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  1. T

    1994 parts

    Scharf IS the man to talk to. He hooked me up with six interior pieces I was needing and at a VERY reasonable price. Definitely give him a call first!
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    Need Gen 1 dash pieces.....Scharf, you out there?

    I'm looking for those pesky dash pieces for my 1995 rt/10 that are prone to breaking. I need the radio/gear shift/ashtray trim piece in black. I also need both the triangular and rectangular inserts for both left and right doors (also in black). Any help would be great. Do these replacement...
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    Rate the Avatar Of the Poster Above You!

    Uhhhh......nice color. What?....are you fishing for complements? That and Silver are my favorite colors. When I can afford a GT, that's what it'll be. Oh yeah, and nice fuel door
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    Rate the Avatar Of the Poster Above You!

    Uhhhhhh.......Nice fuel door. Where's the scantily-clad woman in that seat?
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    Make your existence known.

    Is this a 'God' dam???
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    1994 rt/10 speaker upgrade

    I used JL Audio 6" subs which fit stock holes. I had Alpine separates put in the doors. They are the standard 6 1/2" instead of the 5 1/4" speakers that were stock in my '95 RT/10. With a new Alpine deck, it sounds GREAT! I can cruise on the freeway at 70 mph with windows and top off and the...
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    Need dash parts for Gen 1 - Help!

    Is it just my Gen 1 or what? All the dash pieces seem to be cracking. Ugghh! I'm looking for the door bezel that is sort of triangle-shaped. I also need the plastic trim piece that snaps into it. Both drivers and passengers side need replaced. Either the previous owner was a little hard on...
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    ViperBound Has Reached The Promised Land!!!!!!!

    If it's the same as my 1995, there are two releases. First, reach in the bottom/left-most opening in the grille up front. Reach back and pull the lever down. Second, there will now be a gap between the hood and the front bumper. Reach into the gap up front (on drivers side, next to head...
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    Ahhhhh... Best day with the Viper so far

    I can appreciate it all but the driving with "the light buzz from the Coronas." DRIVE SOBER! Rock on.....glad you found a cool cop!
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    Jon B saved my butt last night

    Here we go.....UNREELVIPER, right on brother! I too have made "significant" arrests that all started with a "no front plate" traffic stop. For those who don't get it......sorry. It is known as a pretextual stop and is PERFECTLY legal. In essence it means you intend on stopping a particular...
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    Jon B saved my butt last night

    Do you actually think the cop cares about the front license plate?? It simply gives him a reason to stop the car. In most cases your attitude is what buys you a "no front plate" ticket. Law Enforcement stops cars they have a legal reason to stop..simple as that. Regarding your "pile of...
  12. T

    How do I adjust door handle? Won't open

    How do I adjust door handle? Won\'t open The passenger door on my 95 takes two pulls on the door handle to open it. It's not due to improper alignment of the's the linkage on the door handle itself. Only had the car 2 months...anyone else had this problem? How do I fix it...
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    1998 RT/10 just cranks after new battery installed..HELP!!! No start

    Had a similar problem on my 95. After totally powering down the car and powering it back up with new battery, the factory alarm resets itself. I too tried to start, but it wasn't firing. My Viper Tech said it was the factory fuel cut-off. The motor would turn over but it sounded like no...
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    Polk Momo Speakers

    I wouldn't recommend crossovers in the door. They are exposed to much less slamming and jarring if mounted under the dash (there's actually room). It won't matter for those of you with the GTS, but the crossovers in my RT/10 that were installed several years ago were ruined due to moisture...
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    Side Exhaust Cover Replacements

    Do you have pics??
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    Joined Trunk Strut Club (video)

    I ordered mine from (JonB) and it ended up costing $105 after shipping. Again, easy instructions/templates and only took me 10 minutes for entire install. Definitely glad I did it!
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    Door bezels for Gen 1

    Anyone know where to find the aluminum door bezels for a gen 1? Furthermore, anyone have a set they want to get rid of? What are they going for brand new? Thanks
  18. T

    Disadvantages of East Coast Vipers???

    I did just the same thing last week and it's not even winter yet! As you guys have recommended in other threads, don't get on it in the corners.......get some seat time before pushing it.... I should have heeded your advice. I've learned to respect the torque this thing puts out! Thankfully...
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    Ideas on trunk liner for Gen 1??

    Any pics? I thought about doing the same, just so I didn't have to look at that donut every time I popped the trunk. What kind of carpet did you use and where do you find it? Thanks
  20. T

    Front Turn Signal Cover Replacement?

    If it's the same lens as the Gen 1, I have a perfect set out of my 95 rt/10. I thought I'd give those clear corners a try and they look great. Let me know if they work and you want the amber ones. I ended up taking the front fascia off (which it sounds like you'll have to do anyhow) and...
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    Ideas on trunk liner for Gen 1??

    Other than custom stereo installs, has anyone lined the trunk of their Gen 1 for a cleaner look? I've had the snake for about two months, and I think it's time to give the trunk a finished look. I plan on using an automotive carpet or speaker box covering and attaching it with spray adhesive...
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    Viper Totaled Today , PICs

    Depending on why you had it in the shop, he may face criminal charges. Was there a reason he had to take it for a ride. If the answer is no, I would file charges on Unlawful Use of a Motor Vehicle (at least in Oregon). That is such B.S.!!! Even if he had to take it for a spin, I agree with...
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    Tonneau cover by Grilletech or Ryan Walsh--warning

    I've seen the cheap crap GrilleTech is selling as "custom grilles." What this guy does is send you a large square piece of screen and lets you do the measuring/cutting/fitting. His advertisements show nice pieces, but read the fine print!! I thought he was only in the grille business? Thanks...
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    Disadvantages of East Coast Vipers???

    Why have such a pristine ride and not enjoy it for over half of the year??? Even though "clean up" takes considerably longer after a wet/winter ride, it is WELL worth the time. After even a week of not driving it, I go into withdrawals........maybe that'll go away with time - after all, I've...
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    After hearing this I'm ready to get rid of my VIPER!

    Re: After hearing this I\'m ready to get rid of my VIPER! Yep, I was late to work just to hear it all! Dude, I got a sweeeet ride.....uh huh. This man's living on the edge -after all, he's had her up to 90 mph! But...I have to admit, the Viper's not do I say...accessible to those...

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