Viper SRT, I understand what you are talking about when it comes to your observations of Police cars going faster than everyone else. Think about this, maybe that Cop is trying to see something ahead of you, but doesn't need to draw attention to his car by blaring sirens and lights. I personally think that Cops deserve a little more respect out there and you need to get out of their way. Would you want someone to be in your way all day at your job ? You should show a little leniency when it comes to marked Patrol cars driving on your roads, highways, etc. You don't know what they are doing, you don't know where they are going. It's where they work. It's not easy. Why does it bother you so much to see them passing you. So what. If more people would pay attention when they drive, then the Cop wouldn't have to follow them so close to get their attention.
I'd rather see a Cop going faster than everyone else, that way, everyone can keep up the speed they were going in the first place, which where I'm from, is usually 10-15mph over the speed limit anyway. I never want to see a Cop going 55 or 65mph and holding everyone up. You all have been there, and it *****. It's better to have them get through traffic. How can you disagree with that ?
Just because you can't drive that way, doesn't make them a bad guy. Cops I know go from call to call. Crashes, 911 misdials, fights, house alarms, thefts, missing kids, etc. etc. They run all day long.
Why it ****** you off so much because they are trying to get somewhere baffles me. Not every call is lights and sirens. But jeeeeesh, if they are behind you, get out of their way. What's the harm in that ? And the reason they are zig-zagging is because the retards in front of them don't pay attention to what's going on and aren't moving quick enough, if ever at all. Look at the reactions of drivers when they see the lights and sirens, some of them **** the wheel so hard they almost cause a crash. I know if you own a Viper, you are more than likely a better driver than most. You see the goofs on the road who are talking on the cell phone, won't get out of your way when you're in the left lane. You get pissed too, and zig zag. What's the difference ? Do you expect the Cop to follow the "normal" driver in the left lane ? You don't.
If you're a 40ish, professional, then I trust that you will give what I said a little thought, and maybe you'll understand what they actually go thru on the highways, etc. and it's everyday of their lives.
I'm sure most of you know where and when to take your Vipers and crank it up to 150 or when your balls begin to rise, or if you're like ACCELR8, then 170 plus. I know lots of people around here that constantly get breaks and deals on traffic tickets. That's the norm, sorry to hear the rest of you have more negative stories. But the "F" the Cops posts are out of line.