Chased by the Georgia Highway Patrol................


Mar 6, 2001
Reaction score
buy the way, the ones that came right out and said sorry, you caught me, I was being stupid, etc. usually received a warning

You can expect people to do that, because more often than not if they do that, the cop will then know he was justified in giving the ticket and write down that little confession as well. That's just ridiculous.

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
buy the way, the ones that came right out and said sorry, you caught me, I was being stupid, etc. usually received a warning

You can expect people to do that, because more often than not if they do that, the cop will then know he was justified in giving the ticket and write down that little confession as well. That's just ridiculous.

Exactly. NEVER admit anything to a cop.

I do have a story or two where it worked for me 25 years ago. But nowadays? Forget it. You're getting a ticket pal, have a nice day.


Sep 26, 2001
Reaction score
Randy, report to their supervisor?? You're a joke. I got arrested at my shop here in Atl last year for assault on a cop. Had two customers as witnesses show up in court voluntarilly. Spent a night in jail, they added five more charges trying to intimidate me. Went to court--jury trial-- found innocent of everything. Guess who had to pay with no chance of recuping my money? Cops for the most part merely investigate crime--- hardly ever stop it. This guy Randy reminds me of the clown showing his shoes, belt, fake rolex etc. Is that you Randy?? John


Feb 3, 2004
Reaction score
Jeeze Heir Commandant, it's all or nothing with you huh?

"Either we get to harass honest law-abiding citizens or we will all quit and go home. Waaaah!"

And again you think people are inherently evil and bad. Anarchy might not be such a bad thing, seems to work for law enforcement.

Listen Bubba, I never said anything in support of harassing "law-abiding citizens" nor would I ever condone such actions. Time for a reality check.

Ok, please do tell me what I think, oh the wise Bubba the great clairvoyant.

Logical thinking and common sense would do you a world of good that is if your capable of a rational thought process.

-Dave 01 RT/10 :usa:


May 28, 1998
Reaction score
Geez, you really do sound like a cop. Do that teach that attitude or way of being condescending? Subtle, yes. But very clear.

Okay, let's have a vote: anyone ever have a cop not be condescending to them with a holier than thou attitude?

Bubba - is that what they tell you to call people that you want to talk down to? Just does not sound like normal California language.

I stand by my perspective that the police in general (obviously not all, but an increasing majority) break the law. Sometimes in order to perform the law and other times just for convenience or because they can. Respect for the law needs to begin with those who are paid to enforce it.


Viper Owner
Jan 21, 2005
Reaction score
Orchard Park NY
I have always want to ask a cop who has pulled me over a question. Here is the scenario, On a freeway driving say 80, speed limit is 70. Cop chases you down from behind, (was not radaring from the side of the road) trails you a ways then pulls you over. Question I would like to ask as they write the ticket. "So are you writing yourself a ticket for 10 plus what you wrote me up for since you had to go faster than I to trail me then decide to pull me over?" Why can a cop weave in and out of traffic to sneak up on a speeding motorist without any repercussion?

The arguement is not when they radar/laser you from the side of the road and haul ass to catch you. This is the sneak up from behind approach.

By the way the scenario was real, the question was NOT asked, they let me go. Out of state license in a rental hauling ass to catch a plane. Let me go with a warning. Of course they continued with the sneak attack as I watched them continue their disregard for the speed limits they enforce.


Feb 3, 2004
Reaction score
Geez, you really do sound like a cop. Do that teach that attitude or way of being condescending? Subtle, yes. But very clear.

Okay, let's have a vote: anyone ever have a cop not be condescending to them with a holier than thou attitude?

I stand by my perspective that the police in general (obviously not all, but an increasing majority) break the law. Sometimes in order to perform the law and other times just for convenience or because they can. Respect for the law needs to begin with those who are paid to enforce it.

Sorry buddy, no I wasn't taught to be condescending. I'm quite capable of formulating my own opinions thank you very much. I don't work for local PD but I have several friends which do and they do not exhibit that "attitude" you speak of. I'm not saying there aren't any bad apples or individuals that need to take it down a notch. Like I said before, there is always room for improvement but I believe your perception unfairly discredits the thousands of honest, decent hard-working officers that truly do simply want to make a positive impact on society.

If you want to see REAL corruption at the highest levels with the PD, I'd suggest taking a trip across our Southern border sometime.

Bubba - is that what they tell you to call people that you want to talk down to? Just does not sound like normal California language.

Naaa, I was just having a little fun. Talk down to? Ok, let's put this in perspective, he labels me a **** and your offended by the Bubba moniker?

BTW-I'm not originally from CA, just a transplanted East coaster so I may not be down with the correct "jive".

-Dave 01 RT/10 :usa:


May 28, 1998
Reaction score
I lived in Brazil for 3 years. Is that south of the border? There it is clearly a police state (though not technically, but because it truly was up to 15 years ago the general public fears the police). But strangely enough the police there do not break the law with the same level of regularity that I witness here. Maybe because the 2 levels of police (civil and military) keep each other honest.

I have not heard people here stating the police are on the "take." But more that the express a "we are better than the rest of you" attitude and break the same laws they are paid to enforce.

Would you say it is okay for a police car to drive through a red light, not in pursuit but on the way to the coffee shop?

How about driving recklessly, weaving through traffic at speeds well above the speed limit?

How about tailgating someone so that they can zig zag through traffic?

Or finally, how about hitting their red/blue lights to travel through an intersection and once through turn it back off and proceed as normal?

These are regular occurrences around here. Not from one or two, but most. Try to follow a police car and I trust you will need to break a multitude of traffic laws to keep up.

Now would you trust your child with a teacher that is a known cheater? How about your car with a known car thief? Yet we accept a police force that knowingly breaks the law. Go figure!

The "good apples" as you say need to change the ways of the bad apples and not accept them. Anything less is just encouragement for more of the same. A downwward spiral which ultimately will rise to a revolt level.


Oct 27, 2000
Reaction score
Madison, WI
It's pretty sad and simple. If cops could get better jobs with less risk and more pay they would. Generally they are guys/gals without skills, vision, or many other options. Therefore most hate those who have made more lucritive choices. Go easy on them, it's tuff putting your a$$ on the line for very little cash or respect.

Most are just jealous people who can't stand to see someone else with something nice. Oh yeah, they are not truthful also... They break the laws they enforce.

Just my .02.


Feb 3, 2004
Reaction score
I lived in Brazil for 3 years. Is that south of the border? There it is clearly a police state (though not technically, but because it truly was up to 15 years ago the general public fears the police). But strangely enough the police there do not break the law with the same level of regularity that I witness here. Maybe because the 2 levels of police (civil and military) keep each other honest.

I have not heard people here stating the police are on the "take." But more that the express a "we are better than the rest of you" attitude and break the same laws they are paid to enforce.

Would you say it is okay for a police car to drive through a red light, not in pursuit but on the way to the coffee shop?

How about driving recklessly, weaving through traffic at speeds well above the speed limit?

How about tailgating someone so that they can zig zag through traffic?

Or finally, how about hitting their red/blue lights to travel through an intersection and once through turn it back off and proceed as normal?

These are regular occurrences around here. Not from one or two, but most. Try to follow a police car and I trust you will need to break a multitude of traffic laws to keep up.

Now would you trust your child with a teacher that is a known cheater? How about your car with a known car thief? Yet we accept a police force that knowingly breaks the law. Go figure!

The "good apples" as you say need to change the ways of the bad apples and not accept them. Anything less is just encouragement for more of the same. A downwward spiral which ultimately will rise to a revolt level.

It's good to hear your experiences in Brazil were positive and yes last time I checked on a world map Brazil was indeed South of the border. I've got a buddy that lived in Petropolis for a couple years, loved it. In Tijuana, Mexico 15min drive from my house, it's an entirely different world.

Not condoning running red lights or driving recklessly without an obvious need nor am I am fan of GEICO or any other insurance company buying LIDAR guns for local PD who then in turn jack the rates of those fined for moving violations. Clearly there is a conflict of interest in these situations. It's not a perfect solution I grant you but I believe the greater good is served by their service to our communities. If there is a problem in your particular area and your getting nowhere in the complaint dept, that's where our elected officials are supposed to help out. It may seem futile but if enough attention is brought to bear on the issues, you might actually see some results in your community.

-Dave 01 RT/10 :usa:


May 28, 1998
Reaction score
Agreed. But unfortunately the concern is not so much in my immediate city, but in the metropolitan area and the region beyond that. For the most part the interstate system is more reasonable (except in Ohio for MI plated cars :) ).

BTW I have spent a lot of time in Mazatlan (parents condo there), and have even driven down there from Arizona. The frontier zone is like a different country than the Mexico south of it. Tijuana is nothing like areas further south. Some areas, like Cancun are more like Miami than Mexico. Not that I would travel at night on small roads, but I do feel comfortable in the cities and on highways. I have never been stopped in Mexico so maybe I have just been lucky.

Also, I have not had that many experiences with the police. Here or elsewhere. It is just those infrequent experiences are extremely negative (note Zero points on my record in past 3 years - yipee!). Most of my experience is watching them break the law in front of me and not visa versa (I am too careful for that!).

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
Logical thinking and common sense would do you a world of good that is if your capable of a rational thought process.

Y'know, if I were in a profession where a growing populace were having a negative opinion of me and my fellow officers, I'd look within my profession to see what the problem is, rather than tell everyone else they're wrong.

But hey, that's just me and my illogical, irrational thought process. You and your brothers continue on the direction your going.


Feb 3, 2004
Reaction score
Y'know, if I were in a profession where a growing populace were having a negative opinion of me and my fellow officers, I'd look within my profession to see what the problem is, rather than tell everyone else they're wrong.

But hey, that's just me and my illogical, irrational thought process. You and your brothers continue on the direction your going.

Your the one berating law enforcement without a single positive comment on the entire profession as a whole utilizing various expletives and referring to them as ****'s. Why don't you review your posts, you've already clearly demonstrated a lack of rational thought.

I should've guessed. Upper East Coast too, right?

Now you've got a problem with Northeaster's? Maybe they're all inherently "Bad and Evil" too...

-Dave 01 RT/10 :usa:


Wow, what a cryin shame, all you Cop-Haters out there. UNBELIEVABLE ! Quotes like, "Dead Cop is a Good Cop", "Overzealous, Ignorant, Skinhead, Bully-Wanna-Bees", and "Cops are mostly uneducated, unskilled bullies".

The Cops I've met all work weekends, work all different shifts, work Holidays, make death notifications to parents whose kid was just killed in a car crash, arrest the low-life thugs who pray on innocent victims, give tickets to people who drive with no concern for your safety (how many times a day do you wish you could pull someone over because they are driving like a maniac?) and while giving a simple ticket-have to deal with your horrible attitude, they lock up burglars who strong-arm the weak, and/or break into their homes and steal everything that meant anything to the innocent victim they ******* and terrorized, and they catch the worst of all - the rapists and murderers and child-molesters of our society, the lowest of all **** on the earth. The Cops I know lay their life on the line all the time, run towards danger, not away from it, do give a ton of people breaks on traffic tickets, reduce the speed and give speeders a non-point violation when they don't even know the person.

I can't believe some of the BS I read during this thread. So what, you drive a Viper and you're worried about getting caught speeding, or you do get caught speeding sometimes. Big deal. Look at all the times you didn't get caught... Think about that the next time you get a measly little traffic citation because you probably were going too fast.

I've met a lot of Cops who like fast cars and horsepower just like you. It's unreal that you have this much hatred towards a guy's profession. Let's pick apart what others do for a living for once. AB ( whoever you are ) next time you get pulled over, or even see a Cop, why don't you tell him the same thing you had the courage to say here, behind your computer screen. Real courage you're showing. And you're the crybaby in the courtroom pleading for a point reduction because your insurance rate is going to go's way too easy for you guys to punch at your keyboards and play "bash the cops". Next time you or your family need a Police Officer, don't bother calling one for any helpful assistance.

I can't believe 1200 plus people looked at this thread and didn't step up to the plate and disagree with some of the sh*& that was being said here.
You had the right to bash the cops, and I took the opportunity to bash you too. Get a Grip AB, Chuck and Bandit ! Your personal experiences and opinions are over-exaggerated and you know it.

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
Get a Grip AB, Chuck and Bandit ! Your personal experiences and opinions are over-exaggerated and you know it.

Riiiiiight. My personal experiences must be exaggerated. After all, he's a cop and I'm just a 45-year-old criminal.

A gazillion (fulfilling accusations of exaggeration) people tell the cops they have an attitude problem and the cops still don't believe it.

We're all wrong.

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
reduce the speed and give speeders a non-point violation when they don't even know the person.
1 out of 10,000? Recommend them for sainthood.

I can't believe some of the BS I read during this thread.
You can say that again.

AB ( whoever you are ) next time you get pulled over, or even see a Cop, why don't you tell him the same thing you had the courage to say here, behind your computer screen. Real courage you're showing.
Now there's the logic of a 12-year-old. Are you even old enough to drive? Go lip off to the bully at recess and see where that lands you.

Got any more useful suggestions to stop their **** tactics? If not, I'll continue to rally the troops right here thank you.


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
AB ( whoever you are ) next time you get pulled over, or even see a Cop, why don't you tell him the same thing you had the courage to say here, behind your computer screen. Real courage you're showing.

Oh yeah... the unarmed **** shouldve told off the Nazis. Dumb@$$.


Unless you Cop-haters have had nothing but DUI's, speeding tickets galore, or you've been arrested for one crime or another, there is no way you would have this bad of an attitude towards Cops who put up with more crap daily than you are dishing out here. The attitude you portray here appears to be the mindset of those who have been in a lot of trouble.

You boys keep bashing the Peacekeepers. I'm going to stick up for the friends I have that are Police Officers. They don't deserve the thrashing you are giving here. I'm glad there are people who lay it on the line everyday. I know they make a difference. Maybe that ****** you off.

Next time one of your friends or loved ones is in an accident, is getting their *** beat, is getting mugged, carjacked, robbed, *****, maybe you should call on Chuck and his "troops" here and ask them for advice.

Respect to the few here who thought these guys were out of line.


May 28, 1998
Reaction score
Respect to the few here who thought these guys were out of line.

Then tell them to respect the LAW and cite their brothers that do not. Respect should start and end with the LAW.

And tell your stories but I am not, nor have I ever been, in trouble with the Police. So that assessment is full of it. My opinion is one of a 40ish professional with a relatively clean driving record. My "attitude" is made of experiences and witnessed accounts. If the cops want a good public impression and respect, then they need to respect the law and its citizenry.


Viper SRT, I understand what you are talking about when it comes to your observations of Police cars going faster than everyone else. Think about this, maybe that Cop is trying to see something ahead of you, but doesn't need to draw attention to his car by blaring sirens and lights. I personally think that Cops deserve a little more respect out there and you need to get out of their way. Would you want someone to be in your way all day at your job ? You should show a little leniency when it comes to marked Patrol cars driving on your roads, highways, etc. You don't know what they are doing, you don't know where they are going. It's where they work. It's not easy. Why does it bother you so much to see them passing you. So what. If more people would pay attention when they drive, then the Cop wouldn't have to follow them so close to get their attention.

I'd rather see a Cop going faster than everyone else, that way, everyone can keep up the speed they were going in the first place, which where I'm from, is usually 10-15mph over the speed limit anyway. I never want to see a Cop going 55 or 65mph and holding everyone up. You all have been there, and it *****. It's better to have them get through traffic. How can you disagree with that ?

Just because you can't drive that way, doesn't make them a bad guy. Cops I know go from call to call. Crashes, 911 misdials, fights, house alarms, thefts, missing kids, etc. etc. They run all day long.

Why it ****** you off so much because they are trying to get somewhere baffles me. Not every call is lights and sirens. But jeeeeesh, if they are behind you, get out of their way. What's the harm in that ? And the reason they are zig-zagging is because the retards in front of them don't pay attention to what's going on and aren't moving quick enough, if ever at all. Look at the reactions of drivers when they see the lights and sirens, some of them **** the wheel so hard they almost cause a crash. I know if you own a Viper, you are more than likely a better driver than most. You see the goofs on the road who are talking on the cell phone, won't get out of your way when you're in the left lane. You get pissed too, and zig zag. What's the difference ? Do you expect the Cop to follow the "normal" driver in the left lane ? You don't.

If you're a 40ish, professional, then I trust that you will give what I said a little thought, and maybe you'll understand what they actually go thru on the highways, etc. and it's everyday of their lives.

I'm sure most of you know where and when to take your Vipers and crank it up to 150 or when your balls begin to rise, or if you're like ACCELR8, then 170 plus. I know lots of people around here that constantly get breaks and deals on traffic tickets. That's the norm, sorry to hear the rest of you have more negative stories. But the "F" the Cops posts are out of line.


May 21, 2003
Reaction score
Peoples Democratic Republic of New Jersey
Unless you Cop-haters have had nothing but DUI's, speeding tickets galore, or you've been arrested for one crime or another, there is no way you would have this bad of an attitude towards Cops who put up with more crap daily than you are dishing out here. The attitude you portray here appears to be the mindset of those who have been in a lot of trouble.

You boys keep bashing the Peacekeepers. I'm going to stick up for the friends I have that are Police Officers. They don't deserve the thrashing you are giving here. I'm glad there are people who lay it on the line everyday. I know they make a difference. Maybe that ****** you off.

When I am pulled over, I do not get an attitude, I am respectful, etc., however why should I have to give up my rights? That's what this is about, when I am at a roadblock, I don't even put my window all the way down (yoy know, because I don't want an alcohol detector put to me without a warrant).

I also have friends that are/were LE, even the good ones stick up for the bad ones, and the good ones will 'do stuff' as punishment to bad guys, and they think it's get over it.

Next time one of your friends or loved ones is in an accident, is getting their *** beat, is getting mugged, carjacked, robbed, *****, maybe you should call on Chuck and his "troops" here and ask them for advice.

It is not a police officers job to protect you from a crime, if you call them, they are not liable if they do not get there to stop/prevent the crime. And ohh yeah, the Supreme Court has upheld this decision since it first came up in the 1800's.
I would hope if this was happening, a private citizen with a CCW would be in the vicinity.

99 R/T 10

Jun 4, 2001
Reaction score
Enterprise, AL USA
Viper SRT, I understand what you are talking about when it comes to your observations of Police cars going faster than everyone else. Think about this, maybe that Cop is trying to see something ahead of you, but doesn't need to draw attention to his car by blaring sirens and lights. I personally think that Cops deserve a little more respect out there and you need to get out of their way. Would you want someone to be in your way all day at your job ? You should show a little leniency when it comes to marked Patrol cars driving on your roads, highways, etc. You don't know what they are doing, you don't know where they are going. It's where they work. It's not easy. Why does it bother you so much to see them passing you. So what. If more people would pay attention when they drive, then the Cop wouldn't have to follow them so close to get their attention.

I'd rather see a Cop going faster than everyone else, that way, everyone can keep up the speed they were going in the first place, which where I'm from, is usually 10-15mph over the speed limit anyway. I never want to see a Cop going 55 or 65mph and holding everyone up. You all have been there, and it *****. It's better to have them get through traffic. How can you disagree with that ?

Just because you can't drive that way, doesn't make them a bad guy. Cops I know go from call to call. Crashes, 911 misdials, fights, house alarms, thefts, missing kids, etc. etc. They run all day long.

Why it ****** you off so much because they are trying to get somewhere baffles me. Not every call is lights and sirens. But jeeeeesh, if they are behind you, get out of their way. What's the harm in that ? And the reason they are zig-zagging is because the retards in front of them don't pay attention to what's going on and aren't moving quick enough, if ever at all. Look at the reactions of drivers when they see the lights and sirens, some of them **** the wheel so hard they almost cause a crash. I know if you own a Viper, you are more than likely a better driver than most. You see the goofs on the road who are talking on the cell phone, won't get out of your way when you're in the left lane. You get pissed too, and zig zag. What's the difference ? Do you expect the Cop to follow the "normal" driver in the left lane ? You don't.

If you're a 40ish, professional, then I trust that you will give what I said a little thought, and maybe you'll understand what they actually go thru on the highways, etc. and it's everyday of their lives.

I'm sure most of you know where and when to take your Vipers and crank it up to 150 or when your balls begin to rise, or if you're like ACCELR8, then 170 plus. I know lots of people around here that constantly get breaks and deals on traffic tickets. That's the norm, sorry to hear the rest of you have more negative stories. But the "F" the Cops posts are out of line.

Dude, how old are you? This site is rated PG, so go get your mommy before posting again :( :( :( :(


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
Unless you Cop-haters have had nothing but DUI's, speeding tickets galore, or you've been arrested for one crime or another, there is no way you would have this bad of an attitude towards Cops who put up with more crap daily than you are dishing out here. The attitude you portray here appears to be the mindset of those who have been in a lot of trouble.

You boys keep bashing the Peacekeepers. I'm going to stick up for the friends I have that are Police Officers. They don't deserve the thrashing you are giving here. I'm glad there are people who lay it on the line everyday. I know they make a difference. Maybe that ****** you off.

Next time one of your friends or loved ones is in an accident, is getting their *** beat, is getting mugged, carjacked, robbed, *****, maybe you should call on Chuck and his "troops" here and ask them for advice.

Give this man the Ignoramous of the Year award. :rolleyes:

So if you think cops need to clean up their act that makes you a felon of some kind? My record is CLEAN. I rarely go faster than the flow of traffic IN a Viper. You're so dumb that you don't even KNOW that the police has no obligation to protect you, your posession or your loved ones. So if I was getting mas *** beat or my home robbed or wife *****, I can count on some cop to show up 3 hours later to take a friggin report or with 50 other cops after they get proper backup. I bet the dead kids at Columbine were glad the cops showed up... AND DID NOT DO A DAMN THING WHILE KIDS WERE GETTING SHOT AT. :rolleyes:

You're the token civilian that cops hang around with. You're the guy that kisses up to them and oh-so-enthusiastically ask all the questions about how cool it is to be a cop. "Did you get to bash anyone's head in today? huhuhuh?" You probably want to be a cop but cant fool the psych test like your friends did. So let me tell you what they REALLY do when you're not around. They break laws. Without fail they do. They are unwatched and unchecked. Breaking traffic laws is just a small tip of a very big iceberg. You're such an apologist it's sickening.

What I find is that a third of the cops are good, a third bad and a third are just there for an easy paycheck. Unfortunately, it is the bad cops that usually pull each other up the ladder. There are plenty of good cops, but they learn quick to stand aside and let the bad ones do whatever they want, because it's not worth dying for. I've been there and done that so how are you going to discredit me? I have friends who are still good cops now and are absolutely sickened by all the abuse of power they see. My best friend still tries to do the right thing but the powers that be plays loose with the evidence and keeps smacking him down and he's now marked as a troublemaker. He's more persistant than I am. I gave up years ago.

You'll find most people here edge towards the conservative/libertarian side and appreciate law ENFORCEMENT. Cops that break the law are crooks, nothing more, so they get the same disdain as a child molestor. In a fit of rage because you got your civil rights a$$-***** by a couple bad cops, I can understand a dumb remark like " a dead cop." What I can't understand is defending the indefensible and a total ignorance of the abuse just because you're sooo lucky to have some cop friends. I bet you think if you get a ticket, they might know the issuing officer and get you off the hook. :rolleyes:

Big Medicine

Apr 18, 2002
Reaction score
Cypress, TX
So how does all this get changed?

More training, more educational requirements for new recruits, and more pay.

Talk to your politicians; get on TV. Spend some time gathering hard evidence of the problem so it doesn't come across as inuendo. Get the message in front of the average Joe with some video.

We can't pitch pennies at a problem and expect to see improvements.

Same principle with schools & teachers. Same principle with airlines & their employees. We can fly across the country for $200 & we expect first class service? We think we have room to complain for the crowds & small seats?

I don't have all the answers, but it sounds like a good place to start; invest in the things that are most important.

You get what you pay for. Always.


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
So how does all this get changed?

More training, more educational requirements for new recruits, and more pay.

Talk to your politicians; get on TV. Spend some time gathering hard evidence of the problem so it doesn't come across as inuendo. Get the message in front of the average Joe with some video.

We can't pitch pennies at a problem and expect to see improvements.

Same principle with schools & teachers. Same principle with airlines & their employees. We can fly across the country for $200 & we expect first class service? We think we have room to complain for the crowds & small seats?

I don't have all the answers, but it sounds like a good place to start; invest in the things that are most important.

You get what you pay for. Always.

Finally, someone with some sense and solutions. I don't mind more pay if the requirements were much higher educationally, physically, and psychologically. There must also be a concerted effort to **** out the bad, lazy and overweight cops. Then we might start having more respect for them.

Only one disagreement here. There are plenty of evidence, video and otherwise, followed by evidence of the top trying to sweep it under the rug. Yet the ultimate result is a couple slaps on the wrist. Your proposals is a good start, but it will not be an easy fight.


Oh well, I tried. Can't get anywhere arguing with extremists, radicals....

Some of you angry Viper owners/enthusiasts just don't get it. You sound like a bunch of paranoid maniacs.

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