Damn, it's nice to have the luxury of deciding to move on the basis of your car's needs. You have definitely done well for yourself.I might relocate in the next year or two, and a big consideration of where I move to is which state it would be nicest to own a viper (or any exotic) in. There are a lot of factors, some more important than others.
Is a front license plate required?
How strict is the emissions testing, if required?
What are the speeding and other laws that have to do with driving?
How strictly are they enforced?
Are there red light / speed cameras?
I’m sure there are others that I can’t think of. Which states do you guys think are the friendliest towards our vipers?
That said, I would rule out the frigid midwest where you currently live. If you were colored, you would definitely rule out Louisiana, Alabama. Pacific Northwest is too wet. California will slide into the ocean. The North East is also cold and full of liberal crap . And the Atlantic coast is a hurricane zone (probably going to get worse with global warming). Damn, that leaves no place to go.
Wish you luck.