Consider an alternative: PocketDyno
Tests and Features include:
0-30 MPH time
30-50 MPH time
0-60 MPH time
¼ Mile ET
¼ Mile MPH
60 feet time
Maximum g's for acceleration and braking
Maximum g's for left and right turns
Estimated ¼ Mile time and speed
Estimated Engine Horsepower
MULTIPLE-RUN data logging with text entry for distinguishing runs
Want to go to jail?
Try doing ¼ Mile testing in my neighborhood.
Let's face it, very few of us have access to a place to do a ¼ Mile run besides the Drag Strip. The PocketDYNO uses proprietary algorithms to accurately estimate your ¼ Mile time and speed from a 0-60 MPH test. Now you can safely tune your vehicle without fear of the law.
Store it. Graph it. Use it.
When you are finished testing, you can review all of your PocketDYNO runs on your Palm, Handspring, or Sony Clie handheld, or with your favorite graphing software, such as Microsoft® Excel. Use your PocketDYNO data to get the edge you need.
Easy to use, saves/stores every run, all data on Palm, displays every run,
download data to PC and Excel, etc.