Chased by the Georgia Highway Patrol................


May 21, 2003
Reaction score
Peoples Democratic Republic of New Jersey
They skirt around the 4th amendment by declaring that it's not "really" random. They do this by announcing on tv, radio or newspaper that they have this checkpoint set up, so technically, you "can" avoid them... and if you had the dumb luck of not seeing their notice, they will consider your stop voluntary, and if you refuse, that's probable cause.

Remember, time and time again, the courts have stated that it is NOT the police's job to protect you. Keep that .45 close!

Not cooperating is NOT enough for probable cause. If you read my above link, don't answer anything, just say I don't believe in these types of stops and I do not wish to discuss my affairs, and keep asking if you can leave.
I have been stopped, I don't answer, don't allow a voluntary search, and when they said they were going to get a dog, I merely said OK, and my lawyer will be reviewing so we can file a harrassment charge. I was let go at the 20 minute mark.
The only thing a cop can do at the stop in terms of search, is a visible search of what's in plain view. That's it, they cannot even move anything or go inside to look.

Cop Magnet

Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Kenilworth, IL
They skirt around the 4th amendment by declaring that it's not "really" random. They do this by announcing on tv, radio or newspaper that they have this checkpoint set up, so technically, you "can" avoid them... and if you had the dumb luck of not seeing their notice, they will consider your stop voluntary, and if you refuse, that's probable cause.

Remember, time and time again, the courts have stated that it is NOT the police's job to protect you. Keep that .45 close!

Not cooperating is NOT enough for probable cause. If you read my above link, don't answer anything, just say I don't believe in these types of stops and I do not wish to discuss my affairs, and keep asking if you can leave.
I have been stopped, I don't answer, don't allow a voluntary search, and when they said they were going to get a dog, I merely said OK, and my lawyer will be reviewing so we can file a harrassment charge. I was let go at the 20 minute mark.
The only thing a cop can do at the stop in terms of search, is a visible search of what's in plain view. That's it, they cannot even move anything or go inside to look.

I've got the Chase Cam on the back glass facing the cockpit for driver's schools. I need to get a video camera mounted in there to record these incidents on an as-needed bsis. In the end, it is your word against their's as to what actually transpired. They record us for their protection and to assist in prosecution. I think I'll do the same to defend myself.

Cali Viper

Viper Owner
Jul 22, 2005
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East Bay, CA
No kidding Warfang. When I was living in Philly, it was simple to get a carry permit. I was able to avoid getting mugged once because of my 380. CA seems to prohibit everything except medicinal ***.


Nov 7, 2000
Reaction score
New Canaan, CT
When I was in uniform, making traffic stops, it was the attitude of the driver that dictated how things moved along.
Isn't that abuse of power.

If "I" stopped a vehicle it was because they did something wrong. I issued as many warnings as tickets, if the attitude came out, well, the Calif. Vehicle Code is very thick.
There you go again.

I have read on this board many times about guys getting pulled over for "nothing", not to say that it does not happen, bullsh#!.
1. Standing (not driving) next to my Viper on the beach in MA, eating a sandwich, state cops on motorcycles stop and ask me to empty my pockets for dope along with a cursory check to the car. No reason.
2. Driving on the same beach, 20 in a 25mph zone. I turned into my drive and some kids run up to see the car. This was 97 and the car was new. Cop tickets me with a "criminal reckless endangerment" charge saying I almost hit the kids. I had unbuckled my seat belt to pick up the garage opener. Fully stopped in my drive. He also ticketed me for "No seat belt". No reason.

I've also had other traffic stops for good reason. But it's the "no reason" stops that make the negative impression stick.

oh, buy the way, the ones that came right out and said sorry, you caught me, I was being stupid, etc. usually received a warning.
So you do like them whining to your ego. See the pattern developing. You don't seem to recognize the stereotype that you are.

My last five years on the job was narcotics, a year of that undercover. At least in that world you know who the bad guys are. It's not like walking up on a car at 2:30 am, that you stopped for speed and find out later that would be his sixth dui. You find out later because your vest stopped three 45 cal slugs. This happened to a friend of mine who thought that working dope was too dangerous. He left the job, said there were to many morons out there, how right he is.
Absolutely. Get it!

One last thing, Bandit118th, I guess I must fall into that uneducated unskilled department also. I have only two years of college, how did I ever get buy. I retired at 53, I have no debt, our properties are paid for, accept for the ones that shouldn't be, we have a stock portfolio in the seven figures, must just be luck. Ya'll have fun out there working.
So you are uneducated. Stereotype again. Retired with a fat and happy next egg. That means you were probably overpaid or took a lot of payoffs.

While I don't think all cops are bad, there are too many of them who have the "Have gun, will abuse" mentality and by your own admission, you seem to be one of them. Look into the mirror. If you feel really depressed, see a shrink.

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
If "I" stopped a vehicle it was because they did something wrong. I issued as many warnings as tickets, if the attitude came out, well, the Calif. Vehicle Code is very thick.

oh, buy the way, the ones that came right out and said sorry, you caught me, I was being stupid, etc. usually received a warning.

Randy, I don't know how long you've been out of law enforcement and by your own admission the last five years were narcotics, so how long has it been since you pulled anybody for a traffic stop? Regardless I'm 45 and in the past 30 years I have definitely seen a **** attitude emerge from your brothers in blue.

As for your "usually received a warning" comment. Maybe that's true for you but it's the same thing EVERY cop says. When the fact is, if they've got something on you, they're gonna ticket you no matter how polite you are to them.

Yes, there may be ocassions (light traffic, open highway) when I might exceed the posted speed limit.
Yes, there may be ocassions (late evenings, no traffic) when I might float a stop sign (I never run stop lights).

Sorry. But show me the victim of my evil doings or lighten up. I'm 45 not 20. I expect considerations for age. If you disagree that's your option, you have the badge, but the insurance companies tend to agree with me.


Sep 26, 2001
Reaction score
WARFANG-- As a matter of fact I do how difficult a job it is since I did it for three years in New Jersey. Came back from Viet Nam, it was a shiat job with mostly a bunch of men who acted like women--all jealous of each other. All in all. I'm glad I did it, cause I have some cool stories. It's a dead end job for underachievers willing to work on a w2. I want to say more--buuut-- I;ll refrain, let others vent. John


Sep 26, 2001
Reaction score
I try to leave, and they puullll me back in. But, noooo, Avip has made some stupid braggings about his net worth! Mr avip-- living up there in New Jersey, you'll need that much savings to get by. And speaking of savings-- that's much for a cop-- any midnight traffic court fines??? Why would anyone brag about their net worth on the Viper site?? Many in our Georgia club are wealthy young folks, what are you compensating for Avip?? Mr avip, in a nut shell, seems like you're a thin skin. Someone I'd never have a beer with. John, still hating cops


Sep 26, 2001
Reaction score
Uh oh-- did I misread the rants??? My apologies and I'll try to direct next time to the proper idiot. John


Sep 26, 2001
Reaction score
Had to reread-- it's Randy from california-- sorry Avip! Randy--- inherit it??? Still yer a thin skin. John


May 28, 1998
Reaction score
Ha, I was thinking the same thing about Randy from California. Has a 7 figure account and the spelling of a child. And he enforced the law. Damn, hope he reads better than he writes.

Someone said it. The attitude of the police (all types) has changed over the years. It used to be only the red neck regions with the better than thou attitude. It is now pervasive through the entire police force. They expect, no excuse me, demand respect. Yet they provide absolutely no respect to the very people they are supposed to be protecting (and who pay their wages).

It is clear that traffic police are now the revenue providers of the 21st century. They are de facto judge, jury and executioners. They lie on the stand with absoluteness. And of course judges believe them as if their word is on some higher level ground than us mere mortals.

I am no teenager. I have no harassment stories to tell like AB. But I can tell you that the police in this country need to be redefined. They currently are a bunch of hateful a$$holes that prey on society.

Just my $0.02

Now, if the Viper community has accumulated this perspective of the police what do you think targeted groups think?


Viper Owner
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Clovis, CA
Hey, I said there are cops out there that are badge heavy. There seems to be more the past ten years or so. I have run into a couple after retirement. Let them run off, ask them to call their supervisor. If they are wrong do file a complaint. I just did not like the ALL term, sure got a some of you going though. JMO, not trying to change yours.



Viper Owner
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Clovis, CA
Sounds like they were screwing with you, did you do anything about it? If you did and they got away it, you got the shaft, if you didn't, well, you shouldn't rag on me for the way I did my job, lightin up a little.



Viper Owner
Jan 21, 2005
Reaction score
Orchard Park NY
I hate the cops that pull you over for speeding yet speed themselves. Today a cop pulled out in highway traffic with NO signal. He did this which caused the car in front of me to nail their brakes, which caused me to nail em, which caused the car behind me to nail them. Then this "cop" hauls it to the exit. He is passing everyone. Of course no lights on, nothing. I run my errand proceed back the opposite way on the highway and guess what the same cop is on the other side of the road waiting for the next victim. Its ok for cops to ignore the same laws they are enforcing.

This has actually happened twice in the last month, the cops just pull out into highway traffic causing everyone to hit their brakes hard, no turn signal on or nothing and speed off into the sunset. Yep, they get my respect.


Feb 3, 2004
Reaction score
count me in as an ignorant fool....dead cop is a good cop.

Let's hope AB that when the s*&t hit the fan someday nobody in blue will be around to help you.

There are good and bad apples in every profession but to simply stereotype an entire agency based on your "negative encounters" is ridiculous. As cushy as you may believe the job to be, there are thousands of officers working in highly volatile/dangerous areas trying to do their job to the best of their abilities. I've seen routine traffic stops turn into shootouts with officers being killed. Unless you've worked the beat, I fail to see how you have any frame of reference to make those judgements....

-Dave 01 RT/10 :usa:

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
There are good and bad apples in every profession but to simply stereotype an entire agency based on your "negative encounters" is ridiculous.

Well, just how the hell are we supposed to form our opinions then? Take your word for it? "Hey, we're not all bad." No thanks. I'll go by my own experiences. If there are so many good cops then they need to police their own and **** out the losers. But it is quite apparent that being a loser is a requirement.

And spare me the "dangerous traffic stop" crap. Cops always size up their prey. If they don't they need to start. How often does pulling over an Opie Taylor result in any violence?

Besides, ANY construction job is more dangerous than traffic cop. How many cops are fatally wounded every year, 100 maybe? Road construction alone has more the 500 fatalities annually.


Feb 3, 2004
Reaction score
Well, just how the hell are we supposed to form our opinions then? Take your word for it? "Hey, we're not all bad." No thanks. I'll go by my own experiences. If there are so many good cops then they need to police their own and **** out the losers. But it is quite apparent that being a loser is a requirement.

Your right Chuck they must all be bad evil twisted people. Let's take you personal experiences as Gospel, shall we? In fact, let's do away with law enforcement entirely while were at it? I'm sure this will be a lovely country to live in amongst a lawless society. You won't have to fret about those evil radar traps and annoying parking violations. Just make sure your prepared to handle those gang bangers waiting to car jack you around every corner, ok chief?

And spare me the "dangerous traffic stop" crap. Cops always size up their prey. If they don't they need to start. How often does pulling over an Opie Taylor result in any violence?

Again you show your ignorance to the issue. Everyone in your little world is an "Opie Taylor", lol...

Besides, ANY construction job is more dangerous than traffic cop. How many cops are fatally wounded every year, 100 maybe? Road construction alone has more the 500 fatalities annually.

And your point is? Oh it's a SAFE occupation, I see now thanks for the enlightenment....

-Dave 01 RT/10 :usa:


May 28, 1998
Reaction score
Okay, I am stumped. Yes I agree that we need police to control crime. But how does picking pigeons out of a line of cars to pay for the court system help crime. I do not consider speeding a criminal activity. I think the majority of us have a beef with traffic cops. The rest are unknown to us. I have not had any dealing with REAL criminal fighting cops.

For those speaking up for the police please explain to me why it is okay for a cop to break a traffic law (for convenience sake) and then ticket a person for breaking the same law? Clearly a double standard. And you cops out there know just showing your badge gets you out of tickets when you are off duty. Again a double standard.

And please don't get me going on the police benefactors society that pressures the elderly to give their money for fear the police won't protect them. They are the ONLY organization that regularly calls, thus breaking the do not call directive.

In the end the police need to give respect in order to get respect. They lost the priveledge of initial respect by screwing the public. They need to earn it back.


Feb 3, 2004
Reaction score
Okay, I am stumped. Yes I agree that we need police to control crime. But how does picking pigeons out of a line of cars to pay for the court system help crime. I do not consider speeding a criminal activity. I think the majority of us have a beef with traffic cops. The rest are unknown to us. I have not had any dealing with REAL criminal fighting cops.

I've certainly gotten my fair share of speeding tickets and in some towns it's clearly a "revenue source". I think that's both wrong and inappropriate and in those cases I would strongly suggest fighting any bogus infractions. I've gone to court on more than one occasion to fight an unfair citation. I also don't consider speeding necessarily inherently dangerous. You have to look at the total picture of both driver and vehicle capabilities, road conditions, traffic conditions, etc. Ultimately, I weigh the good with the bad and I see a lot more good coming out of US law enforcement.

What I was opining on, was primarily the role of police in society in general and the fact that they appeared to be getting a bad rap on this WebSite. There is a tremendous amount of good work that they do which in turn benefits all of us in the long run. THere's always room for improvement, as is with any organization, I for one am thankful for their service to our communities.

-Dave 01 RT/10 :usa:


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
There are good and bad apples in every profession but to simply stereotype an entire agency based on your "negative encounters" is ridiculous.

Isn't that what you do when you stereotype a person from their color, race, age, sex, what car they drive and whether or not you think you saw them commit a traffic violation? So... contempt of cop is a jailable offense? You should approach EVERYONE with the same amount of respect, whether it be a zit-faced 17 yr old hiphop kid giving you attitude, or a submissive 80 yr old granny. Can't handle someone thinking they're better than you attitude? Bugs you, doesn't it? Have to teach them a lesson right? That'll show them for disrespecting the law. "Respect mah athor-a-tah!!!" :p

The law is BLIND, not judged through the eyes of near high-school dropouts.

You're worth 7-figures? Do pretty well for a public SERVANT. I don't ever want to hear cops are underpaid...


Feb 3, 2004
Reaction score
Isn't that what you do when you stereotype a person from their color, race, age, sex, what car they drive and whether or not you think you saw them commit a traffic violation? So... contempt of cop is a jailable offense?

No one stereotyping here, I don't know what your talking about.

You should approach EVERYONE with the same amount of respect, whether it be a zit-faced 17 yr old hiphop kid giving you attitude, or a submissive 80 yr old granny. Can't handle someone thinking they're better than you attitude? Bugs you, doesn't it? Have to teach them a lesson right? That'll show them for disrespecting the law. "Respect mah athor-a-tah!!!"

And they do get their just respect from me! Thanks for pointing that out genius. When do I get my gold star? Woah chill out Conan, I don't give a rats ass if anyone thinks they're better than me or anyone else for that matter. Your no better than the guy who collects your garbage, nor am I.

The law is BLIND, not judged through the eyes of near high-school dropouts.

Ahh so most PD officers are high-school dropouts? Got any proof to back that up chief? I work for the FEDS, myself and the majority of my colleagues are indeed college educated, hate to burst your bubble bubba.

You're worth 7-figures? Do pretty well for a public SERVANT. I don't ever want to hear cops are underpaid...

I think you may be pointing out something Randy stated, one this one. Good for him...

-Dave 01 RT/10 :usa:

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
Well, just how the hell are we supposed to form our opinions then? Take your word for it? "Hey, we're not all bad." No thanks. I'll go by my own experiences. If there are so many good cops then they need to police their own and **** out the losers. But it is quite apparent that being a loser is a requirement.

Your right Chuck they must all be bad evil twisted people. Let's take you personal experiences as Gospel, shall we?
Reading comprehension owns you. You try to tell me what to think of cops, but I choose to go by my own experiences. Again, why would I take your word for it when I have my own experiences to draw from?

In fact, let's do away with law enforcement entirely while were at it?
Oh, I love the "pick up my ball and go home" approach. How about fixing the problem, is that not an option? If the cops are ******* off a sh*tload of honest non-criminal citizens then maybe, just maybe the problem isn't the citizens. Whatcha think Adolf?

You won't have to fret about those evil radar traps and annoying parking violations.
You're winning me over with that one. :2tu:

Just make sure your prepared to handle those gang bangers waiting to car jack you around every corner, ok chief?
That's a revealing statement, Sarge. You really think everybody is a criminal don't you? Obviously you've been around law enforcement for too long. Take a vacation. Better yet, retire. Society doesn't need a cop like you (if you are a cop) pulling people over thinking everyone's a gang ******.

And spare me the "dangerous traffic stop" crap. Cops always size up their prey. If they don't they need to start. How often does pulling over an Opie Taylor result in any violence?

Again you show your ignorance to the issue. Everyone in your little world is an "Opie Taylor", lol...
My little world? You're the one that thinks everyone's a criminal. Again, reading comp owns and apparently analogies too.

Besides, ANY construction job is more dangerous than traffic cop. How many cops are fatally wounded every year, 100 maybe? Road construction alone has more the 500 fatalities annually.

And your point is? Oh it's a SAFE occupation, I see now thanks for the enlightenment....
Relative to most jobs? Yes. But don't take my word for it. Check the Bureau of Labor Stats.


Jun 19, 2004
Reaction score
I had a cop pass me in his Porsche on a major tollway here in Dallas the other day pushing well over 80mph. It was almost 4pm (shift change is around 3pm here, so he must have just got off of work) with moderate traffic. Kinda crappy that he can feel free to do so without having to worry much about a ticket while when I drive in the Viper I gotta worry about keeping it a little under the limit in fear of being targetted.

Traffic tickets aren't what bothers me. What bothers me is any ticket I get will end up costing my nearly 3-4 thousands dollars over the course of the next five year in insurance hikes.

Besides that, I've never had much trouble with the police. When I get pulled over for anything I twang my Texas accent up a bit, use "yes sir, "no sir" respectable responses, and admit to doing the wrong and that I was either not paying attention or stupid. I usually get off with a warning.


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
It does pay to be polite to a cop. That's just common courtesy. The problem is cops don't realize that they don't have to luxury of being anything BUT polite. I can be an ass all I want. I represent myself, but the cop represents the jurisdiction he works in.


Feb 3, 2004
Reaction score
Reading comprehension owns you. You try to tell me what to think of cops, but I choose to go by my own experiences. Again, why would I take your word for it when I have my own experiences to draw from?

Go for it, just don't expect us all to subscribe to your point of view.

Oh, I love the "pick up my ball and go home" approach. How about fixing the problem, is that not an option? If the cops are ******* off a sh*tload of honest non-criminal citizens then maybe, just maybe the problem isn't the citizens. Whatcha think Adolf?

Maybe you failed to read my prior post on bogus infractions, indeed READING comprehension owns YOU! Ouch, now your equating law enforcement with "******", you sir and I use that term loosely, certainly have a wealth of knowledge on history.

That's a revealing statement, Sarge. You really think everybody is a criminal don't you? Obviously you've been around law enforcement for too long. Take a vacation. Better yet, retire. Society doesn't need a cop like you (if you are a cop) pulling people over thinking everyone's a gang ******.

Sure Bubba, everyone is a criminal, yeah that's what I implied.... :D I was trying to enlighten you to the fact of what this country would be like to live in with no law enforcement presence to speak of.

My little world? You're the one that thinks everyone's a criminal. Again, reading comp owns and apparently analogies too.

Sorry Bubba but your stretching once again. Can you understand that without law enforcement there would be MORE not LESS criminals. I know logically this might not make sense to you but I think it's a fairly safe assumption...

Relative to most jobs? Yes. But don't take my word for it. Check the Bureau of Labor Stats.

Okay so is it safe for me to assume that's it's a safer profession than corporate america? Hmm I wonder how many times Corporate Bob gets assaulted during his normal statistical duties...Hmm I wonder....

-Dave 01 RT/10 :usa:


VCA Venom Member
Nov 12, 2000
Reaction score
We have great, courteous and well trained cops in Irvine.

Sometimes I get away with my <uht-hem> mistakes, and get a warning. I thank those cops for being lenient when I was clearly breaking the law.

Thank you to the cops who are trying to make a difference in their world, putting their lives on the line to protect the general public.

Having said all that, there seems to be a huge problem with a lot of police forces, where they act above the law they are sworn to, instances of gross violations of civil rights, poor training, and just plain trembling fear of everyone, because they are trigger-happy, unloading their clips at the slightest provocation, knowing that the police commission or internal affairs will find them innocent of wrongdoing. There is something wrong going on nationwide, a sort of an "occupying army" is emerging, forming to suppress the masses in a new service based economy staffed by third-world thugs, Police need new training, universal guidelines for chases, searches, arrests, and video monitoring.

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
Sorry Bubba but your stretching once again. Can you understand that without law enforcement there would be MORE not LESS criminals. I know logically this might not make sense to you but I think it's a fairly safe assumption...

Jeeze Heir Commandant, it's all or nothing with you huh?

"Either we get to harass honest law-abiding citizens or we will all quit and go home. Waaaah!"

And again you think people are inherently evil and bad. Anarchy might not be such a bad thing, seems to work for law enforcement.


Viper Owner
Feb 14, 2004
Reaction score
Never fails: put the word "pig" somewhere in a post about cops and the two or three that are always somewhere in the woodwork come out and squeal...
Bottom line: yep, gotta have laws; yep, gotta have some police. But traffic cops are usually PIGS. (Not to mention vice cops who plant evidence, entrap, etc.) And, cop attitudes have really changed for the worse in recent years, bolstered by all the COP-glorifying TV shows, apparently preparing the poopulace for the "compliant" behavior expected in the coming police state...
I've only personally known a couple of cops, one of whom, while admitting viewing the world thru blue sunglasses (i.e., everyone's a potential perp/cops first), was a pretty good guy overall. He's also the one who shared with me the fact that cops don't ticket other cops. There are ways they know each other, kind of like those secret handshakes the Masons use.
The few on this site who feel compelled to defend the indefensible actions of many of their fellows should join the Corvette site, where they make cops into moderators. Those comb-overs will abide no tainted word against cops, so you may feel more welcome there.
My last word on the subject is that most cops are underachievers who probably have a perma-chip on their shoulders from being abused on the schoolyard by the bullies and "cool" kids. It shows in their attitude toward the public they are supposed to serve...

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