Hey Sean,
I can't believe you want this topic of true actual events about my s/c you sold me and installed to keep going on this board but I'll gladly answer your post. Especially since you are insinuating that I must be ignorant or stupid in this matter. I will now go more in depth on what was wrong with the s/c you sold me. But first can you hear that sound, Che-Ching$,Che-Ching$,Che-Ching$, that's the sound of more TT kits and Paxton orders being placed.
Now to your post about my BTR Nitrous system #'s being lower than I thought they would. After my post I learned from my skillful tuner(Macedo) that my NOS kit(which I purchased used) was mix matched with some old BTR and some new BTR parts. And that both my tuner and myself agreed in the beginning to keep my A/F ratio #'s around 10 or 11:1 to be safe. After that post about my NOS I was educated that my #'s were lower than some not because of MY 2002(as you would hope) car but because of my NOS parts I used and most importantly my car never peaks the A/F ratio up to or pass 14:1+ like some do. So I am thrilled to have my NOS HP/TQ #'s that I do and know that it's at a safe level.
Guess what!
1. I don't have misfires on cylinder 3 & 6 anymore.
2. I don't pour black smoke out the exhaust when I hit it from that great tune.
3. My hood pad has been replaced and not melted or touching any engine parts(s/c)anymore.
4. I have alot more HP/TQ than your 82hp/67tq gave me.
5. No heat soak issues.
6. No hiccups in the computer program around 5k rpm.
7. It costs less
Here's some of the posts I was talking about when I complained about your powerful s/c:
Quote..."we tell everyone with a 2000-2002 that there’s a 70% chance the PCM will need to be changed to an earlier one."
Then maybe you should offer a 70% discount for the ones that have to go through that or develop a kit for the 2000-2002 specifically. Our even better offer a refund if they are not happy and the kit doesn't perform up to anyones standards. I didn't even get an apology for my troubles. Here's what your PCM stuff did for me. With my stock PCM I would leave your shop and get 2 miles down the road before throwing misfire codes. So when I became the 70% I bought your recommended earlier PCM. After that I could drive for a whole 20 mins. before It threw codes.
The way you tried to fix my melted hoodpad from your s/c was by raising my hood from it's stock Chrysler set location. It looked awful with that huge gap between my headlights and the hood and it still rubbed. You even lowered my engine some from it's stock location to try and make the DIY s/c kit fit. I don't know if you saw my face when you told me you were going to lower my engine settings some and raise my hood settings but I was in awe. I was thinking are we talking about Vipers or VW's here. This was about $7500 + $450 install,t.b,air box,tubes,and a 70%PCM(roughly $9k) for all this trouble.
The only 3 negative things I have ever heard said to me about my car was when your s/c was on it. I was told once at a gas station by a stranger.
"Hey I saw you blip the throttle in 1st gear back there. Did you know that there was black smoke coming out of the exhaust?"
2nd comment I would hear from family and friends:
"Is your hood closed? Why is there a big gap where the hood closes then?"
3rd..."What is the black stuff on top of the blower?"
Needless to say I am better off now w/o the roe s/c and the trips back and forth to get a new card swiped in it and told, "Ok try this one for awhile and let me know. If it still has a hiccup around 5000 rpm bring it back and we'll try another one." Sean what about the cylinder misfire codes? "Oh don't worry about it. There is nothing we can do. Chrysler just has the parameters set too tight."
I've got more but since my motor never blew I'll keep it to what I personally experienced as true.