9AM-9:20AM Blue Group
9:25AM-9:45AM Red Group
9:50AM-10:10AM Green Group
10:15AM-10:35AM Yellow Group
10:40AM-11:00AM Blue Group
11:05AM-11:25AM Red Group
11:30AM-11:50AM Green Group
11:55AM-12:15PM Yellow Group
12:15PM-1:00PM Lunch
12:20PM-1:00PM Passenger Group
1:00PM-1:20PM Blue Group
1:25PM-1:45PM Red Group
1:50PM-2:10PM Green Group
2:15PM-2:35PM Yellow Group
2:40PM-3:00PM Blue Group
3:05PM-3:25PM Red Group
3:30PM-3:50PM Green Group
3:55PM-4:15PM Yellow Group
4:20PM-5:00PM Passenger Group
Ahh, I did show up. I was in the red VRL Viper #11. I just haven't updated my avatar so there's no reason to SHOUT Dave. Horton & Co put on a nice weekend at the track.
well, I see your name, but you sent me a email on the 24th saying, too bad there's no race group, have to catch you guys next year. That's why the comment. Someone else posted the incorrect schedule.
Did you sell your blue car?
One of my buddies wanted to run the car so I obliged him. We both took turns taking the car out on the track and giving rides to others in their Vipers. Yes, I still have the blue car. It's in the garage waiting to run in the Viper Days finals in October. After that, it's retired for from the track to live the life of a pampered "Garage Queen"
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