Search results

  1. D

    removing/installing gas cap...........

    Mighty GTS, I don't know how to post pics of the tool if that is what you were asking for. It is made of approximately 3/16 octagonal bar stock. It is 14 inches long with one end bent in an "L" shape (to help with leverage) and the other end has a small hook bent into it. I'm sure that any...
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    removing/installing gas cap...........

    Vinny, I agree with Ron. Put the rubber on the car first. I have a long piece of metal that has a "J" bent into one end. I put this down into the filler neck and pull up on it to get the neck seated into the rubber. If you look into the filler neck you will see a small hole that the hook...
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    How many multiple Viper owners are in here?

    Two here also. The devil,er I mean Chuck, made me do it. Doc
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    Who would never, ever track their Viper?

    Bad Byte, I would never ever track my Viper if I could talk Carmen Electra into being my cup holder. Otherwise, I'm going to the track. Doc
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    Nicks Very Ill.....Pray for him

    Nick and Scott you are in our prayers. Get well soon. If there is anything we can do, please don't hesitate to ask. Doc
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    My new ride!

    ADAM, Very nice car. If I was a jealous man I would be green with envy right now. Gotta love the Countach. Doc
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    Anybody putting a front license plate bracket on for VOI 8?

    I don't see how Texas (or any other state) can ticket you for lack of a front plate if your home state does not require one. Where are you suppose to get the plate for the front if your state doesn't issue one. I'm sure that if you called your local DMV and told them that you were traveling to...
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    I Found My 96 Blue / White GTS

    Jerry, I'm very happy for you. I did not know that you were hankerin' for a B/W. I know of noone better suited to take care of such a rare find. Drive carefully on you trip. Hope to see you soon. :2tu: Doc
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    What's up with todays youth

    Re: What\'s up with todays youth Red, My car has a very large sticker that takes up the entire door and says ViperSpeed and the boy still thought it was a Camaro. "Reading is Fundamental." Doc
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    What's up with todays youth

    What\'s up with todays youth Okay, so I have my GTS on the trailer and I'm on my way to the track for a little spirited driving. The little dash light comes on and tells me I'll be walking if I don't get some gas soon, and I really need to use the facilities so I pull into the local quicky...
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    Question on seats

    Thanks for the replies. Doc
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    Question on seats

    Hey Guys I need some help. I know that this probably should be in the classified section but I need some questions answered first. Moderators could you please leave this here until I at least get an answer? About 2 years ago I bought a pair of seat cushions off the VCA site for my GTS. I was...
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    I am new here .

    Welcome, and congratulations on your new snake Doc
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    Future Viper owner

    Cool! Doc
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    VCA Edition Ram SRT-10

    Dave, I'll check my schedule and see when we can hook up. Don't worry about the track time at the Ranch. It's my treat. Doc
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    VCA Edition Ram SRT-10 on ebay

    Proracer1, There is not even a trace of wrongdoing on your part with selling your VCA edition Ram. You bought with the full intentions of keeping the truck and you now need to sell for a very good reason. I don't think anyone can fault you for your decision. In fact, I think you would be a...
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    Antilock Brakes for 96-2000 GTS Cars

    My 2000 GTS has antilock brakes from Archer and they work great. Give them a call and they can hook you up. Doc
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    Chip in Windshield

    I agree with the above. I've had several windshields repaired on cars that had a 500.00 deductable and the insurance company has always paid for it.The repair shop handles everything for you so it is no hassle. I've even had them come out and do it at my residence. Doc
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    VCA Edition Ram SRT-10

    Dave, Congratulations on your new truck. I'll be at Motorsport Ranch on the 26th, any chance you'll be around? I'd love to see your truck. Also, congratulations to you and everyone at Viperspeed for the good showing at College Station. Doc
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    Looking for Ram SRT-10

    I thought this was not suppose to happen. I try not to get into other peoples business, but it ticks me off that a VCA member would keep one of us from winning the opportunity to buy one of these trucks if they were not going to keep it. I for one, don't think a little profit should ever come...
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    Borla or Belanger

    I know that this is somewhat subjective, but I whole- heartedly agree with Casey. Doc
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    Some words to live by!

    TT, I was speaking specifically about the Countach not the Diablo. I've driven several Countaches and they were harder for me to drive than my Vipers. However, I did not own any of the Lambo's that I drove so maybe I just wasn't accustomed to the cars. At any rate, Since you do own a Lambo...
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    Question on Factory Stripes

    The factory stripes on my '96 also stops before the 90 turn at the chin. Doc
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    Some words to live by!

    Adam, Our tastes in cars run very similar. Last year I spent a bit of time looking for a nice Countach to no avail. I flew to several places to look at some Lambo's and they were either junk or they were very pricey. I've been trying to hold off on the Lambo in hopes that D.C. will...