Viper Owner
OK, There have been a whole lot of discussions about batteries in here. Let's talk details here. I'll step thru my story and you tell me what you think.
1998 GTS 23,000 miles
Bought this car with the original battery in it with a battery tender.
Car idled rough, stalled at low idle
Put brand new battery in it, Ran great, I mean great. No problems for three months.
Three months later again rough idling and some choking when pulling out at low idle.
(in one week)Drove the car 200 miles, Ran it to work every day for one week, when for a 70 mile ride then,
I checked the battery, BAD!
I had it professionally checked, BAD BATTERY!
I removed it and returned it to where I purchased it.
Out of the car with a good tester, Tester indicated charge needed, retest.
Charged it.
Tested, GOOD battery.
OK, my time to play with this.
Of course when I took it home it tested good with my tester.
Next I hooked it up to my car, yes a spark, Traced it and the security system has some battery draw. No big deal the alternator should charge the battery enough to get it up to full charge when running the car.
On to more testing. I needed to be sure the charging system was working so I left my lights on for two hours to drain the battery. Yes the charging system is working but with my piece of testing equipment it's charging near the bottom of the scale.
So I disconnected the battery and put the battery alone on my charger. Six hours later the charger had the battery fully charged. Let's calculate this out. It took me 2 hours to drain the battery and 6 hours to charge it.
This is when I realized I may have a week charging system and not a battery problem.
I did not check the output of my alternator.
Here is what I am planning on doing: Remove the alternator and take it to a good alternator shop and have it tested and see what the output curve is. Then I am going to see if there is anyway of boosting the output of the alternator. I need to get more amperage to the battery to keep this battery fully charged.
I feel there should be no reason to run a battery tender unless it's for a full no driving season. I put a new battery in and ran the car for 3 months and put 2,000 miles on the car and the battery is dead. Something is not working properly. I got to figure this out. Do these charging systems go week over time? Most do!
What do you think?
1998 GTS 23,000 miles
Bought this car with the original battery in it with a battery tender.
Car idled rough, stalled at low idle
Put brand new battery in it, Ran great, I mean great. No problems for three months.
Three months later again rough idling and some choking when pulling out at low idle.
(in one week)Drove the car 200 miles, Ran it to work every day for one week, when for a 70 mile ride then,
I checked the battery, BAD!
I had it professionally checked, BAD BATTERY!
I removed it and returned it to where I purchased it.
Out of the car with a good tester, Tester indicated charge needed, retest.
Charged it.
Tested, GOOD battery.
OK, my time to play with this.
Of course when I took it home it tested good with my tester.
Next I hooked it up to my car, yes a spark, Traced it and the security system has some battery draw. No big deal the alternator should charge the battery enough to get it up to full charge when running the car.
On to more testing. I needed to be sure the charging system was working so I left my lights on for two hours to drain the battery. Yes the charging system is working but with my piece of testing equipment it's charging near the bottom of the scale.
So I disconnected the battery and put the battery alone on my charger. Six hours later the charger had the battery fully charged. Let's calculate this out. It took me 2 hours to drain the battery and 6 hours to charge it.
This is when I realized I may have a week charging system and not a battery problem.
I did not check the output of my alternator.
Here is what I am planning on doing: Remove the alternator and take it to a good alternator shop and have it tested and see what the output curve is. Then I am going to see if there is anyway of boosting the output of the alternator. I need to get more amperage to the battery to keep this battery fully charged.
I feel there should be no reason to run a battery tender unless it's for a full no driving season. I put a new battery in and ran the car for 3 months and put 2,000 miles on the car and the battery is dead. Something is not working properly. I got to figure this out. Do these charging systems go week over time? Most do!
What do you think?