I then figured that i should speed up again and get off at the next exit hoping that I would just get away since it would take him time to do U-turn and catch up to me if he got me on his radar gun. Well I get off on the next exit and drive for about a mile thinking I got away with speeing so I did U-turn to attempt to go back on the same expressway. As soon as i did the U-turn, a cop was parked and noticed me doing this and pulled me over for an illegal turn!! Bad luck about the U-turn but great luck that I didnt get a ticket for what I really was doing on the expressway!!! I just paid my fine through the mail and I live to see another day!
last ticket i got in the viper was last year, 98 in a 55 on the GSP. (i think it was 5 points)
a good friend of mine, helped get it knocked down to a 74 in a 55 with no points.
i still wanna know how he paced me from 1/2 mile away at 2:30 AM in the rain ?
What did you expect? You're in ARIZONA!
I hate your area, too many speed cameras!
Viper Race Yellow:
130mph (allegedly) in a 55mph, no ticket, no warning.
104mph in a 55mph, infraction for a broken speedometer.
Exhaust too loud, no ticket. (<- Few of these, one this morning in my town)
Missing front license plate, no ticket. (<- Several of these stops)
BMW Blue:
104mph in a 65, following too close, failure to pull over, reckless driving ($700 fine, no points)
97mph in a 55, caught via radar. $500 fine and court fees, no points.
82mph in a 55, no ticket.
77mph in a 55, warning.
Stop Sign. warning.
90mph in a 65, warning.
93mph in a 65, ticket for expired emissions sticker.
Speeding in town. No ticket but got an apology from the officer.
Speeding is illegal. This thread should be removed.
This site condones street racing. It should condone open discussion of speeding.
Double standards are a pet peeve of mine.
Do you mean condemn, or is this just the 'ole Dave sense of humor--I can usually tell, but this time I cannot?![]()
This site condones street racing. It should condone open discussion of speeding.