Gerald, you are unbelievable! A DLM advertising Wh*re Extrordinaire=>from here on out to be known as DLMAWE! This is a post about Sean Roe's kit and I think you make DLM look bad by hijacking this thread!
Repeat after me, "This is a Sean Roe Thread.............."
[/QUOTE]Paoblo, what are you some kind of moderator????? YOU of all people calling the kettle black?? This is an OPEN FORUM,
AN OPEN FORUM is for everybody and anybody.
Repeat after me "AN OPEN FORUM"
Max, I think you should try to spell my name correctly instead of the name calling. You are the biggest joke of them all! Have you ever even raced your car? Do you consider yourself a good driver?
I respect the DLM posts and do not say negative things like you DLM guys did on the Heffner/Mash post. I think that it was not right for Gerald to do what could be construed as a DLM advertisement in a Sean Roe Gen-1 supercharger post. If you want to mention DLM doing Gen-1 work, start your own post.
A couple months ago, one of you guys pointed out the same thing to me when I mentioned Heffner in a DLM thread. Initially, I did not appreciate the remark, but after I thought about it, you guys were right. So I say we just keep everything positive in regards to a particular thread. Asking questions is fine, that is the "Open Forum" concept applied.
Max, I will be happy to run you any kind of race you want when I get my car back. I think you live in Ohio which is close to Chicago. It will be put up or shut up. Until then, you should keep your little 'nothing to back it up' comments to yourself. Spank you very much!