N2 Vipers
I thought this thread was about getting 900rwhp with a Roe supercharger, not sombodies personal pi$$ing match!!!!
theres no way you can with cars not fairly anyway.
Like I mentioned in an earlier post 2 people with the same year/model with the same mods will have diffrent HP/TQ #'s, so should I not pay B&B because my exhaust dident give me as much HP as it did on joe Blows car????
Or better yet should I not pay dodge because my car came with less HP/TQ then joe blows off the showroom floor??
There have been a few people on here saying that there car was dyno'd stock and the #'s were LESS then advertised and I would LOVE to see anyone one of them try to claim that on a warranty.
There have been a few people on here saying that there car was dyno'd stock and the #'s were LESS then advertised and I would LOVE to see anyone one of them try to claim that on a warranty.
Stu, You won't win this one. All you will do is drag it out.
I posted awhile ago about a 3.3L Autorotor and was told that it didn't exist. Here is some more information about the 3.3L Twin Screw Units. They are being sold by Starr Performance in Australia for LS1 based motors (some exceding 800+rwhp-boost only). This unit is supposed to be capable of > 1000hp. I think, if possible, would be a great upgrade to the current Roe Kit. Probably enough flow (cfm) to run 15psi on a 488 CI motor. Not sure about the packaging constraints.
I have no idea of the dimensions and interchangeability, but will let everyone know.
EDIT: Looks like it says on the side that it is a Whipple Charger. What do the new Slobras come with ?
Hi Everyone,
Obviously this thread has turned way off topic.
Mike, had you taken a few minutes to directly convey to me what your feelings were at the time the SC was on your car, I would have done whatever it took to resolve it with you. Don't expect me to read your mind. If you weren't satisfied with what we did, it's just a bunch of parts that can be removed. The only time I ever told you "no" on anything you asked was when you asked us to put the used NOS kit on, and that was because you had a cast piston car and I wasn't comfortable with it, personally. If you had asked us to take off the supercharger, shave the manifold height, or anything, I would have done it. Period. Why you're more vocal about it now, I don't understand.
Your comment earlier “But first can you hear that sound, Che-Ching$,Che-Ching$,Che-Ching$, that's the sound of more TT kits and Paxton orders being placed.”. If you’re saying that to get at me, that's an incredibly childish comment coming from a police Sergeant. We build parts and do things to make our cars better and faster. If people want the same parts, great, if not, that’s fine too. We’re not the only fish in the sea. Do you think I've been into cars my whole life and racing for the past 20 years just so we can sell parts? Give me an F'n break. "Che-Ching$,Che-Ching$,Che-Ching$" my ass.
Jay, you and I probably will never get along. I've seen you at Christmas parties where you were cordial, only later to read accusations of how we left your transmission bolts loose and you had trouble at a track event. Did you forget that your motor had been out of the car for repair by the dealer between the time we installed the flywheel and the time the track problem occurred?
If you choose to continue this thread, or a new one, where you "bait" me, the fact that I may choose not to respond doesn't mean I'm hiding behind a keyboard. It means that I think you're a ***** and will probably never grow up.
...trying to get this thread back on topic. I am especially interested in this because I am in the market for a GTS and want to add some sort of FI.
Turbos for Vipers are way overpriced. Centrifugals arent my cup of tea. The ROE blowers seem great for simplicity and instant boost.
You can't read my mind? Why should you when we had talked in person and on the phone about my disappointment with the whole roe s/c trials and tribulations. You never once tried to resolve it then, or anytime for that matter, so don't act like you would have on this board. That's the chicken $-it way out for the public to hear. The only thing you could do was send me down the road again with a new card swipe that never fixed a thing. I got tired of it.
I like you Sean and totally satisfied with your other parts and work you did but you should have and could have handled me better with that s/c and you know it. It was embarrassing for me then and now it's embarrassing for you. I am an easy customer to work with but I'm no idiot. I lost over $3k on that whole ordeal. Anyway it's over and I feel better that I leaked my story instead of keeping the code of silence alive.
2 Questions?
1. Do you even own a Roe s/c?
If not then your opinions here are irrelevant since you don't have a clue.
2. Are you married to Sean or to a woman?
It sounds like you wanna marry Sean but newsflash. He's taken, by a woman.
Sean, ........
It was embarrassing for me then and now it's embarrassing for you. ......
check engine light come on even with genI pcm. only problem is more gas!
I sure there are more cars that have had problems, and that is my question, and this is for GEN 2 cars only, Sean said in this POST that about 70 persent of the Gen 2 cars throw check engine lights, and the answer to the problem has been a GEN 1 PCM, and at what cost are we talking about, and has it fixed the problem #2 what kind of HP Tq numbers are we looking at with Headers HF Cats 3' Corsa exhaust Tubes and filters. What really got me thinking about ROE setup is the W/M addition and for the money I dont think you can beat it. Any input will be appreciated from the Gen 2 ROE SUPERCHARGED Cars.
The facts are the fastest S/C Vipers 2 are Paxton's 2Manytoys(Underground) and Dr. Roof (DLM) neither one of those are the DYK.
The other 2 fastest S/C are Roe's: Tony's and mine ....both are in the original form DYK ..... Tony installed his and Larry Macedo installed mine. Tony has fewer Mods than I do .....some on my mods were to decreamfuff my 2001.
The only DYK Paxton kit I am aware is AB ....I don't know what his drag racing numbers are.
I truly believe there are very few DYK Paxton's kits out there in daily use while their is many Roe installed and running quite well installed by a "novice".
Jay, you and I probably will never get along. I've seen you at Christmas parties where you were cordial, only later to read accusations of how we left your transmission bolts loose and you had trouble at a track event. Did you forget that your motor had been out of the car for repair by the dealer between the time we installed the flywheel and the time the track problem occurred?
If you choose to continue this thread, or a new one, where you "bait" me, the fact that I may choose not to respond doesn't mean I'm hiding behind a keyboard. It means that I think you're a ***** and will probably never grow up.