Gonna save a ton if you are buying a convertable now. They have been out a while, and you can get an ambassador coupon that gives you 1% under invoice.
Coupes getting top prices right now. Hard for the factory to keep up.
I put a Paxton in my vert, and it is quite a amazing package. Do not track it aggressively due to no top, but is is simply the most amazing car I have ever had the privledge to own.
Accelleration is like the hand of God urging you onward.
Stereo really kicks with the top down.
World class handling and braking.
Very civilized ride. Take it out several times a week.
Air conditioning and Heater work great. Really extends the comfort zone. When it really gets hot or cold, simply pop the top up. 15 seconds.
SRT's have very little wind buffeting with the top down.
The side pipes really sing out their music when the top is down.
On a partly sunny day like today, with the temps in mid 70's, eagerly cruising the Southern California back roads around Julian.....Priceless.