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  1. J

    2 posts lifts--should I worry?

    Will the arms fit under a Gen II without jacking it up first?
  2. J

    Gen II - A/C went out.... ???

    The area is easily accessable from under the car. I removed each of the lines (single bolt on each and removed the black o-ring on each line. I replaced them with o-rings from a pack I got at Autozone. Pack has enough to do this repair 3 times. Be sure and keep the line tips clean when...
  3. J

    600 Awhp Gtr Scalped My Gen3

    Your car does look a lot better. GTR just looks like a 350z with a body kit. Too bad it's not more distinctive looking.... Nice race.
  4. J

    Painted my rims finally!

    I like it! And say goodbye to brake dust.....
  5. J

    4-post lifts at Cosctco

    I wish they had a two post.....
  6. J

    Nitrous Oxide switches

    Holy Jesus!! Is that a cup holder?!?!?!? In a Viper!!! :omg:
  7. J

    Prefilling Oil Filter

    I always pre-fill with any oil change.
  8. J

    New Asanti 20" Front 22" Rear Wheels Pics

    Yuck, but I think 20's look bad too....
  9. J

    Help with Stereo Install...

    Pulling the fuse might be easier.
  10. J

    How to burp cooling system??

    Excellent write-up. I usually start filling the system via the upper radiator hose (removed from block) then finish with the pressure bottle. Goes a lot faster.
  11. J

    best lolking wheels for blue/white 1997 ? help needed

    Me 3. Look better than most of the aftermarket...
  12. J

    Pipe plug sockets?

    X2 for me.................
  13. J

    Viper/Porsche GT3-RS/Ferrari

    GT-3 is a great performing car but the looks leave a lot to be desired...... (for me at least) Any pictures of the Ferrari?
  14. J

    First time at the track

    12.2 is the best I have been able to do having gone 3-4 times. MPH was 116-118 (97GTS). 12.6 is great for your first time in the car.
  15. J

    Dodge Windshield Banner "Pics"

    I like the Dodge widow banner more than any of the others I have seem. It advertises that is is a piece of American muscle...
  16. J

    AZ. Emissions, Help

    Something must be seriously amiss. By comparison, my 97 with RandomTech cats in CA scored 0.00 NO at 15mph and 1 at 25 mph. Average car produces 50 at 25mph and max is 706 to pass. Could it be the O2 sensors?
  17. J

    ACR paint issue

    Why don't you just do something about it? You must have faced bigger issues in your life then this? Did you just bitch and moan about it or did you do something about it? Have you discussed it with the dealer. Just have them fix it, just like the 90 out of 100 Porsche owners do that find defects...
  18. J

    ACR paint issue

    If you are seeking perfection you will always be disappointed. Even Porsche (according to JD Powers) has 90 defects per 100 cars. Heck, BMW is worse than Chevy with 112 per 100 and Mini 165 (the worst)! I can't see how you can lose it over one defect in a car that you have not even tried to get...
  19. J

    Brakes Pads?

    For street I liked the Porterfield R4S. Minimal dust, no squeak and good braking.
  20. J

    New dyno #s

    Do you think your HP numbers are accurate? Given the HP is calculated from the Torque x rpm/5250 it seems if your RPM is actually lower, your HP is really lower. Example: in your dyno you have 555 Tq at 6000 rpm giving about 634 HP if the actual rpm was 5700, it would really be 602 HP If...
  21. J

    the turning circle sucks

    I discovered this thing called a Y-turn. It really works! I'm sure there is a video YouTube to show you how. :)
  22. J

    Viper owners must be rich ?

    When I tell them you can pick up a Viper for 35k$ most of them are shocked....
  23. J

    Has anyone updated ALL badges to Gen. III?

    It's a silly idea but to each his own.....
  24. J

    Finally I Got my hands on a FE Viper

    Congrats and beautiful car! Don't worry about the skip shift. If you shift into 2nd at anything over 20mph you won't notice it. Have not hit mine in 8 years....
  25. J

    ACR Radiator Hose Collapse Video....

    Wow! That's some great water pump!