I was watching Garage Mahal and they were installing Direct Lifts in the Hot Rod garage. I looked them up and they are owned by Dover Corporation and are built in China. Rotary Revolution lifts are also owned by Dover. The Rotary Revolution RFP9 and the Direct Lift Pro Park 9 Plus look very similar which makes me wonder if the Rotary Revolution RFP9 is not made in China also. I have also considered Backyard Buddy, built in the USA and Bend Pak HD9SW, not sure where it is made. I am looking to lift my Viper and my Dodge 3500 long wheelbase 4 door 4X4 dually diesel and park something underneath at times. I would also like to have the rolling jack in the lift to be able to remove a wheel while the car is on the lift. I had previously decided on a Rotary Revolution RFP9 and I am getting ready to pull the trigger, but I am not real fond of Chinese manufacturing at times. I really would like to buy USA for quality and patriotism. Suggestions and experiences on the above lifts appreciated.
Here is the pecking order of the public traded New York Stock Exchange parent company or something like that:
Rotary - US

US steel, laser cut & welded colums and runways in the states. Longer direct drive hydraulic cylinders versus chain drive systems. Note Rotary's cylinders are built in their Asian plant on 2 post systems. Their Columns are typically asymetrical with asymetrical 3 stage arms on the 10,000lb two posts models and come Certified ( 2 post & 4 post ). The pads are flip up style and Rotary offers many attachments to fit your automotive needs. Premium grade and cost 30 to 40 percent higher than China brands. Great for permits & inspections for automotive shops.
Forward - Canadian / US

Built in the Rotary Asian plant made from asian steel. Built to their highest standards as well utilizing on Forwards two posts lifts, Rotary's longer direct drive hydraulic cylinders versus chain driven systems. The columns are symetrical with asymetrical 3 stage arms that typically have a lower pad height than Rotary by a small margin. This also gives you a few more inches of drive through capacity over the Rotary two post ( 10,000 to 12,000lb models ). Not as many pad & accessary options as Rotary. All Forward lifts are Certified just like Rotary ( 2 post & 4 posts ). Premium grade and cost 20 to 30 percent higher than China Brands, because of construction standards & certifications. Great for permits & inspections for automotive shops.
Direct Lifts - China
Built in Rotary's Asian plant made of asian steel. Two posts that are 7,000 to 8,000lbs rated are chain driven and the 9,000 to 10,000lb rated systems are direct drive hydraulic sytems utilizing shorter cylinders than it's Rotary / Forward family. The columns are symetrical with asymetrical 2 stage arms. These two posts lifts
are not Certified. The 9,000 to 10,000 lb systems are very well built but are non commercial by design ( cost ). Not recommended for automotive shops because you really should be looking at a Certified lift for many reasons. On the other hand the Direct Lifts 4 post systems like the 8,000 to 9,000lb units come Certified and are very nice units. When you order a Forward brand 4 post 9,000lb system, you are getting a Direct Lift unit. These would be considered their mid-level grade. Good for permits & inspections for the automive shops.
I have done my research like you all have because I am purchasing for my shop as well.
Hope this helps out some. So now you can call your local rep and have some general ammunition.