"So why are you still a US citizen? That is a legal way out and then you can pay the correct taxes to where you do live. I assume that you being on the up and up you are reporting your income there. And if you were you would know that foreign tax credits reduce your US income taxes.
Sounds like you just want to free load off the rest of us. Whether that be the US or elsewhere.
Don't know what kind of company you work for that pays you in cash and does not report the income to anyone. Sounds like a cartel. You wouldn't be working in Colombia would you?"
I'm still a U.S. citizen because I was born in the country. My family's American lineage goes back to the earliest Scottish settlers. I was a U.S. Marine. I went to school at UNC - Chapel Hill. I'm about as American as an American can get.
But just because I'm American, and love the country, doesn't mean I think everything our government does to us is fair. Taxation of foreign income is one of many things that needs to be reformed.
As for where I live, or more specifically, where I am based for work, they HAVE no income taxes. If you haven't guessed by now, I work in Monaco. So even above the board, completely legally, I pay no income tax.
"If you do not like my attitude it is because I pay my fair share. And an additional share for all the people who don't pay their share. In effect your taking money out of my pocket to pad yours.
Perhaps you didn't read my post carefully. I am almost NEVER in the U.S. Thirty days per year or less. I have been out of the country 8 months already, and am not due back for another 10, so why should I pay income taxes to a country I'm not living in, especially when my income is from a company that has nothing to do with the U.S.? As I said before, local income tax is 0%, and that's what I'd like to keep - ALL of it. So because I'm not even in the country, I fail to see how I am taking any money from you or any other tax payer.
As for the sales tax, that is a different form of rip-off. Remember, the state already made its money the first time the car was sold. Now everytime it gets sold, they 'deserve' more money in taxes? Pfffft.
Just because the ass-****** is government sponsored doesn't mean it's not an ass-******. And as you may have guessed, I probably won't be keeping the car in the States, anyway, so no, I don't feel like paying State sales tax on a car that will be shipped overseas.