it doesnt matter if you have gone to driving school or not,you get on it at full throtle anything can happen to the best of us.Another 2 deaths, who will it be next month? Yes, I have broken speed laws but many[not all] of these horrible accidents wouldn't happen if the driver spent some time at Viper Days or other driver school getting comfortable with 500-600 HP. Just my 2 cents; my prayers to the family; terrible, just terrible.
I check mine often too. I hope they check out the car and feed back any findings!Why do the wrecks always seam to be steered to the left? Makes me wonder about the lower A-arm cracking. I'm always looking at mine. This worries me.
Your right. If it wasn't an officer, the title would be "viper street racing crashes and kills occupants."
Amen to that.Above the law or not, speeding tickets or not, he's a Viper brother who lost his life and will forever affect the lives of countless others including his 3 kids. No one deserves that.
RIP Terry and David.
Stupid people can kill themselves and others with 100rwhp, they don't need 500 or 600. Hell, a stupid person can kill themself in a bicyle. I am not calling anyone stupid, simply stating the obvious.
it doesnt matter if you have gone to driving school or not,you get on it at full throtle anything can happen to the best of us.
Don't downplay the effectiveness of high speed drivers training. I have no idea what the stats are but I'm betting the number of track rats that have killed themselves doing stupid stuff on public streets is considerably disproportionately in favor of the tracker than those who don't track.
Don't downplay the effectiveness of high speed drivers training. I have no idea what the stats are but I'm betting the number of track rats that have killed themselves doing stupid stuff on public streets is considerably disproportionately in favor of the tracker than those who don't track.
Viper days won't replace common sense. Stupid is as stupid does.
This guy was as dumb as the California State highway patrol officer that killed his family in the Toyota with the stuck gas pedal, he had time to call 911, but did not know how to turn his car off or put in nuetral.![]()
"At a high rate of speed" Another guy with a badge whos above the law. And wonder how many speeding tickets he wrote in the last week.
I LOVE you too SWEETY. And I HAVE seen the badge abused many times and used as a get out of jail card too. Too long to list on this forum.What makes you think that a cool guy (who happens to be in Law Enforcement) who was out enjoying his car thinks HE is above the law. I know a lot of officers and can't think of even one that thinks he is above the law. On our own time, we are subject to the same laws as everyone else......a badge isn't a get out of jail free card.
This was a huge loss of two lives to a family and you start flaming his profession and attitude? Sorry to rant, but you need to get your head screwed on right!![]()
.... and I LOVE you too SWEETY. ....
....I crashed my first Viper after owning it for years driving in the rain just a little bit above 50 mph. No speeding. No spirited driving. Just one little MOMENT of not being 150% in the car when changing lanes and driving over a very wide wet slippery white mark on the road - a Viper demands your ATTENTION ALL THE TIME. No excuse. It may happen to anybody sooner or later or never.
Wishing everybody a safe start into the driving season if you had your car in hibernation for months! Take a drivers training to adjust your butt and right foot to the POWER.
Condolences to the families.
Don't downplay the effectiveness of high speed drivers training. I have no idea what the stats are but I'm betting the number of track rats that have killed themselves doing stupid stuff on public streets is considerably disproportionately in favor of the tracker than those who don't track.
That's probably because track rats don't really speed that often on public streets or do high speed runs with others around.
I'm sure you'll agree that once you track your Viper properly and/or participate in driver's training, going 150mph in a straight line on a public road just isn't that exciting.
I agree 100%, the street bores me. But trackers are also more likely to have a better skill level.
Chuck, I agree 100%. I drive like an old lady on the street-but get the hell out of my way on the track!
Its not like they were out knocking off banks together
Being above the law didn't help with this accident.