My '96 is clean of all such devices 

What's the fine in California Vic, $351? Are you really willing to give up freedom and privacy for the possibility of getting out of a $351 ticket? The black box probably wouldn't help anyway, the system wants you to pay $1000 for a lawyer, THEN the judge will dismiss the case.
Something to keep your eyes on:
... And Progressive has that monitor you plug into your OBD II port, and if you're a good, safe little driver, they give you reduced rates.
Don't use Geico, they're evil.
They're all evil Vic. Mandatory insurance has reduced the percentage of uninsured motorists from 30% to 25%. Big deal. A 5% improvement isn't enough for me to give up my freedom of choice. Meanwhile insurance rates continue to skyrocket and of course, the insurance companies find something to blame it on like false reports or some other bs. We are a socialist country. What the government doesn't steal from us we are forced to give to businesses. When 60% of people's paychecks go towards taxes and insurance they are no longer living in a capitalist country.