VCA Venom Member
Is there a problem with the classifieds section? The 1997 GTS category shows Last Ad Posted on Sept 27, but there is no ad from that date. The 2001 GTS category says Last Ad was Sept 29, but again no ad. Any ideas?
I updated my ad over a week ago and it still hasn't reappeared. Some sort of update would be nice.
Ad re-approved.
There is a problem with the notification email when an ad is posted. The email contains a link that should go to the specific ad, but it is missing the ad id. The link says "product=", but should have a number.
Should be (for this specific ad):
97 B/W GTS - ViperClub Classifieds
I updated my 2000 ACR ad a couple of days and would appreciate it's approval when you get a chance.
Thank you,
John Johns