Re: Class Break Down for V-10 Power Nationals(Registration Form) Drag Racin
It don't get any more real than me, pal. I was and still am being actively solicited to sponsor this event, but I have a difference of opinion with regards to a few of the classes, and thats what is keeping me from making a commitment. I have several customers who I am speaking for who have not yet committed to attend this event either(all of whom have our 9 second "single power adder" package)
Just so everyone is up on our feelings about this event, I am copying an email response that I sent to Dr. Roof from earlier this afternoon.
"Hello Dave,
By now you have probably read my response on the VCA forums. First, Id like to thank you again for your you can't make everyone happy.
At this time, we are going to have to take a pass on this event as in my opinion our $ 17K package cars are being placed in a class with cars that have more extensive modifications with costs as high as four times greater than mine and/or my customers.
Everybody wants to win, we are no exception. It's simple.. just make it fair. Put ALL single power adder cars together and we will come.
Again, thanks for your work and persistence.
Tom Welch"
I can only hope that this simple request will be honored in the best interest of good sportsmanship and fairness to all of those with intentions to compete at this event. I personaly would love to have a crack at some of these NO NOS s/c and TT Vipers....but..........