Boy do you have your cabeza up your culo on this one. LOL. I had a 1999 GTS in 1999 that subsequently was modified with an 8 pound Roe positive displacement supercharger. That vehicle was replaced in 2006 by a 778 flywheel HP supercharged Gen III. Both cars were great but neither one holds a candle to my TA. The Gen V TA is a whole new level of car. And if you would just stop typing and hero worshipping third parties long enough to go buy one and drive it on the street and on a road course for a few hundred miles instead of living through write ups by car magazine reporters who think Hennessey is the best thing since oxygen was created, you might start to understand and appreciate the car.
The Rides and Smiles event I participated in this past Saturday had every automotive reporter in South Florida who is active in SAMA present. They and everyone else there were blown away by the car.
It did not sell well initially for two principal reasons:
1. The price point was a bit too high;and,
2. More importantly, the marketing was totally incompetent including producing the dealer cars before the customer ordered cars which would have created an early buzz instead of the early anger that puting the dealer cars first caused.
Both of these issues have now been addressed by Dodge. Tim Kuniskis knows what he is doing and is finally getting the marketing right.
You really need to ask yourself why you are so hostile to Dodge and the Viper. It is obvious that you are holding a grudge about something and everyone who reads your posts can clearly see it.
I am thrilled that Connor Avenue opened up again. The car is very special.
Bob i like the car but iam not going to live in a FANTASYLAND regarding its capabilitys and make false excuses for it Many on this forum(yourself included ) were not around during its glorydays WHEN NOTHING COULD TOUCH IT You really have no idea what it was like in comparason to what it is today The Gen 5 problem is its underteched and WAY WAY OVERPRICED .If the car was priced where it should have been (mid 80s )it might have helped save it. I want to keep the car alive Bob /RETURN IT TO WHERE IT USED TO BE .Your way is not working( needing coupons to sell 2 year old cars at near 50% of sticker is a joke )unless something is done soon there will be no more Viper