Ride with as many people as possible (don't get upset if someone tells you no because the extra weight hurts when you're racing a clock) so you get familiar with the course. Know your limit, and don't drive over your head. You can't tell a car what to do, you have to ask it (don't force the car). Be smooth...credit card inputs. If you feel the back end start to come out, ease off the gas...never just take your foot off the gas. Lift a little so you regain traction, and look where you want to go. If you do spin...both feet it (clutch and brake). Look through the corner to where you want to exit. You've already got your car positioned entering a corner, so there's no point trying to move over when you're already there. Focus on a clean exit...slow in...fast out. Try to pay attention to the corner workers of you have more than 1 car on the track at once. Some people put shoe polish on the sides of their tires so they can tell if they have too much or too little air. Check you brake fluid prior, during and after the event. It should look more like apple juice than Coke-a-cola. Take all the extra crap out of your car (stuff that can come flying out from under the seat and get stuck under the gas, clutch or brake) and anything that's not secured. Some people take out their spare and jack and anything that weighs much. You don't have ABS, so always brake hard in a straight line. If you're carrying too much speed into a corner, trail brake (ease off the brake as you turn the wheel...like there's an invisible string tied from the bottom of the steering wheel that attaches to the brake pedal), and ease into the gas as you exit...remember the string (never too much gas unless your front wheels are aimed where you want to go). Turn off the radio and air conditioner (condesation on the track isn't good for traction). Some people adjust their seat backs to a more upright position to see better. Spinning out at the start wastes time, so if you don't already know, learn how to launch your car. Go out there to have fun, and don't focus so much on your time. Check all your fluid levels prior to getting on the track.