Am I the only one who thinks that $100 is too much for VCA membership?

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Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
Jeffersonville, IN, USA
I belong to several national/local clubs, none of them charge even half that amount. It seems awfully high for 4 magazines and not much else if you can't attend meetings/ events regularily. Since I (and a lot of other people who own Vipers) live a long way from any club (100 miles in my case) we don't benefit from the cameraderie of going to weekly meetings etc. I would gladly pay a lessor amount for the privelages of posting on this board and being a member. I'm not bashing here but really the only benefit I would get from joining is what you have already graciously provided - this chat board. I also think it is wise that is open to ALL Viper owners because surely non-members have provided usefull info from time to time. I welcome comments from others on this issue.

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
I ain't rich but $100 ain't gonna break me and it contributes to my support of the Viper. Maybe that sounds wimpy but that’s the way I look at it.

Try contacting your chapter pres and encourage, or better yet assist, them with having a meeting at a more convenient spot.

Joseph Houss

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
Jul 19, 2000
Reaction score
How can I not answer this!

Every club has its' membership fees. The VCA is clearly a non-profit entity, and is constantly trying to provide additional services, events, discounts, and excitement for all who join. There is always going to be some members that aren't exactly in the "hub" of activity of a particular region, and we hope that enough members will come to bat, in that surrounding area to build events to satisfy your needs, and this is one of the hardest responsibilities the Regional Presidents have.

What you DO get when joining the VCA is membership to one of the most sincere, loyal, friendly groups of individuals you could ever meet! We hope that people like you, who have not had the advantage of many LOCAL great regional events that most get to enjoy, would become a volunteer and build an event right smack dab in your area, as there are surely other VCA members that are your neighbors that would LOVE to attend.

I would be glad to help you set up an event! Or, if you would just like to enjoy more LOCAL events, but NOT get involved, call your regional President, and let him know, that you feel left out. He should be able to find others to build events for your enjoyment.

$100 is surely not pennies, but it still IS a great value (even without any regional events)

1) Viper Mag
2) VCA Notes
3) Discounts from Vendors
4) This website
5) Raffles
6) Charitable Work
7) Zone Rendezvous
8) Friendships

... did I miss anything?


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joseph Houss:
$100 is surely not pennies, but it still IS a great value (even without any regional events)

1) Viper Mag
2) VCA Notes
3) Discounts from Vendors
4) This website
5) Raffles
6) Charitable Work
7) Zone Rendezvous
8) Friendships

... did I miss anything?


You bet your astronaut you did!!


If you haven't been to one of these events, you have absolutely no idea what goes into them. They are top-notch, VERY expensive affairs. While a few people moaned when they coughed up $600 a person to attend (including me), I would bet that between Dodge and the VCA that they have at 3-4 times that much invested - per person. Top entertainers, excellent food, tons of track time and instruction, giveaways, and much, much more. Like you, I have been a member of many car clubs and it IS expensive comparatively. Go to a single VOI and you will wonder why we don't pay more every year. There is not another car club event of this scale that I am aware of. Certainly not for what you pay in other car clubs. Whether you attend these or not, your money is used very wisely. Oh, and since it looks like VOI7 will be practically in your backyard (Nashville), be sure to cash in on that membership - you will be glad you did!


PS. I would think the VCA pays at least dealer cost (if not more) for these raffle cars, of which there have averaged a little more than one a year since the first at VOI6. It adds up!


VCA Venom Member
Venom Member
Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Zionsville,IN. USA
Paul raises an interesting which I would say that, in MY opinion, there is seldom an agreed upon "value" to most of these sorts of endeavors. That said, I personally find the membership cost to be perfectly in line in today's world. There are obvious benefits to the membership that were fairly well spelled out in past communications. However, at present, I do NOT SEE a copy of these benefits EASILY available to the average Viper owner. It seems to me that a link to "Advantages of a VCA membership" should appear on the home page of this board. I have recently communicated with 2 Nat'l officers concerning this possibility as Paul's question is a frequent one.

I recently attempted to answer the benefit question at a Ind/Ky meeting. Included in the benefit list were the obvious affinity group, K&K event insurance (non-track) Snake-bytes notes, regional minutes (monthly in our region) that include event schedules as well as a directory of members plus assorted mailers from other clubs, activity fliers etc., shows, charity events tech sessions, and access to driving events. While we try to figure a way to include everyone (guests, other Regional members, and potential members are ALWAYS WELCOME), there comes a point,in MY opinion, where the elected Club officers need to remember that there is an inherent responsibility to serve the PAYING MEMBERS (otherwise, WHY should anyone EVER pay??). This may become a much more serious issue in the future as the Club stands more on it's own two feet.
Geography is always an issue...ESPECIALLY in 2 state regions. This is the reason behind our Region's attempt to provide activities "LOCALLY" through a Southern (read that KY ) Director and a Northern Director (serving Inniana's "Upper Pennsula" that includes those living just across the Mich.border who work in Ind.) In fact, this last summer, one weekend our Region had events going on in 3 states attended by separate sets of folks. I PERSONALLY consider that GOOD SERVICE on the part of our Club. I recently published in the Ind/Ky Region's newsletter, "As we look toward activities for 2002, it should be noted that the usual place for the monthly business meetings will continue to be at Fast Freddy's unless otherwise noted. As you know, in 2001, we held meeting ALL AROUND the 2 state region, including Lawrenceburg, IN, Columbus, IN, Frankfort, KY, Muncie, IN, Putnam Park Racetrack in Mt. Meridian, IN, and Rising Sun, IN. YES, we ARE TRYING to reach more members with these meetings!!! We hope to continue this trend in 2002. It should also be noted that activities took members to several nearby states this year (Mich, ILL, Ky, Tenn, and Ohio )." There has been a marked shift of activity location to better serve our scattered members. There were 3 separate events in KY ... and an additional 2 "along the Ohio River". Hopefully our activities will continue to be more widespread in coming years.

Membership is stall a personnal choice and subject to one's OWN value judgement. HAPPY HOLIDAYS to ALL the VIPER NATION !!!

Respectfully submitted,

Seve Fess Sec. Ind/Ky VCA


Jul 25, 2000
Reaction score
I consider $100 to be bus tokens for what I have received from the Viper Club over the past 7 years of being a member. I've attended each of the VOI's from VOI 2 to VOI 6. The VOI's alone are well worth the membership fees.

There may be associate memberships available with some regions but you would loose out on things like the VOI's and discounts on other Viper related items or being able to attend the world class events like Dodge puts on for the members of the VCA.
Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
The cost to be a VCA member may be high for some if Viper magazine is the only club feature you use. We have members that drive 100 miles one way to attend our VCA monthly meetings. Our club events often involve drives of a 100 miles or more to get to the event destination. Driving is a wonderful part of Viper ownership.

Events are designed for club member enjoyment and club members are encouraged to organize events to meet their interest.

Benefits many have already been mentioned but there are a few more that pay for the $100.00 membership quickly.

Every Viper owner should have performance driving experience or take driving schools to maximize the pleasure of driving a Viper and to drive safe in any car.

Skip Barber discounts their 2 day school 25%, that is equal to 3 years of membership dues. All other advanced programs are discounted 10%. Depending on the activity, the discount is $75.00 to $400.00. Without current VCA membership there is no discount.

Viper Days gives VCA members a $100.00 discount per event.

Helmet City gives VCA members a 10% discount for all products.

My last comment and best feature of the VCA is the people. My first club event was Viperfeast in 1996, location San Diego. This was about a 600 mile drive one-way. My wife and I meet many wonderful people at that event who have become close friends. We continue to meet new members who are wonderful people.

For me the price for entry is low based on the benefits I receive.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC, USA
Interesting that this thread is going on the same time there is one about making a VCA only section....

THIS BOARD is the Viper Club Of America's Official Website. You take advantage of your membership every day. However, since it is open to everyone, you're now asking why should you pay... If it were VCA members only, would you then see value in your membership? There is tons of valuable information here - and its through the VCA and its leaders, as well as folks like Jay and Tony that make this a reality.

To not want to pay $75 per year (deduct out the cost of Viper Magazine) for all this to continue, not to mention the TONS of other benefits and discounts already mentioned, is pretty cheap.

P.S. - We pay for 2 memberships each year and will gladly continue to do so, even though we could "get away with" one..

Get more involved with your local regoin - see if there is an event you can help plan - are there more Viper owners in your area that would participate if you set up a Dyno day or drag racing event? Get involved - you will really see what the VCA is about.


Oct 6, 2000
Reaction score
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS">Though I am certainly not in the upper echelons of disposable income, I would gladly pay $100 / year just for use of this website.

</FONT f>

Larry 03 SRT-10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
spearman, tx usa
The $100 seems reasonable for the web site and the magazine but I am 250 miles one way from the closest club and 350 miles from the one I belong to.
I will never be able to go to meetings or events so why do I have to join the local club as a requirment of joining VCA?
No big deal one way or another.


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ron:
......I would gladly pay $100 / year just for use of this website. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

BRAVO! This is heartening to those of us who pleaded for our own officail site, and made Jay our Webmaster and his product VCAs.

Be glad you are a member of the VCA for the other valid benefits, [like informative, insider VGX-SRT-10 info!)with our THANKS for supporting the VCA. Now, do you feel warm 'n fuzzy?


DUES: When I was a VCA Co-Founding Regional and National offcier (1st 5 yrs) I fought to keep VCA dues a "State's Rights" issue. Why? Guys in CA & FLA and AZ have hundreds of members and get 12 mos of fun.

By comparison, Pac-NW had 30 members in 3 states and BC, and has a weather-window of 6-7 months. (today marks 39 straight days of heavy rain.) Arkansas had 11 members. You get the pic?
{Now-Pac-NW has 150?)

When NATIONAL gratiously accepted the Region's pleas to handle the money and the renewals, it led the way to a standardized dues. The "State's Rights" issues still apply in this way:

A region that provides fewer activities can decide to RETURN a portion of the dues by giving away doorprizes, renewal gifts, or subsidizing an event. That way, PARTICIPANTS get their monie's worth. 'Participants' being the operative word.

Non-Participants may feel "overcharged" but if they don't participate, maybe because they are geographically stranded like MT-WY, they could join a "seasonal" club that gives back a doo-dad like a keychain or hat or book or...Just feel warm n fuzzy !

But THANKS FOR SUPPORTING VCA....and if you are just a lovable sponge here, please JOIN ! 1-800-998-1110
Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
Jeffersonville, IN, USA
Interesting feedback....Everything from the usual idiot (who advises "If you can't afford $100 maybe you should buy a Yugo") to thoughtful responses like Steve-Indy and JonB as well as others.
I actually did attend an event last summer and met many GREAT people in the IN/KY club in Frankfort Ky. I wish they were located near me because I enjoyed their company a lot and would love to go to monthly meetings. Talked Duanne's ear off about his paint job, WOW!
I believe I will join after the first of the year. I agree, I too have gotten enough advice from this board to justify the dues.

King GTS

Nov 5, 2001
Reaction score
Houston, Tx.
I really never thought about until now. But I think the $100 is well worth it. Never been in another club - so I don't know what everyone else is charging but $100 seems really reasonable in my view.

Steve Ferguson

Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
Burr Ridge, IL
According to the leaders of some of the above mentioned clubs, VCA members get more benefits than their members do? The only reason the dues are this low, and the site is provided for free, is that there are a bunch of wonderful people taking time out of their lives to donate their collective efforts to keep the cost reasonable. This site alone would not fit into our budget if it were not for all the volunteer helpers.

The one thing that is missing in justifying the cost is the Viper Network. I have had members from far away Regions call and ask if I knew "where to get tires" because they were in Illinois with a flat. We had a club member driving from Chicago to LA, and he needed to get a new front tire on a Sunday night! Well he pulled out his Viper Mag, called the President of the Arizona Club (now our National President Tony Estes) and Tony invited him over, got the tire replaced, ate a little pizza, and got the member back on the road. That in itself is worth more than $100.

The good news is that most of us have never had to utilize this benefit, but the fact that it is there for all members should more than justify the minimal cost.


Jul 27, 2000
Reaction score
Severna Park, Maryland
There is no camraderie to match that found in this organization. Go ahead, join up and drive the 100 miles to local meetings you will not regret it! Last summer, friday night before our biggest event, VA/MD club, dead battery, toasted battery, none available anywhere, event gets off at early morning. I holler for help on this site, jeez, cookie doesn't work on new home computer, email Vipermad, he gets me on, I get with Gus Strakes, the event organizer, we get on 3 way conversation with 2 other club members who are at a cruise in in northern virginaia 75-100 miles away, I'm on the garage on the cell with these guys talking me through the security system if that's the problem. They agree it's the battery, hang tight they say, we got an extra battery, our estimated time of arrival is 2 hours. I was dumfounded, Iv'e had zillions of corvettes, been in all the clubs, never anything like this. They came, they did,nt get home till probably 1-2 in the morning and they were in charge of convoying the Virginia group of Vipers right back up here very early the next morning. Ron and Brian, thank you again and that's my story about the 100 bucks and why I think it's more than a reasonable cost.

Bobby Likis

Mar 30, 2001
Reaction score
Value of anything is mostly what's perceived. It's not often that one can spend his or her money and get more than bargained for. In my small corner of the world, we call it under promising and over delivering.

When I consider all the information that I've gleaned from this forum about: 1) Viper pre-purchase technical questions -- valuable information readily available "before" I signed on the dotted line, 2) comfort and peace of mind re spending some $80K for a Detroit-made vehicle, which can (and has) cost 35% delivery day, 3) existing Viper owners' insight & performance mods, 4) to-the-point "best buys" on ways to personalize my car and much more.

In addition, there's the true value of communicating with this group during my brief visits on this site.

As for the $100... doesn't that sort of put our stake in the sand and let everyone know that we're Viper owners. If I divided my club dues by just 1/2 the compliments I've received while driving, standing next to, cleaning, fueling, walking away from, waiting for the light to turn green... well most of you've been there and know what it feels like.

I've paid a helluva lot more for a helluva lot less. Enjoy the drive!


Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
Monterey, Ca, USA
I think there is an "attitude" issue here.

How about this: We join VCA not because of what we get out of it but because of what we can contribute to it and the membership.

Frank 03SRT

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Somewhere in Kansas
---how about the VCA paying us $100, no make that $200 per year. Yeah, that's more like it!

Getting $100 FROM the VCA wouldn't change my lifestyle, just like GIVING it doesn't either. I agree that this site alone is worth it.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Well they say if the shoe fits wear it. I suppose that puts me in the "usual idiot" catagory. If I recieved nothing but the opportunity to go to VOI I would jump at the chance to join for $100. IMHO this is a great organization and I can't believe anyone even asks the $100 question. If you can afford a Viper you can afford to join the VCA. I'm sure we do get some good input from some non-members and they are good for some comic relief at times but I still think only members should be allowed to post. Just .02 from one of the usual idiots.


Jeff Torrey

Jul 15, 2001
Reaction score
Plaistow, NH USA
If you do not like paying $100.00 per year for dues. Let Parts Rack ot Tator's pick it up for you.

Your membership gets you 20% off. No very hard to spend that kind of money on parts.


Nov 29, 2001
Reaction score
Hurst, TX USA
As a new Viper owner i find this site and its services 'invaluable'. Many of my questions that would have otherwise cost me time and $$$ were answered here and i can't tell you how cool that is. It's like having a viper tech handy 24/7.

The $100 is a non issue with me and probably with most people.

My only thought would be remember that Viper ownership isn't cheap and if you're thinking about the cost of every little thing associated with Viper ownership then maybe its the wrong car for you.


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 94 RT/10 Black MAMBA:
Interesting feedback.... from thoughtful responses like Steve-Indy and JonB as well as others........I believe I will join after the first of the year. I agree, I too have gotten enough advice from this board to justify the dues. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

MAMBA........ Thanks.

You can join NOW for the same $100! Oct-Dec are FREE with the next-year's $100 membership.

And thanks again to Woodhouse, Timberline, and any dealer that pays the VCA membeship on USED Vipers !


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Torrey:
If you do not like paying $100.00 per year for dues, Let Parts Rack or Tator's pick it up for you. Your membership gets you 20% off. Not very hard to spend that kind of money on parts.

Both Chuck and I already offer 20% off Dodge Parts MSRP. Thanks for the plug. And,we support this site with advertising $$, and some regional $$ support too!

20% off HRE wheels = $1200+ savings!
CORSA savings $200+ etc, etc. etc....
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