Jesus Christ guys. This is starting to feel like the Bimmerforums with all the people saying harsh ******** things to someone that is taking the time to contribute something to a car enthusiast forum. And its a fellow Viper owner to boot. And that is the very reason I left the bimmerforums and vowed to never go back, people treating other good people with the nastiest attitudes I have ever seen.
And plainly making fun of someones speech impediment is freakin pathetic and it makes you look like a damn fool. I can only wish all your children have the very same speech problems you feel it is ok to make fun of then we would see how funny it is when others make fun of your child.
Dont get me wrong I dont think everything everyone (or even twister) posts on here is the most awesome reading or veiwing material but my god I am not gonna call someone every name in the book or make fun of them or imply that they are a loser who should not be on here at all.
In fact I have seen Twister post alot of times here and he has always been very polite and curteous even in the face of ridicule he is still a very nice guy which is more than alot of us could say about ourselves if the tables were turned.
If there are any moderators on here that give a crap about others and the way good people are treated on their forum I hope this crap is cleaned up really soon.
I love this forum and all the members but I will not conform to the behavior that this forum is currently displaying. And I hope everyone here will look at this thread from Twisters point of view and think how you are treating another person who is trying their best to be a part of something they too are passionate about.
Oh and Twister I like both cars, you are lucky to have 2 nice machines like that. And I must agree the NSX does still look sweet for a 20 year old car. And thanks for being such a nice guy and dealing with a bunch of ***** which such respect. I wish I was a nice as you buddy