Viper Owner
Well guys I just brought me new viper into the dealer to get the a/c recharged, my freon level was at Zero could see nothing on that valve in the engine compartment. So the tech filled it w/ freon and the dye to see if it leaks and then the thing would not work The comp[ressor would kick on. So the tech told m they would have to take the front end apart to get at the wiring if a wire was crimped or cut causing the compressor not to be working. They check the presure it is fine just NO COLD AIR and Chicago humidity is killer alone w/o the exhaust adding to that. I mean it has not blown cold air since I got it 2 months ago but I thought it was due to low or no freon, no they want to do like 6-8 hours worth of work att like $110 just to get the front end on and off and fix a possible loose wire???? Should I take it to another dealer in the south suburbs or anywhere for that matter they charged my $159.00 for A/c service and freon and dye and I think it is blowing hotter air now than when I brought it in. Any ideas, anyone have similar problems w/ their a/c? Any Help would be great. Thank in advance
Domenic Maciariello
Domenic Maciariello