Your car heats up faster because the A/C pump takes extra power to run, and the condenser, located in front of the radiator, further diminishes cooling ability of any cooling system, especially one which already has issues.
The Fan System in the SRT-10 is Hydraulic, not electric. It runs off of the Power Steering pump. Regardless of what people think, this system is VERY efficient and far more capable than its electric counterparts. It is however, more susceptible to damage from bad PS pumps, contamination, and old fluid.
First off, check your PS fluid for contamination, and make sure the level is OK. If it looks burnt/metallic, or is full, continue on reading. If it is very low, fill it, and find your leak, and flush it.
More than likely, the cause of your issues is your PS pump. I have seen many 2005-2006's with bad PS pumps. However, many times, the bad PS pump takes the hydraulic fan motor with it.
If your PS pump is bad, the diminished flow will cause the fan to spin slower, flowing less air. The extra load from the A/C puts it over the ability of the fan to cool. The low PS pressure also would account for your increased steering feel.
My recommendations are:
-Flush PS system 3x with new ATF+4 [To minimize contamination]
-Drain PS Fluid.
-Replace Pump and Fan Motor as a pair [If BOTH are going out, the bad one left in your PS system can take your new pump/motor out again in short order]
-Refill PS system, and run until system purges air.
-Flush system 1 more time immediately.
-Flush system 1 last time about 100 miles later.
I recommend to EVERYONE, flush your PS fluid every 15K miles, or every three years, which ever comes first. Since I started recommending this, I have not seen a failure from anyone who has actually done this!