JimDavis MT 97GTS 650R
Searching for a solution to a low speed running problem. The car has a tendency to "lope" at low RPM causing a jerky driving condition. Changed all the plugs. Checked all the ignition wires etc and now am out of ideas. Recalling that the Generation "I" had a similar problem that related to throttle syncronization, I thought perhaps this might be the problem seeing as how I had a shop remove and clean and adjust the throttle bodys last fall. Since that time, the Viper tech has left and I am currently up a creek with out a paddle. Any sugetions as to how to proceide? Is it the left (drivers side) throttle body that should slightly lead the right when opening. and is this achieved by adjusting the single screw "out" on top of the linkege shaft, or the individule idle screws at the base of each throttle body?
A little knowledge could be a dangerous thing! Thanks in advance. (JD)
A little knowledge could be a dangerous thing! Thanks in advance. (JD)