if there was some sort of scratch or defect in the glass it could happen for no appearent reason what so ever, that is the nature of tempered(safety) glass.
stick with stock sizes if you must move up i would only go the 18/19 combo on the gen III/IV cars and i would also stick with one of the few Michelin tires for the car either Pilot sports/ PS2 / or Sport Cups and i wuld call JonB at PartsRack Online Shopping - Home BEST prices !
the shorter sidewall(smaller aspect ratio) is not always better look at Formula1, NASCAR, INDY car, CHAMP cars they all have fat(high aspect ratio) tires that are an itegral part of the cars suspension this give and flex has been "figured" in to the way the car handles the cars shock and...
you should have a leak-down test performed
possibly have your oil analyzed by one of those services to see if you have any coolant in your oil
also check the coolant for oil contamination
i couldn't tell you what the problem is but the above will help to figure it out
I am guessing that your situation will be better and more cheaply solved by getting a more aggressive/track alignment. But your tire life/longevity and wear patterns will suffer as a result. Most factory alignments will understeer as the consensus(manufactures think) is that this is a more...
did you email some pics back and forth to show Jeff the issues? I have met him quite a few times I am sure he will go out of his way to make it right even if it does mean doing a return for you. It is the top i would own if i still had my RT
His top is THE best looking hard top for the RT i...
Oh and I forgot he has got great prices on the Team Tech 6-point harnesses if you really want to be safe and planted in your seat, and they are available in custom colors if you choose
not structural either of the hoops shown bolt into stock brackets, although must be better than the stock padded aluminum parts.
Instead also use JonB to buy the Autoform rollbar that is structual and is frame mounted
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