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  1. T

    Are new valve cover gaskets really necessary?

    I'm thinking about roller rockers and maybe powder-coating the valve covers while they're off. Do the valve cover gaskets need to be replaced? I don't know what they're made of or how important they are to replace. Also, what's a ballpark price on a set of valve cover gaskets. TIA, Ted
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    Halloween mods

    KepRght, PM sent
  3. T

    A little wild, but what do you think?

    I would ditch all the orange stuff.... but the stripes look great. This is the first I've seen of Bat's smoke headlight overlays. Those look awesome - and complement your stripes.
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    The BIGGEST viper wing YET!

    I actually like the silver painted side sills. It would look nice on the black car, drawing your eyes to the side exhaust..... As it is, all I can see is a body there a Viper in there somewhere?
  5. T

    2005 Viper too cheap

    That's a good deal, but not too cheap to be ureasonable. I've been looking at 03, 04, and 05 SRT10's and find the cheapest to all be around 54k or 55k. Nothing much below that. That's a good deal and maybe you DO need to jump on it. He's right - the market for Gen III's is soft right now and...
  6. T

    "Search" function letting me down!

    Re: \"Search\" function letting me down! You might try putting parenthesis around what you're searching for. It works on some forums, I.E. "99 supercharged GTS" would search for that exact criteria.
  7. T

    VOI VCA Viper and RSI TT System Raffle

    I was taking a close look at the raffle car at VOI, and it looked as if all the graphics were PAINTED on. I too was debating about keeping the checkers or removing them WHEN I win it. I guess they're there to stay.
  8. T

    Looking to sell and buy a GEN 2.........

    I too sold my '95 green rt/10 about a year ago. I got 34k for it in VERY similar condition as yours (but gen II wheels). Living in the Pacific NW especially, we needed the coupe. It was a great decision and the GTS is much easier to just hop in and drive. No more BS about the windows, top...
  9. T

    Decide for me...Which do I keep? '93, '04 or both

    Re: Decide for me...Which do I keep? \'93, \'04 or both Option "D". Having an 04 Viper and the FGT gives you the best of everything!
  10. T

    GTS owners, Has this ever happened to you?

    My first time ever on the drag strip ALL 3 CD's in the mesh pocket flew back and landed perfectly in the rear pocket. Amazing isn't it?
  11. T

    You know what sucks?

    An alignment is cheap insurance compared to the price of new tires! I'd get them aligned right away. Mine had Eibach's installed just before I bought it and I ASSUMED it had been aligned. The rear camber was off so bad, the life of my tires were VERY short. I'd think twice about lowering...
  12. T

    Anybody want to sell Poker chip set ?

    I heard the poker sets sold for about $200 in the Venetian gift shop, and that's WITHOUT the Viper emblem on each chip. But yes, DC was selling the sets for $40 each at the very end of VOI 9. I would have paid WELL over that to get them. GLAD I WENT!!!!!! And yes, they're the really nice...
  13. T

    Has anyone used these vents ?

    I used the raw grille and it looks GREAT on my silver/blue '98 GTS. I cut a square opening in the front of the side sill and riveted the vents into place. No paint needed on the silver car. I was told that those who painted theirs had to re-paint them due to rock chipping. WAY too expensive...
  14. T

    Thinking about removing a ??

    I'm using the RandomTech metal substrate hi-flow cats with the RandomTech muffs, X-pipe on my '98 GTS. I love the sound of it. I was told that in addition to the nasty rotten-egg smell you could get w/o cats, you won't encounter backfiring like you would with the cat-delete. How many of you...
  15. T

    Need a quarter frame section??

    I bought a left front frame section for a '98 GTS from X2 Collision. I ended up straightening the frame, so now I don't need it. I had to wait 6 months for the frame section, so I know they're hard to come by. Anyone in need of a frame section? I'm located in Oregon.
  16. T

    Is my car haunted?

    I believe that is the relay that shuts the "dome" light off after several minutes with the doors open. You'll notice the light comes on when doors are open, but eventually shuts off. I noticed that on my '95. I also heard lots of clicking when the battery was on it's last leg.......30 minutes...
  17. T

    Dodge Viper Fan Control Kit

    My '98 GTS had one installed by the previous owner. Turns out he wired it wrong - tapping into the fans high setting instead of the low setting. It entirely melted the relay and all wiring nearby. I'm lucky it stopped at that. Needless to say I gutted the whole sha-bang. I've heard they're...
  18. T

    New rice mod: wheels graphics (go ahead and laugh if you want!)

    You need these to complete it. I have one set in silver powdercoat ready to ship, Let's see what those wheels look like on the car!! Kinda hard to tell laying on the garage floor.
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    Let's have a little contest!

    Re: Let\'s have a little contest! 680 hp and 700 ft/lbs
  20. T

    Anyone try this new Metal'Cat?

    Re: Anyone try this new Metal\'Cat? I bought the Random Tech metal ones and love them. I wanted to avoid that awful smell that I experienced in my "no-cat RT/10." And with these, there's no backfire.
  21. T

    Trasnmission noise

    I have 40k miles on my GTS and think my clutch might be going out. It engages at the very end of the release and doesn't put much power to the road. There are several nights of drag racing on the car and it's N/A. Do our stock clutches only last 40k miles? While I'm at it, anyone have a...
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    Roe Blower and light flywheel???????? ASAP, Please!!!

    How hard is the install for a clutch/flywheel? I only have jack-stands in the garage and would like to do it myself. Do I need a lift or pit to do the job? I hate paying someone $1,000 to install a clutch that I would enjoy doing over a weekend. Those of you that have done it yourself, how...
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    Bolt in Roll Cage???

    The regs I posted above were from 2004 (now that I look). I didn't check current regs, but wasn't aware they changed either. Sounds like I need to be shopping for a rollbar!
  24. T

    Bolt in Roll Cage???

    The NHRA regs say a "rollbar" is required from 11.00 to 11.99 (11.00 to 13.99 in convertibles) "Roll cages" are required in cars running 10.99 or quicker or any car exceeding 135 mph

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