and again why restore JonB et al. later and not earlier??????
some folk are thick
some folk are thick
Well since you chastised me and edited my post a couple of days ago because I mentioned JonB, I would like to see how this works out. Until then:
I have no problem with JonB coming back into the club, and he'll tell you that. I want our Viper family back together, all of us. But I can't do it alone. Everyone has to get on board. We have to say enough is enough and work to bring this club back.
Big changes are coming, and it is going to take all of us to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. There will be a few cracks or scars, but we have to fix our family the best we can and move forward.
Randal, please don't take this the wrong way because I don't meant it negatively.
I think you need to open your eyes and take the earplugs out on what is happening. We ARE all on board. We ARE all pushing for change.
I watched this all transpire from the beginning. From JonB, to the SIMPLE financial transparency questions being asked in the members area that were blatantly ignored. The request of meeting notes that were never published. Etc...
It is sad that it took whistle blowing to shed light on the dark areas of this club's management.
We are all here Randal, members, owners, and enthusiasts alike. We all want the same thing. Like you said, enough is enough.
Hey Jon,
I didn't take it the wrong way. Your points are valid.
I haven't talked to you in a long time. Hope California is treating you well.
My eyes are open and the earplugs have been out since the January President's meeting. Being able to do something about it is another thing. I know Maurice would love to publish things like the financials, but seeing that Maurice and I have never seen a bank statement, let alone know what bank accounts or even what bank we do business with since we took office. Secret meetings, etc. that have been going on without Maurice's and my knowledge and without the knowledge of the Zone Directors, Directors at Large, or the Presidents. I've never seen the contracts for VPA or Viper Magazine, and I'm sure Maurice has not either.
I know everyone is upset and I'm upset too. I'm not trying to make excuses, but it is what it is. With all of us being on the outside looking in for so long, it's going to take a couple weeks to get a grip on things and get as much information as we can, make changes and move forward.
As I said before, I can walk away from this situation(s) if I want to. As I had nothing to do with it, about it, or involved in it. I'll stick around and try to fix the problems (but a few people in some positions will/may have to go), or I can just leave and still put my head on my pillow at night and sleep. I have no monitary gain in it. I make nothing from it.
I'm in it for the long haul, but if people don't want me involved, I'll be more than happy to go on my way. My Ohio members love me and I love them. I can keep my ass right here in Ohio.
Either way, maybe I'll start to enjoy driving my Viper again someday.![]()
I too, am in full support of Jon B.
The club needs more guys like him.
.......or, just let him come back.
depends on how much forgiveness the VCA is asking for. some things are not possibly forgivable
what forgiveness is being asked of the people here?
Please forgive the name "VCA Forum Staff" and have some trust in the current moderators. There are still MANY angry *** that have been sent through to us, yet the people who they are directed at (and the policies they supported ) are no longer operating as moderators. Understand we are here to help build the site again, not go down the roads that were travelled by people who previously used this account. Yes, as Tony mentioned, there were many people who once had access to this account, but this is no longer the case.
Please forgive the name "VCA Forum Staff" and have some trust in the current moderators. There are still MANY angry *** that have been sent through to us, yet the people who they are directed at (and the policies they supported ) are no longer operating as moderators. Understand we are here to help build the site again, not go down the roads that were travelled by people who previously used this account. Yes, as Tony mentioned, there were many people who once had access to this account, but this is no longer the case.
Please forgive the name "VCA Forum Staff" and have some trust in the current moderators. There are still MANY angry *** that have been sent through to us, yet the people who they are directed at (and the policies they supported ) are no longer operating as moderators. Understand we are here to help build the site again, not go down the roads that were travelled by people who previously used this account. Yes, as Tony mentioned, there were many people who once had access to this account, but this is no longer the case.
I confess. I am Jon B.
Okay, maybe not but I would love to see him back here too. ;(
I was also one that could not stand the "VCA Forum Staff" title. But, going forward I also believe that nobody has the right to make threats, etc towards the moderators.
I understand that past moderation probably had a lot of Lee and Chris Marshalls personal's touch, but real moderators should not have to put up with personal threats, etc.
I do feel that after one warning, personal threats should not being tolerated and those personal threats should be posted on the forum, just so we can see who exactly is on our forum and their true colors and intentions. I believe in my heart that there are enough good people on this forum to know and act against said personal threats by posting so by voicing their opinions in majority. As crazy as it sounds, transparency will solve all problems, even if they start out a little ugly.
Just so that you know, your post being taking down was brought to my attention by JonB himself. I talked to the moderators and that point we had the backing and decided to stop the "scorched earth policy". I want all of this stuff stopped as do the moderators.
You have to understand that I am not a moderator, I cannot edit posts or delete posts. I do not have that access. I have no more access to the website than a Regional President.
And everyone needs to realize that Maurice and myself, as well as the Zone Directors and the Directors at Large, and the Regional Presidents were angered as much as you were when the Chrysler letter came out. We too thought everything was fine with Chrysler. None of us I mentioned above were privy to what was really going on.
We are playing catch up, hours and hours on conference calls, hundreds of emails everyday since this letter came out, we are finally getting a grip on everything. We realize that people are angry and just want to see results and/or just beat us over the head. And you know, that's OK.
Big changes are coming, but it's not going to be like turning a light switch off and on.
We're just trying to save this club for everyone. And like I said before, I'm sure we'll see JonB, Tedd, and bunch of others back sooner than later.
I appreciate your efforts in trying to open things up now, but I have to ask, how in the hell did you "outsiders" sit there and allow the "insiders" to just ignore your requests for information and have secret meetings? You are all *** MEMBERS and/or NATIONAL OFFICERS. The line should have been drawn immediately that either everything opens up (AT LEAST to the *** and Officers), or that this behavior is going public. I realize you had to sign an NDA, but you would not have been disclosing anything by going public except the secrecy and lack of information. You could't actually get anything TO disclose.
That's what some of us were waiting for - a board member or National Officer telling us what was going on. If you and even Maurice didn't know what was going on financially that can only mean Lee, who was also the former treasurer if my facts are right, and Chris Marshall were controlling everything.
Again, thanks Randall for sharing this information.
Note I do have one lingering question that you probably can't answer. If things were being done in secret it would take the treasurer and one other officer to know about them if financials were involved. Meaning, most organizations are set up so any checks written require two signatures. Who has signatory authority over bank accounts?
Later. Later. This is a chance for you to take quick simple action that starts the rebuilding now. One email to the *** with agreement and that's it.
THANK YOU TONY, THANK YOU RANDALL. So glad we are hearing this from the Regional Pres/Directors. Seems we have all had enough and it's not simply a matter of a few squeaky wheels. Do either of you know what's currently going on at the national level, or have you been "left" out of the communication in this matter as well?
I have no problem with letting JonB back into the club. It's way overdue. The 12/31 email vote asking the board and officers to extend his suspension was way out of line, unnecessary and another skid mark on the underwear that is the VCA. There's great resistance by a few not to let him back into the club. According to one of them I am defying the board by evening mentioning his name on this site. Defy? **** you. It's been publicized that the 12/31 vote was unanimous. That's a misrepresentation as I and others told the then president to go fornicate themselves with the vote.
And I question the validity of that 12/31 email vote in and of itself. Questions that fell on deaf ears, until now.