When buying safety equipment but the best it is your neck or best friend next to you at risk. Get the best light weight helmet = less neck strain/force. Full face to protect your chin from pushing back and debris from hitting your face.
The first few times on a track can seem intimidating with a lot of new things to remember. If you do not take a Skip Barber class before going to Viper Days lean the vocabulary. (That was a comment from one of our member who attended VD @ Thunderhill.) He said it is a lot to grasp when you are new to the track. Apex, turn-in, track-out, brake, trail brake, threshold braking, throttle induced oversteer and/or understeer, brake induced oversteer and/or understeer, tire patch, weight transfer, CPR, look ahead, etc.
Remember look ahead(when turning-in your eyes should be looking ahead three to six seconds at the track-out area) do most of the braking and acceleration in a straight line. Slow in fast out of turns.
Look where you want to go not where you are going.