Thanks for the words of advice there DEKE01. I do plan on taking some type of course when I get back to truly learn the power of the snake, especially once it gets a few little more upgrades. I was only able to track the car once and I know that is a whole different ball game than an actual road course which is what I want to run it on.
I did notice that many times at stops like gas stations, grocery stores, etc people would want to stop, admire, and talk. I did not mind at all talking with them as most are just curious about power, how fantastic it looks, etc. When I would eat at a resturant I would try and sit where I can peak out a window and keep an eye on the car, as many times people would walk right up to it, and sometimes get too close if you ask me. You are correct and I did notice cars that would try to run right up next to me, rev and want to race just going the speed limit. Most of the time I would just smile. I have not been run off of the rode when I was driving it though, that would be scary as you don't know if they may be trying to car jack you or what. There for sure is things you have to watch out for driving this car is it does get attention, but to me its WELL worth it. Long live the Viper
I did notice that many times at stops like gas stations, grocery stores, etc people would want to stop, admire, and talk. I did not mind at all talking with them as most are just curious about power, how fantastic it looks, etc. When I would eat at a resturant I would try and sit where I can peak out a window and keep an eye on the car, as many times people would walk right up to it, and sometimes get too close if you ask me. You are correct and I did notice cars that would try to run right up next to me, rev and want to race just going the speed limit. Most of the time I would just smile. I have not been run off of the rode when I was driving it though, that would be scary as you don't know if they may be trying to car jack you or what. There for sure is things you have to watch out for driving this car is it does get attention, but to me its WELL worth it. Long live the Viper