Comments on living with a 4 Post lift?


Jan 18, 2003
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nowhere to now here TM
I would be concerned about a lift that has a maximum capacity of 4,000 pounds. that is a bit too close for comfort for me. Bendpak is 6,000.

I mostlikely will go single post but need to find the right one. I have a garage and a half.

They have a 7,000 lb version as well.


Jan 19, 2006
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No offense to anyone from China, but they notorious for building substandard items. They copy other products and make cheap reproduction verions. I don't want to park my $100K ACR on a lift that is going to fold.

Me neither. Even if I only had $100K in each car...;)


Jan 19, 2006
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I have soooooo much experience with "Made in China" since virtually everything is these days. Its made in China because the cost of manufacturing is less, which means I am worried about a single post lift falling. I think I am rightly new ACR is going to go on top. Go back to my original question and you will see I am inquiring as to others opinions. Don't blindly recommend a manufacturer because of their name...base it on how they stand behind their product.

Wait a minute ... aren't you blindly condeming a product because of their name.... I personally have had great customer service from BendPak and their distributer. If there were any doubt, I wouldn't have bought a second one.


Jan 18, 2003
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nowhere to now here TM

Wait a minute ... aren't you blindly condeming a product because of their name.... I personally have had great customer service from BendPak and their distributer. If there were any doubt, I wouldn't have bought a second one.

No I am not blinded condeming...once again I asked for input. Knowledge of service after the sale is up to those who owe the Bend Pak. So I am guessing your vote is they are great....anyone else have good or bad experience. Again a single post lift is kinda scary. There is nothing wrong with being an informed buyer. My lift installer is trying to steer me away from what he called "Chinese Crap"...again not my words.


Jul 18, 2007
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Explaining Viper things to you
Has anyone ever heard of a car lift failing anywhere at any time? That was made in any country?


Hey, I'm not going to argue the fact we all have a right to a warm fuzzy feeling, but isn't living in California or flying on a plane a greater risk?


Jan 19, 2006
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I had a few minutes and tried to do a little research. I couldn't really find any examples of Bendpak or any other reputable companies lift's, failing. I know they have different certifications and testing for safety. Bendpak has been in business for over 50 years. They have all certifications and testing done. With all the liabilities and chance for an accident involved, I would expect some extensive testing and safety precautions to be in place.

I did find out that a lot of the lift companies that claim to be made in the USA are actually foreign steel but assembled in the US.


Apr 29, 2007
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Nixa , MO
Get a 4 wont be sorry. You can jack up the car on the lift with the sliding support bars or just lower the car down on jack stands. lots of open clear space underneath to work and sleep good at night knowing everything is safe.

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Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
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tampa, fl USA
OH DEAR GOD NO...that's it, I'm crossing off Bend Pak from my list. :mad:

Dang, that worked better than I thought it would. :D

Seriously, I've heard about Bend Pak for years and I'll bet they're a pretty good lift. I'd just give the USA made Superlifts a try in this economy that's all. But I guess the important thing is somebody is spending money somewhere so go ahead and buy whichever, just BUY!

past ohio

Oct 16, 2000
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Ohio VCA
I have heard a couple of stories about a Corvette falling off a lift several years ago, maybe this is one of those "old-wives tales ??" but it may have been true, I think it occurred when one of the locks did not engage and the person lowering the lift must have been sidetracked and held the button and it supposedly rolled off....I wouldn't be surprised IF there really aren't good stories about lowering it on another car by mistake and/or running the car up and hitting the roof, I one time had the antenna hit the ceiling, and the other biggest problem is when you raise a car does the overhead door still clear up over the trunk lid on the car up in the air ??


Jan 19, 2006
Reaction score
I have heard a couple of stories about a Corvette falling off a lift several years ago, maybe this is one of those "old-wives tales ??" but it may have been true, I think it occurred when one of the locks did not engage and the person lowering the lift must have been sidetracked and held the button and it supposedly rolled off....I wouldn't be surprised IF there really aren't good stories about lowering it on another car by mistake and/or running the car up and hitting the roof, I one time had the antenna hit the ceiling, and the other biggest problem is when you raise a car does the overhead door still clear up over the trunk lid on the car up in the air ??

I believe that. Look at what kind of car it was...;):D;)


Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
I have heard a couple of stories about a Corvette falling off a lift several years ago, maybe this is one of those "old-wives tales ??" but it may have been true, I think it occurred when one of the locks did not engage and the person lowering the lift must have been sidetracked and held the button and it supposedly rolled off....I wouldn't be surprised IF there really aren't good stories about lowering it on another car by mistake and/or running the car up and hitting the roof, I one time had the antenna hit the ceiling, and the other biggest problem is when you raise a car does the overhead door still clear up over the trunk lid on the car up in the air ??

I bet the stories are out there but perhaps owners are too embarrased to talk about them. I'm certain if there were a number of accidents with lifts due to quality we would be hearing about them. But user-error...probably won't hear too many of these stories. I wouldn't hesitate to purchase a Bend-Pak...I've heard nothing but positive feedback about them but I would certainly obtain a true USA-made, high quality lift first and foremost.


May 28, 1998
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I have had my 4 post lift for almost 10 years. In that time I have had failures of 2 pulley bearings (they do wear out), which could have resulted in lift failure. I ended up replacing the pulleys with new improved ones and all is ok. I have also had a near accident where when I was lowering it I had only unlatched 3 of the 4 locks and was not paying close attention. I believe one side ended up almost a foot lower than the opposite corner before it caught my eye and I reaised it. Too damn close for comfort. Thank goodness I have the brakes applied and use wheel chocks.

If I were to buy one again I wopuld only get one with a more capable safety lock system. Most of the systems are pure crap. Bottom line is to pay full attention when using the lift and inspecting it on a regular basis (when my pulleys failed there was metal debris below it that I had ignored as it looked just like a small amount of dirt).


Jul 18, 2007
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Explaining Viper things to you
I bet the stories are out there but perhaps owners are too embarrased to talk about them. I'm certain if there were a number of accidents with lifts due to quality we would be hearing about them. But user-error...probably won't hear too many of these stories. I wouldn't hesitate to purchase a Bend-Pak...I've heard nothing but positive feedback about them but I would certainly obtain a true USA-made, high quality lift first and foremost.


Yeah, I think you hit the nail on the head Tony. Quite likely that most accidents with lifts are operator error. And who would want to tell the world that? Also, would the news crews show up to cover that story? No, just your insurance adjuster and nosy neighbors.

Anyway, yes mechanisms can fail and yes you should look for some quality in the lift products you buy, but if everything sold cheaply or made in China had a certain unacceptable death risk factor, then why is Harbor Freight still in business? Ever look at their jacks and jack stands? :crazy2:

This thread has gotten gynormously off track.

Anyone ever dinged their door on their 4-post lift?



Jun 25, 2007
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Rosharon, TX
This thread has gotten gynormously off track.

Anyone ever dinged their door on their 4-post lift?


No, the doors clear the posts of the 4 post lift easily.

One note on American/Chinese made lifts - IMO, if the lift is approved by the ALI (American Lifting Institute) or other regulatory entity, this should make you feel more comfortable with your purchase, regardless of where it was made.


Dec 17, 2002
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Oregon, USA
This is not a "Which one should I buy?" or "Will it fit?" thread. We have a zillion of those, and I have read them all.

I am planning on purchasing a lift and can't decide between a 4 post and a single post.

From a purely practical standpoint, the 4 post would seem to be a no-brainer; it's cheaper, adds parking and facilitates service (I track my car so brakes are a constant maintenance item). However, I wonder if having 2 posts bisecting a 2 car garage is a royal pain in daily living.

I know at least one other poster has similar concerns, becasue I saw the subject addressed in one of the other 4 post threads. Unfortunately, no one chimed in with a response. Hence, this dedicated thread.

4 post owners please post your experiences with your lift in daily life.

For example, how is it getting the daily driver between those posts every day? And, not just for you, how is it for the significant other?

Do you find yourself cursing the posts when you set-up the table saw or assemble a new bicycle on Xmas eve?

Thanks in advance for your advice.

I have a four-post Rotary/Revolution lift. Getting in between the posts is no big deal for me or the family. The one thing is make sure your lift and ceiling can give you enough clearance to raise the lift so that people can walk under it without having to duck down; that would be a pain in my opinion. I can raise my Revolution over six feet off the ground so people can just walk under the lift without any problems. Have fun.



Jan 14, 2002
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Los Altos, CA, USA
With the exception of the lengthy trip to China!, thanks for the good feedback.

For the past few weeks , my existing garage door opening has been bisected by a bicycle flag, to see about the navigating in and out from under a 4 post. It's been a non-issue.

So, with that experience and your excellent feedback, I've decided to go with a 4 post; American made, just because I'm a buy local guy.

FYI: The lift will be going into a brand new garage built with stacking in mind so height (12'6") and openers (jackshaft) won't be a problem.


Jan 19, 2006
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Congtratulations, I'm sure you will enjoy it. It is nice to have your "pride and joy" out of the way. Less mystery dings...

As far as the "China thing"... Bendpak moved offshore in March of 08. I bought my lifts before then when they were made in the US. American made IS important and it IS something to consider with the way things are today.

Especially since I am a union contractor...


Jan 18, 2003
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nowhere to now here TM
The whole Chinese manufacturing thing is crazy...I mean they can manufacture a lift (very heavy) overseas and ship it here. The price of a US built lift with a full lifetime warranty costs the same. Why buy from a company that is outsourcing American jobs. I am sorry I am sure some will be mad about that comment but I get really tired of every type of job getting sent overseas (from call centers, to software development, to manufacturing, you name it)...if it continues what will we build/do for a living here?


Oct 2, 2004
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Here's my take,

I have an American made four post lift. The manufacturer is now defunct, and yes I had a failure. The locking mechanism on the lift was a horrible design. My lift failure was not related to operator error or the quality of construction, but rather bad design. The switch used to operate the lift failed in the on position. In my case, a low ceiling and a lack of a primary electrical disconnect at the unit (my own fault) resuted in ramming my CJ-7 into the ceiling. When I buy my next lift it will be American AND CERTIFIED.
Now let me address the original questions. If your garage is on the small side your really going to want one of the smaller units. The larger units will take up most of your garage. The flip side is that the smaller units are a bit of a pain, particularly if your approach is not dead parallel with the lift. I love the four post style for overall safety in stabillity. If you actually want the lift for service, like myself, you need both styles. The two post is great for brake work, suspension and certain exhaust applications. My next lift will be a two post design to compliment the four post I have now.

As a side note, I make every effort to purchase AMERICAN made products, I always have and always will. If American made products cost more, I'll wait untill I can afford them. It saddens me to hear that Bend Pak has gone the way of the Chinese as that was what I had wanted. I'll have to see if they still manufacture some American units.


Jul 18, 2007
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Explaining Viper things to you
Why buy from a company that is outsourcing American jobs.

It saddens me to hear that Bend Pak has gone the way of the Chinese as that was what I had wanted. I'll have to see if they still manufacture some American units.

Unfortunately the only company that makes the low lift scissor type with access in the center (no cylinders or mechanisms there) is Bendpak to my knowledge.

I like many others would gladly keep my money in the states if I could be pointed toward an alternate manufacturer of that lift. Everyone else's that I've looked at had the single lift cylinder in the center meaning tranny jobs etc. are not possible.


Jan 18, 2003
Reaction score
nowhere to now here TM
Here's my take,

I have an American made four post lift. The manufacturer is now defunct, and yes I had a failure. The locking mechanism on the lift was a horrible design. My lift failure was not related to operator error or the quality of construction, but rather bad design. The switch used to operate the lift failed in the on position. In my case, a low ceiling and a lack of a primary electrical disconnect at the unit (my own fault) resuted in ramming my CJ-7 into the ceiling. When I buy my next lift it will be American AND CERTIFIED.
Now let me address the original questions. If your garage is on the small side your really going to want one of the smaller units. The larger units will take up most of your garage. The flip side is that the smaller units are a bit of a pain, particularly if your approach is not dead parallel with the lift. I love the four post style for overall safety in stabillity. If you actually want the lift for service, like myself, you need both styles. The two post is great for brake work, suspension and certain exhaust applications. My next lift will be a two post design to compliment the four post I have now.

As a side note, I make every effort to purchase AMERICAN made products, I always have and always will. If American made products cost more, I'll wait untill I can afford them. It saddens me to hear that Bend Pak has gone the way of the Chinese as that was what I had wanted. I'll have to see if they still manufacture some American units.

Garage size is fine...I already have a four post in my single car garage. I wanted a parking lift in my double car side. Check this lift out....Purchase A Made In The USA Car Lift From - Car Lifts, Auto Lifts, Motorcycle Lifts and other Garage Accessories
its is a double car lift. I don't like how much space a four post takes up in a double garage...but with this lift I could get another car....hehehehehehehe

I know the real answer is I should move to a place where I can add another garage...but I like suburbia. I will move eventually though. Right now my three car has four cars in it...and two outside. The F450 couldn't come in anyway, but my Mitsubishi Evo X MR is living in the cold for now (no big deal).

past ohio

Oct 16, 2000
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Ohio VCA
"Venom" I have never seen this side by side type lift BUT if you look close, this is NOT the kind of lift I like, note that the cables are inside the "plane" of the lifting post and they say that you don't have to anchor the post BUT I sure would, this type of cable pulling down on the one side causes the posts to lean in and can actually move the post's foot on the floor and the Large collars on the posts are designed to straighten the posts as it goes up and down, PLUS with the lifting collars around the posts this way, there is a lot of scrapping on the paint/powder coat and over time they look bad !! Also I don't like anything being exposed that could **** in a finger, shirt sleeve or wrench or child's hand....when the locks are that exposed and the cables exposed, they attract dirt and could assist in a failure...I like the lifts with the cable centered INSIDE the post and large posts at least 12 in square and all the locking mechs inside the post, looks cleaner and I feel it is safer...This is just my $.02 and I am NOT a lift engineer, BUT I have seen presentations by a lot of manufacturers and have bought lifts for every house I have owned !! best of luck...

past ohio

Oct 16, 2000
Reaction score
Ohio VCA
"Venom" I have never seen this side by side type lift BUT if you look close, this is NOT the kind of lift I like, note that the cables are inside the "plane" of the lifting post and they say that you don't have to anchor the post BUT I sure would, this type of cable pulling down on the one side causes the posts to lean in and can actually move the post's foot on the floor and the Large collars on the posts are designed to straighten the posts as it goes up and down, PLUS with the lifting collars around the posts this way, there is a lot of scrapping on the paint/powder coat and over time they look bad !! Also I don't like anything being exposed that could **** in a finger, shirt sleeve or wrench or child's hand....when the locks are that exposed and the cables exposed, they attract dirt and could assist in a failure...I like the lifts with the cable centered INSIDE the post and large posts at least 12 in square and all the locking mechs inside the post, looks cleaner and I feel it is safer...This is just my $.02 and I am NOT a lift engineer, BUT I have seen presentations by a lot of manufacturers and have bought lifts for every house I have owned !! best of luck...


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
Has anyone ever heard of a car lift failing anywhere at any time? That was made in any country?


Hey, I'm not going to argue the fact we all have a right to a warm fuzzy feeling, but isn't living in California or flying on a plane a greater risk?

Not as great as robbing houses in Texas. :lmao:

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