Tony, Joe et al:
I am an anal-retentive person, who always tries to get specific.
When you try to first become my customer, some folks are put off that I DO ask lots of qustions...year, make, model, mods, location. I put it in a customer file. THEN I can answer questions correctly. When you send an E-mail, Ive got your specs.
But some folks hate the 'grilling'. They also hate being on hold. I hate it, too ! (Example: some guys buy new ABS Vipers without teling me! Imagine that.... They order pads, they got NON ABS pads by mistake because the FILE says 1996 GTS! )
And I can promise to have the best prices on NEW, but on USED PARTS its apples-pommegranites comparisons. E-bay for example shields some stolen parts, aquired for ZERO. I cannot compete sometimes, as Paul and others know well. But "prices are negotiable" and I hate to lose business over ~~$200 difference IF-IF-IF I had the room to work.
Lastly: Tony, I just asked your dates, never asked a price, dickered, or acted like a buyer, Right? I just called ! My main focus was the '3-year' concern (of monnie?, elsewhere, as YOU told me, thanks) So I said thanks, went there, and replied. Period.
Tony, please try me again, and Ill sell at ZIP profit. Try me. Satisfaction guaranteed. I can only take my reputation to the grave, so you can have my profit...Id prefer to have you as a customer: File opening......
Tony Besh
2000 ACR
Black Silver
-- Miles?
-- Mods?
-- Driving Venues?
-- Planned mods?
Im starting your file........Ive got your phone from the ad !!
THANKS for a 3rd chance.............or a 3rd strike