Chased by the Georgia Highway Patrol................


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
Oh well, I tried. Can't get anywhere arguing with extremists, radicals....

Some of you angry Viper owners/enthusiasts just don't get it. You sound like a bunch of paranoid maniacs.
The only radical here is you... you're radically blind to the abuse that goes on by the people who should be protecting us. As if anyone is going to take you seriously after discounting anyone's true experiences and calling them felons. You catch more flies with honey that that BS you're peddling. :p


Viper Owner
Feb 14, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah, Viper owners, who have to achieve at least a certain modicum of success to own such a machine, are a bunch of "paranoid maniacs." That's the ticket! And all those power-tripping traffic cops tooling around in their cruisers harrassing the public are "normal." LOL


May 28, 1998
Reaction score
Viper SRT, I understand what you are talking about when it comes to your observations of Police cars going faster than everyone else. Think about this, maybe that Cop is trying to see something ahead of you, but doesn't need to draw attention to his car by blaring sirens and lights. I personally think that Cops deserve a little more respect out there and you need to get out of their way. Would you want someone to be in your way all day at your job ? You should show a little leniency when it comes to marked Patrol cars driving on your roads, highways, etc. You don't know what they are doing, you don't know where they are going. It's where they work. It's not easy. Why does it bother you so much to see them passing you. So what. If more people would pay attention when they drive, then the Cop wouldn't have to follow them so close to get their attention.

I'd rather see a Cop going faster than everyone else, that way, everyone can keep up the speed they were going in the first place, which where I'm from, is usually 10-15mph over the speed limit anyway. I never want to see a Cop going 55 or 65mph and holding everyone up. You all have been there, and it *****. It's better to have them get through traffic. How can you disagree with that ?

Just because you can't drive that way, doesn't make them a bad guy. Cops I know go from call to call. Crashes, 911 misdials, fights, house alarms, thefts, missing kids, etc. etc. They run all day long.

Why it ****** you off so much because they are trying to get somewhere baffles me. Not every call is lights and sirens. But jeeeeesh, if they are behind you, get out of their way. What's the harm in that ? And the reason they are zig-zagging is because the retards in front of them don't pay attention to what's going on and aren't moving quick enough, if ever at all. Look at the reactions of drivers when they see the lights and sirens, some of them **** the wheel so hard they almost cause a crash. I know if you own a Viper, you are more than likely a better driver than most. You see the goofs on the road who are talking on the cell phone, won't get out of your way when you're in the left lane. You get pissed too, and zig zag. What's the difference ? Do you expect the Cop to follow the "normal" driver in the left lane ? You don't.

If you're a 40ish, professional, then I trust that you will give what I said a little thought, and maybe you'll understand what they actually go thru on the highways, etc. and it's everyday of their lives.

I'm sure most of you know where and when to take your Vipers and crank it up to 150 or when your balls begin to rise, or if you're like ACCELR8, then 170 plus. I know lots of people around here that constantly get breaks and deals on traffic tickets. That's the norm, sorry to hear the rest of you have more negative stories. But the "F" the Cops posts are out of line.
I see your point but do not buy much of it. If a need to get somewhere fast while on the job was a rationale then most people could speed and run traffic lights at will. What makes the police job at a higher level allowing that activity. Just think, if postal employees were allowed to go twice the speed limit we would need fewer of them. Same for any other occupation that uses the roads. How about the truck driver? Let's make it closer to home and say it is the UPS truck driving in your subdivision. Okay for him to run stop signs and speed? I can not find any excuse for the police breaking the law (in a manner that they would cite a citizen) while driving except for when in pursuit. With lights on. Siren also if the conditions dictate it. Going with the flow on a highway would be acceptable, but the right answer is to raise the speed limit to a level where the majority would obey it. Where they are now is stupid. The low highway speed limits are just an excuse to provide traffic citation money for the government.

BTW most of my comments about speeding, weaving in and out of traffic and running red lights are on city streets and not highways. When the cops do that they are putting the public at risk. What if a small child was trying to cross the street (with the WALK signal)? What about the old lady driving the speed limit when confronted by a cop tailgating her, and ends up getting scared to death? I will say that when a cop does that to me (tailgate) I flash the brake lights to let them know I do not find it acceptable. I have never had one pull me over afterwards regarding that. They know they are in the wrong. In the Viper I have even waved them back (you SRT and RT/10 owners probably know what I am talking about there as I cannot stand a tailgater behind my Viper).

Crime in my area is very low. These cops do very little beyond giving out traffic tickets. More often than not they are not on a serious run. They are on their way to the next traffic stop, dinner, or a shift change. Don't take my word. Watch for the next example and follow the cop and see where he goes.

Just for my edification answer me this. If you are driving along in moderate traffic on a city street say 45 mph limit and you are right at the limit. Say a cop comes up right behind you trying to nudge you along so he can pass you. What do you do? Speed up, thus breaking the speed limit? Continue normal? Slow down and pull over? Or ... If you do the first he can ticket you directly. Not a good choice (unless you carry the get out of jail free badge). So what the heck does the cop expect? There is no response the driver can do that will satisfy the cop without breaking the law. Stupid! And you defend that action. Stupid also.


Feb 3, 2004
Reaction score
Oh well, I tried. Can't get anywhere arguing with extremists, radicals....

Some of you angry Viper owners/enthusiasts just don't get it. You sound like a bunch of paranoid maniacs.

You pretty much just summed it up Venms96. I find it amazing how the entire law enforcement profession is being labeled by these radicals. Let's not forget, I always said there's room for improvement as with just about any organization.

Who cares if they are arrest druggies, dealers, intoxicated drivers, murderers, thiefs, rapists, child molesters etc etc. That's not an important factor in their world because law enforcement has made some mistakes or moving violations in their eyes.

They'll find the one incident here or the one-time occurence there. For every 10 good busts they'll find the one bad one and scream "See, See they're all bad!!!" They'll scream about PD driving too fast or weaving in traffic for no apparent reason usually unbeknownst to them mind you and that in turn DISCOUNTS EVERYTHING ELSE THAT THEY PROVIDE OUR COMMUNITIES. They're too short-sided to see the big picture. Unbelieveable...

It's an insane viewpoint as far as I'm concerned and that stance is clearly in the minority of the American public as well. Look are who were dealing with. This isn't worth anymore of your time, mine or Randy's. :usa:

I'll go back to my unimportant job now of attempting to prevent terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the United States.

-Dave 01 RT/10 :usa:


May 28, 1998
Reaction score
There you go. Anyone with a differing opinion is a radical. The type of excuse that then allows the police to do anything they want with them because ... they are only radicals (which we understand the police to think of as subhuman).

BTW, you drive a car to work yes? Who made it? A policeman? And where did you get your food? The precinct? Did the police grow the food too?

Get off your big friggen stool and find out that we all work to help make this country what it is. You, me and most everyone here. The fact that you chose to be a policeman does not provide you with any higher pedestal than the garbage man that picks up your garbage. You need to reassess things before you start calling everyone that does not make the cops into gods as "radicals."

All I have asked is that they obey the same laws that they are trying to enforce. I do not think that is radical. If you do then I think you are a bit outside the norm. I never discounted anything else they do or have done. But if you were assessing a criminal, would the good that they have provided society have any bearing on the crime or your willingness to pursue them? Ah, I see, you only have that rule about yourselves. Kind of self centered don't you think?

So if speeding is okay in order to locate a speeder, is ****** okay to locate a murderer. If not please explain your logic that allows one law to be broken to bring justice an individual for breaking the same law.

Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Wow, what a cryin shame, all you Cop-Haters out there. UNBELIEVABLE ! Quotes like, "Dead Cop is a Good Cop", "Overzealous, Ignorant, Skinhead, Bully-Wanna-Bees", and "Cops are mostly uneducated, unskilled bullies".

The Cops I've met all work weekends, work all different shifts, work Holidays, make death notifications to parents whose kid was just killed in a car crash, arrest the low-life thugs who pray on innocent victims, give tickets to people who drive with no concern for your safety (how many times a day do you wish you could pull someone over because they are driving like a maniac?) and while giving a simple ticket-have to deal with your horrible attitude, they lock up burglars who strong-arm the weak, and/or break into their homes and steal everything that meant anything to the innocent victim they ******* and terrorized, and they catch the worst of all - the rapists and murderers and child-molesters of our society, the lowest of all **** on the earth. The Cops I know lay their life on the line all the time, run towards danger, not away from it, do give a ton of people breaks on traffic tickets, reduce the speed and give speeders a non-point violation when they don't even know the person.

I can't believe some of the BS I read during this thread. So what, you drive a Viper and you're worried about getting caught speeding, or you do get caught speeding sometimes. Big deal. Look at all the times you didn't get caught... Think about that the next time you get a measly little traffic citation because you probably were going too fast.

I've met a lot of Cops who like fast cars and horsepower just like you. It's unreal that you have this much hatred towards a guy's profession. Let's pick apart what others do for a living for once. AB ( whoever you are ) next time you get pulled over, or even see a Cop, why don't you tell him the same thing you had the courage to say here, behind your computer screen. Real courage you're showing. And you're the crybaby in the courtroom pleading for a point reduction because your insurance rate is going to go's way too easy for you guys to punch at your keyboards and play "bash the cops". Next time you or your family need a Police Officer, don't bother calling one for any helpful assistance.

I can't believe 1200 plus people looked at this thread and didn't step up to the plate and disagree with some of the sh*& that was being said here.
You had the right to bash the cops, and I took the opportunity to bash you too. Get a Grip AB, Chuck and Bandit ! Your personal experiences and opinions are over-exaggerated and you know it.

I'm glad you never had a gun pulled out on you point blank for no reason with the hammer pulled back...Let's see if that changes your attitude....I know there are decent cops out there, but 90% in my book shouldn't be in that profession....but you know what...I still HATE COPS! Sounds like you own a Donut Shop or cop BS and they never do anything wrong crap...get a clue! :rolleyes:


Viper Owner
Feb 14, 2004
Reaction score
Every year, dozens of cops running "code 3" kill innocent people, poor schmucks driving legally and gently through city streets before their lives are ended by the adrenaline-fueled god-trip cop-'tards...

These few who've come out of the woodwork to play the moral superiority and "they're radicals" card, can kiss my begullah! Sanctimonious self-serving A-holes!

I don't dial 911!

Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Oh well, I tried. Can't get anywhere arguing with extremists, radicals....

Some of you angry Viper owners/enthusiasts just don't get it. You sound like a bunch of paranoid maniacs.

You pretty much just summed it up Venms96. I find it amazing how the entire law enforcement profession is being labeled by these radicals. Let's not forget, I always said there's room for improvement as with just about any organization.

Who cares if they are arrest druggies, dealers, intoxicated drivers, murderers, thiefs, rapists, child molesters etc etc. That's not an important factor in their world because law enforcement has made some mistakes or moving violations in their eyes.

They'll find the one incident here or the one-time occurence there. For every 10 good busts they'll find the one bad one and scream "See, See they're all bad!!!" They'll scream about PD driving too fast or weaving in traffic for no apparent reason usually unbeknownst to them mind you and that in turn DISCOUNTS EVERYTHING ELSE THAT THEY PROVIDE OUR COMMUNITIES. They're too short-sided to see the big picture. Unbelieveable...

It's an insane viewpoint as far as I'm concerned and that stance is clearly in the minority of the American public as well. Look are who were dealing with. This isn't worth anymore of your time, mine or Randy's. :usa:

I'll go back to my unimportant job now of attempting to prevent terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the United States.

-Dave 01 RT/10 :usa:

I am glad you are around these "angel type cops" send some our way. Maybe a lot of them should take lessons from you and really do their jobs of cutting down on murders, drug dealers and so on instead of just being pricks. No one said your job wasn't important...but I don't think you're out there harrassing people because you can. If you think these law abidding cops are everywhere...then I disagree...for every "good cop" I can find 10 overzealous bad cops.

Sorry if you don't like my view....but again...everyone is entitled to their opinions...


Feb 3, 2004
Reaction score
Get off your big friggen stool and find out that we all work to help make this country what it is. You, me and most everyone here. The fact that you chose to be a policeman does not provide you with any higher pedestal than the garbage man that picks up your garbage. You need to reassess things before you start calling everyone that does not make the cops into gods as "radicals."

All I have asked is that they obey the same laws that they are trying to enforce. I do not think that is radical. If you do then I think you are a bit outside the norm. I never discounted anything else they do or have done. But if you were assessing a criminal, would the good that they have provided society have any bearing on the crime or your willingness to pursue them? Ah, I see, you only have that rule about yourselves. Kind of self centered don't you think?

Ok, let be be crystal clear about this. It's no revelation to me that the majority of people work hard and do their part to make this country great. The fact that I chose to work for the feds does not place me on a higher pedestal and as I said earlier, makes me no better than the guy who collects my garbage.

The "radical" viewpoint is what I see a few of you labelling your local pd/highway patrol force in a broad sense . As much as we'd like to have a Utopia in every agency, that's not the way life works. We can always strive to be better and improve but it's unfair to paint a black eye on an entire profession for what you percieve as moving violations.

-Dave 01 RT/10 :usa:


Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
Belleville, IL. (St. Louis Area)
Ahhh COPS hmmmm They give me tickets , and Harass me for no good reason or having fast cars. Simply because I break the law. Hmm I guess I deserve it but i dont like it. Theres good cops and theres bad cops. More Bad then good most of the time. But what can you do. I simply am in the middle weather I like them or hate them. Hate some then again I like some of em. But it isnt right to label them ALL because some are bad cops. Some Marines do bad things because there are bad Marines I.E ****** a girl in Japan then all the Good Marines like myself get called Rapists because of what one person did. Just simply depends on the person, some are high school geeks that got picked on and now there on a power trip and there so enwrapped on there power trippin they forget there real purpose. Then some are really great guys who actually help the community. This arguement will go on forever LMAO You guys are great hahaha


May 28, 1998
Reaction score
Yes, but doubtful the other Marines will excuse the behavior, or worse yet try to cover it up.

This is getting old. The bottom line really is that the Police need to police themselves of bad apples and bad behavioral norms, or level of acceptance. Outsiders can do very little to impact it. But, just like anything else, the first step is to accept that something is wrong that needs to be righted. Barring that I have little expectation for improvement.


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
Yes, but doubtful the other Marines will excuse the behavior, or worse yet try to cover it up.

This is getting old. The bottom line really is that the Police need to police themselves of bad apples and bad behavioral norms, or level of acceptance. Outsiders can do very little to impact it. But, just like anything else, the first step is to accept that something is wrong that needs to be righted. Barring that I have little expectation for improvement.

Funny how when a good cop comes here to affirm there are bad cops, the apologists seem to not respond...

A computer in every police car would be a good start. It will record every infraction of traffic laws and lights/siren activation. They must justify every infraction at the end of the day. Seems fair to me. Also, All must wear personal camera & mics that record every intereaction with civilians. That would make me sleep better.

$100 bucks says the union will never go for that.


Viper Owner
Sep 10, 2002
Reaction score
A computer in every police car would be a good start. It will record every infraction of traffic laws and lights/siren activation. They must justify every infraction at the end of the day. Seems fair to me. Also, All must wear personal camera & mics that record every intereaction with civilians. That would make me sleep better.

$100 bucks says the union will never go for that.


Imagine if someone was looking over all our shoulders while we were at work.
$100 bucks says no one would ever go for that.

I personally know venms96 and you couldn't find a better person or friend.

There's good and bad in every profession.

As I talked to another board member over the past several weeks we discussed how dull the board was lately, but this thread definitely has me reading again. This is better than Saturday morning cartoons.


Aug 13, 2001
Reaction score
Harrisburg, PA
count me in as an ignorant fool....dead cop is a good cop.

AB you are an idiot and yes ignorant fool!! :rolleyes: To make such a stupid statement about cops, just shows it! Never mind the fact that fellow viper owners and board members may have family members that are cops. I hope you watch who you make such a stupid statement around, you may just need a cop to save your little ass from getting a beat down!!

Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
count me in as an ignorant fool....dead cop is a good cop.

AB you are an idiot and yes ignorant fool!! :rolleyes: To make such a stupid statement about cops, just shows it! Never mind the fact that fellow viper owners and board members may have family members that are cops. I hope you watch who you make such a stupid statement around, you may just need a cop to save your little ass from getting a beat down!!

Yeah okay...if cops want to be an ass...then that cop deserves what comes back to him. Sorry my statement hurts your little feelings. My little ass getting a beat down...PLEEZE! Who's going to give it to me? I got something for a beat down. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

As far as being a fool...yes I can be that. Maybe instead of engineering my own HP on my engine, I will color everything yellow and put high hp pin stripes on my seat.


Aug 13, 2001
Reaction score
Harrisburg, PA
Yeah you are a big man behind your keyboard! Believe me I know you are a real tough guy!! This coming from a little wus who ran off the board for year or so, when he was accused by a vendor of lying about being a viper club member for parts discounts, and caught red handed lying. I remember how you went crying off and said I am taking my ball and going home.

Yeah I guess because a cop gives you a ticket for something or harasses you he deserves to be shot or killed, very good logic! Makes sense to me :rolleyes:

Is your viper lowered so you can get in and out without a step stool? :confused:


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
Yeah I guess because a cop gives you a ticket for something or harasses you he deserves to be shot or killed, very good logic! Makes sense to me :rolleyes:

Is your viper lowered so you can get in and out without a step stool? :confused:
Wow... bring on the personal attacks. :rolleyes:

Sorry, but if a cop harasses you he indeed deserves to be shot, or at least thrown in jail for the rest of his life. By definition of "harass" it means an abuse of power that the public has trusted him with and must be set an example. Maybe you think "harass" means "to give a relaxing massage"? :rolleyes:

We all agree ab said something stupid. HE even admits it. Why all of you apologists won't admit the police needs to "police" themselves better is a HUGE proof of the problem.

Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Yeah you are a big man behind your keyboard! Believe me I know you are a real tough guy!! This coming from a little wus who ran off the board for year or so, when he was accused by a vendor of lying about being a viper club member for parts discounts, and caught red handed lying. I remember how you went crying off and said I am taking my ball and going home.

Yeah I guess because a cop gives you a ticket for something or harasses you he deserves to be shot or killed, very good logic! Makes sense to me :rolleyes:

Is your viper lowered so you can get in and out without a step stool? :confused:

Ahh! See your deal isn't with's with me, but you used this discussion to come out to make personal attacks on me which I really don't care. If you feel like you need to give me a beat down then come give it. I don't give a rat's ass...I am not the one making threats of giving beat downs. Maybe I will have to give you a KY redneck kung fu chop to shut your smart ass. But like you said, it's all keyboard talk with you. As far as running off this board...I was banned for a little while...but who cares...Jonb and I are fine, but asses like you try to stir things up. (which won't happen).

I already said indirectly that my comment is more towards idiot cops who abuse their powers...

Now since I have wasted too much time on this...I am done with this topic....Let's talk Vipers...What's going to be painted yellow next on your viper? Hey...Since I am a "yellow man" why don't you paint a picture of my face on your yellow viper....hmmm...maybe a bad idea...I would blend in with everything on your car. Go bother someone else... :2tu:


Aug 13, 2001
Reaction score
Harrisburg, PA
Yeah you are a big man behind your keyboard! Believe me I know you are a real tough guy!! This coming from a little wus who ran off the board for year or so, when he was accused by a vendor of lying about being a viper club member for parts discounts, and caught red handed lying. I remember how you went crying off and said I am taking my ball and going home.

Yeah I guess because a cop gives you a ticket for something or harasses you he deserves to be shot or killed, very good logic! Makes sense to me :rolleyes:

Is your viper lowered so you can get in and out without a step stool? :confused:

Ahh! See your deal isn't with's with me, but you used this discussion to come out to make personal attacks on me which I really don't care. If you feel like you need to give me a beat down then come give it. I don't give a rat's ass...I am not the one making threats of giving beat downs. Maybe I will have to give you a KY redneck kung fu chop to shut your smart ass. But like you said, it's all keyboard talk with you. As far as running off this board...I was banned for a little while...but who cares...Jonb and I are fine, but asses like you try to stir things up. (which won't happen).

I already said indirectly that my comment is more towards idiot cops who abuse their powers...

Now since I have wasted too much time on this...I am done with this topic....Let's talk Vipers...What's going to be painted yellow next on your viper? Hey...Since I am a "yellow man" why don't you paint a picture of my face on your yellow viper....hmmm...maybe a bad idea...I would blend in with everything on your car. Go bother someone else... :2tu:


Now you are onto me, I have been waiting for this thread to attack you personally! Give me a break!! I see your posts and ignore them because it is usually the same old same old, so don't go flattering yourself. I don't think I have ever responded to one of your posts or you to mine :rolleyes:

But when you make such a stupid broad statement, I fealt a need to speak out. Simply because I do not agree and that level of ignorance amazes me !! I have many friends that are Police officers, some are even viper owners. For the record you did not hurt my feelings and you are correct I don't have any issues with cops. If you are going to be a wise asp and make such a bold statement for your typical attention getting needs, at least stand up to it and mean what you say.
As for making threats, I don't recall saying I would give you a beat down!! I am sure one day we will meet at some viper event. I WILL come find you, so you can give me the KY redneck kung fu chop to shut my ass up.

You are a little insecure man with no integrity, that is why you were banned, for lying and being a bitchh about it. If my memory serves me your red Gen I was as red as my car is yellow, red dash and all.
When you can afford some rims and real springs for that bastardized viper we will all really be impressed with ya!

Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Accelr8 ...I will let you have the last word here if that makes you feel better. You see...I am the Asian one here but you got more of a riced out viper than mine. At least mine has power to show. My car bastardized...ha! have you looked at your car lately?

Yes, I had a red dash, but that is where the red the otherhand...spray on brother!

If we meet at a VCA meet, trust me I am not the running type...come beat me up...give me a good ask kicking..LOL!

Go threaten someone else who reallys cares...attack me, attack my car...I don't care..maybe someday you will learn how to use tools instead of yellow paint.

But sorry..I was suppose to let you have the last win! I am afraid of you.


Aug 13, 2001
Reaction score
Harrisburg, PA
Yeah, I guess a total built motor, heads, cam, roller rockers, JE Pistons, clevite hp bearings makes it rice. The only spray paint on my 95 is the dash that was done by a paint shop. The intake and manifold are powder coated as were the hubs on my rotors. So as for the paint joke you need to find some new material.

Ok you know how to use a band saw and cut your springs, big whoop. I was pulling and building motors, long before you and your how do I check my oil posts. :rolleyes:

PS, I could care less that you are Asian, you are an idiot who is all mouth. I never did threaten you, I did say that I WILL find you though so you can chop me or what ever. :confused:


Nov 30, 2001
Reaction score
gillett, pa, usa
yea AB Ed is not racist. His mother is an East German body builder and father is a Mexican migrant worker. I dont think they even have thier green cards yet. speaking of rice.. remember this " WAR: THE RED BARON WANTS HIS WING BACK" :laugh:

Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Ouch all this is really hurting me. Red baron wants his wing back? That's funny. Bozo the clown wants both of his yellow shoes back. That was about as funny as the wing joke...I can keep on going...but it's obvious you have something personal with me....who said anything about acceler8 being a racist...he's just sensative. I'll stop now.

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
Now that's the spirit of a true car board. Start with cop bashing, politics, chicks or whatever and end up bragging about cars. LOL

Too bad none of you guys can actually drive them. :)


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
A computer in every police car would be a good start. It will record every infraction of traffic laws and lights/siren activation. They must justify every infraction at the end of the day. Seems fair to me. Also, All must wear personal camera & mics that record every intereaction with civilians. That would make me sleep better.

$100 bucks says the union will never go for that.

Imagine if someone was looking over all our shoulders while we were at work.
$100 bucks says no one would ever go for that.


Of course the cops would never go for that. But think about it. They represent the People. I want to know what they do and say on my behalf. No one would argue that it will keep them honest. Why should a judge takes a cop's word over anyone else's? Cops have a proven record of lying in court. Most people don't. Heck, this should also apply to politicians or any other civil servant. Again... it's not like anyone would go for it, but why stop at a dashcam?


Nov 30, 2001
Reaction score
gillett, pa, usa
Ouch all this is really hurting me. Red baron wants his wing back? That's funny. Bozo the clown wants both of his yellow shoes back. That was about as funny as the wing joke...I can keep on going...but it's obvious you have something personal with me....who said anything about acceler8 being a racist...he's just sensative. I'll stop now.

H3ll you know that was funny, you have not been back on the alley since smokin drove you off. You lack smack skills so you should quit while your ahead because everyone is laughing at you. BTW I actually like the way your car looks.

and Chuck, I can drive my car just fine...

Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Smokin did not chase me off..go back and read the smack talking post...I hardley doubt he handed me my ass. I don't visit the alley that much because the post there are about the same as they are in here...

but back to the subject.

I hate cops.

oh btw far as the post about me asking about oil checks and cut springs (not sure where you got that one from..but don't really care)..and you brag that you have been building engines way before me...ha and what I have done since then compared to you all your life as you brag...well I don't think I would be bragging so much there mr. bolt on....sorry you still don't impress me no matter how many cop's donuts you **** on. You like those Boston Cream filled ones? :rolleyes: :2tu:

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