I’ve been hoping that one of the 4 national officers would see this thread and respond first. As a long time VCA member, former Region President, organizer of numerous VCA events and activities, Zone Director, and member of the board of directors...... I have some REALLY strong feelings about these issues, but I will only speak for myself. However, consider me to be ”taking the badge off”. I’m going to give you my two cents as just a plain old VCA member.
Ten seconds on background history. First, I have lost count of what I call the “sparklers” we’ve had in the VCA since it’s beginning. You all should know what I’m talking about. They buy a car, come to a few meetings, get VERY active.......... and 6 months..... a year....... two years later........ they are gone, whether their car is sold or not. Second, God help us all that we survived the way our VCA structure used to function. You have no idea how many complaints and problems there were because of all the little regional “kingdoms”, many controlled by car dealers and other parties for their own interests. We need to keep this history in mind.
Given that background, I’m going to tell you what I want to know about an individual before electing them as a VCA officer.
How long have they been “around”?
Do they have some kind of history for attending and supporting all types of VCA events?
Do they work well in a “team” environment with others?
Do they possess “management” skills?
Beyond those skills, can they win friends and influence people? Are they a LEADER?
Do they have diplomatic and negotiating abilities?
How well do they handle criticism, or react if there is disagreement?
Are they willing to work long hours, unpaid, for the benefit of others?
Do they have any kind of “vested interest” to benefit from being an officer?
Finally, and perhaps MOST important........ do I believe they are “in it for the LONG term"!?
I want to see my eventual leader in action! Does that person really understand the nuances and problems involved with leading a region, and possess personality traits that their local members believe are “worthy” of their respect? Should not a person have that background and experience BEFORE leading the whole organization?
Now, the next step is having somewhat proved themself, they can move up to a higher management position like a ZD or DAL, and join the national board of directors. The good thing here is that they DO have to win ANOTHER election by their PEERS....... being all the other officers of every region in their Zone. Who, other than these people, are qualified to pass judgement for that new kind of responsibility? Do you think any VCA member in a region or Zone...... who would get a ballot........ and who may NEVER have come to a meeting....... or NEVER met any candidate....... should be relied upon to make the decision about who is best suited for that position? I sure don’t.
Ok, so now they get elected and become a national board member. If they do not already know other members of the board, representing all of THEIR areas, they soon will. If they have further ambition, the next step then involves whether, over time, their fellow board members witness and have the confidence that they have the skills, personality, and general ability to be “elected” as one of the four NATIONAL officers to represent the VCA to both the public, and in the ultra-important relationship with Dodge and DCX. Each term of office is for two years and that's it. The great news is that it gives the REST of the board the chance to see them in action, and essentially “in training”, such that they have time to develop their OWN relationships inside “the hand that feeds us”, and be ready to assume a top leadership role.
I have absolutely NO interest in electing people to represent MY own VCA membership, that I do not know for a FACT have all the skills and experience I’ve described, and who I can be 100% confident will do their job, to the best benefit of the VCA as a whole!!!!! Sorry, but anyone is going to have to “show me what ya got”....... FIRST..... to get MY vote!
Now, I know this “chain of progression” probably doesn’t set well in today’s impatient new world........ where the bottom line seems to be “I want it..... and I want it NOW! That’s fine.... this is a free country and we are all entitled to our own thoughts. Is the system we have now perfect?..... No. Can it be improved? Of course, and that will always be the goal. But, as a member, I’m not ready to “throw the baby out with the bath water” just yet!
However, with all of that said, I do agree that the VCA’s financials should be available to all members that have enough interest to want to see them, and I hope to see that happen without much more delay. I’m sure it will, and a procedure set in place to make it routine for the future. I can tell you that I see them at board meetings and I think they are handled outstandingly. As a board member representing the best interests of the members in my Zone, I am VERY comfortable with what I have seen.
One last word, and then I’ve got to get some sleep. I witness that the VCA board of directors is VERY concerned about growing new leadership. We NEED fresh talent and new ideas..... and every meeting there is talk about how we can get even MORE people involved..... and willing to volunteer their time and efforts. If anyone wants to become an elected leader in this organization, the only thing standing in your way....... is YOU! If you think only your CAR is a “magic carpet ride” to meeting interesting people and doing cool things...... I will promise you that working for your fellow members presents even far MORE opportunities for fun. Get involved. Show everyone what you can bring to the table. Others will seek you out to lead them. I know that Chris Marshall is one of those members that I want to see leading the VCA in the future, and there are others out there like Chris that have just as much ability, intelligence, and passion. Many don't hang out on the website.... but look for them at your local meetings. And, if you have problems in a particular region, or even Zone, volunteer your efforts to help solve them.