Yes, this is a shameless heads-up/plug for the VCA event !!
There was an early arrival to the Ga. VCA BBQ at my house (pics below)
The BBQ is June 27th......All other VCA states are more than welcome. Last year we had 25 cars from five or six states. The Al/Tn club made a huge showing. Ga did a Mtn. run on the way up and Al/Tn organized a Mtn. run on the way home (with others joining in) Plan on spending the night too, more going on than just lunch !!! If you are not a current VCA member...come over and you will want to join up after this. I know in Ga. you can get your $$ back from free food !!!!
2008 pictures:
2007 pictures:
2009 info post:
Last year we had a supercharged Copperhead with a critter show up.........
This year a little on the early side I had a real copperhead show up
There was an early arrival to the Ga. VCA BBQ at my house (pics below)
The BBQ is June 27th......All other VCA states are more than welcome. Last year we had 25 cars from five or six states. The Al/Tn club made a huge showing. Ga did a Mtn. run on the way up and Al/Tn organized a Mtn. run on the way home (with others joining in) Plan on spending the night too, more going on than just lunch !!! If you are not a current VCA member...come over and you will want to join up after this. I know in Ga. you can get your $$ back from free food !!!!
2008 pictures:
2007 pictures:
2009 info post:
Last year we had a supercharged Copperhead with a critter show up.........
This year a little on the early side I had a real copperhead show up
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